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Created March 12, 2018 16:29
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Pixel-Perfect scaling script, ported to Godot 3.
# original code by CowThing:
# port to Godot 3 and bugfixes by atomius.
# usage:
# set this script as AutoLoad (Singleton enabled)
# in the project settings:
# [display]
# set 'window/size/width' and 'window/size/height' to your desired render resolution.
# set 'window/size/test_width' and 'window/size/test_height' to the initial window size.
# set 'window/stretch/mode' to "viewport"
# [rendering]
# set 'quality/2d/use_pixel_snap' to true.
extends Node
onready var root = get_tree().root
onready var base_size = root.get_visible_rect().size
func _ready():
get_tree().connect("screen_resized", self, "_on_screen_resized")
func _on_screen_resized():
var new_window_size = OS.window_size
var scale_w = max(int(new_window_size.x / base_size.x), 1)
var scale_h = max(int(new_window_size.y / base_size.y), 1)
var scale = min(scale_w, scale_h)
var diff = new_window_size - (base_size * scale)
var diffhalf = (diff * 0.5).floor()
root.set_attach_to_screen_rect(Rect2(diffhalf, base_size * scale))
# Black bars to prevent flickering:
var odd_offset = Vector2(int(new_window_size.x) % 2, int(new_window_size.y) % 2)
max(diffhalf.x, 0), # prevent negative values, they make the black bars go in the wrong direction.
max(diffhalf.y, 0),
max(diffhalf.x, 0) + odd_offset.x,
max(diffhalf.y, 0) + odd_offset.y
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