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Last active February 6, 2025 06:42
Guacamole REST API Examples

Get token

curl -X POST -d 'username=MYUSERNAME&password=MYPASSWORD' http://localhost:8080/guacamole/api/tokens


  "authToken": "C90FE11682EE3A8CCA339F1135FF02D0A97CDDDE440A970B559D005517BE6EA8",
  "username": "guacadmin",
  "dataSource": "postgresql",
  "availableDataSources": [

Encode client url string

  1. Get connections list
curl 'http://localhost:8080/guacamole/api/session/data/postgresql/connections?token=<TOKEN>'| jq


  "1": {
    "name": "win",
    "identifier": "1",
    "parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
    "protocol": "rdp",
    "attributes": {
      "guacd-encryption": null,
      "failover-only": null,
      "weight": null,
      "max-connections": null,
      "guacd-hostname": null,
      "guacd-port": null,
      "max-connections-per-user": null
    "activeConnections": 0,
    "lastActive": 1591774964770
  "2": {
    "name": "win1",
    "identifier": "2",
    "parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
    "protocol": "rdp",
    "attributes": {
      "guacd-encryption": null,
      "failover-only": null,
      "weight": null,
      "max-connections": null,
      "guacd-hostname": null,
      "guacd-port": null,
      "max-connections-per-user": null
    "activeConnections": 1,
    "lastActive": 1591774407688

Notes (link):

The necessary information is indeed there - you just need to know how to generate the URL. The base64 bit after ".../guacamole/client/" in the URL of a connection is built from the following information:

  1. The connection identifier (in MySQL / PostgreSQL, this will be the connection ID)
  2. The type ("c" for connections and "g" for balancing groups)
  3. The identifier of the auth provider storing the connection data (usually "postgresql", "mysql", or "ldap" - in your case the correct value would be "mysql")

Each of these components separated from the other by a single NULL character (U+0000), with the resulting string encoded with base64.

  1. Encode string
printf '2\0c\0postgresql' | base64


  1. URL
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oh thank you for this!!!

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iota-008 commented Mar 1, 2023

i don't want to pass the token in URL, instead in headers. but unable to open the URL in a new tab with headers...

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Why am I being forbiden while trying to create new connection by passing connection credentials?

Input example.
//dataSource = mysql
//name = pc1
//ipAddress =
//vncPassword = 1234
//guacUser = guacUser
//guacPass = guacPass
//authToken = C73AFEFFB51E5BFC403771D6C48B3DA4400A28B7D4C73DDD10204B1B42B8A94E

private createConnection(authToken: string, dataSource: string, name: string, ipAddress: string, vncPassword: string) {
var port = '5900';
const connectionData = {
"parentIdentifier": "ROOT",
"name": name,
"protocol": "vnc",
"attributes": {
"failover- only": "",
"guacd-encryption": "",
"guacd-hostname": "",
"guacd-port": "",
"max-connections": "",
"max-connections-per-user": "",
"weight": ""

  "parameters": {
    "hostname": ipAddress,
    "port": port,
    "username": this.guacUser,
    "password": this.guacPass,
    //"password": "vncPassword" // Pass VNC password if required

const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization', `Bearer ${authToken}`);
return`${this.baseUrl}/session/data/${dataSource}/connections`, connectionData, { headers });



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