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Last active October 1, 2022 21:28
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Mirror of the three.js function to set the camera from here:
const fitCameraToCenteredObject = function (camera, object, offset, orbitControls ) {
const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
boundingBox.setFromObject( object );
var middle = new THREE.Vector3();
var size = new THREE.Vector3();
// figure out how to fit the box in the view:
// 1. figure out horizontal FOV (on non-1.0 aspects)
// 2. figure out distance from the object in X and Y planes
// 3. select the max distance (to fit both sides in)
// The reason is as follows:
// Imagine a bounding box (BB) is centered at (0,0,0).
// Camera has vertical FOV (camera.fov) and horizontal FOV
// (camera.fov scaled by aspect, see fovh below)
// Therefore if you want to put the entire object into the field of view,
// you have to compute the distance as: z/2 (half of Z size of the BB
// protruding towards us) plus for both X and Y size of BB you have to
// figure out the distance created by the appropriate FOV.
// The FOV is always a triangle:
// (size/2)
// +--------+
// | /
// | /
// | /
// | F° /
// | /
// | /
// | /
// |/
// F° is half of respective FOV, so to compute the distance (the length
// of the straight line) one has to: `size/2 / Math.tan(F)`.
// FTR, from
// the camera.fov is the vertical FOV.
const fov = camera.fov * ( Math.PI / 180 );
const fovh = 2*Math.atan(Math.tan(fov/2) * camera.aspect);
let dx = size.z / 2 + Math.abs( size.x / 2 / Math.tan( fovh / 2 ) );
let dy = size.z / 2 + Math.abs( size.y / 2 / Math.tan( fov / 2 ) );
let cameraZ = Math.max(dx, dy);
// offset the camera, if desired (to avoid filling the whole canvas)
if( offset !== undefined && offset !== 0 ) cameraZ *= offset;
camera.position.set( 0, 0, cameraZ );
// set the far plane of the camera so that it easily encompasses the whole object
const minZ = boundingBox.min.z;
const cameraToFarEdge = ( minZ < 0 ) ? -minZ + cameraZ : cameraZ - minZ;
camera.far = cameraToFarEdge * 3;
if ( orbitControls !== undefined ) {
// set camera to rotate around the center = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// prevent camera from zooming out far enough to create far plane cutoff
orbitControls.maxDistance = cameraToFarEdge * 2;
// prevent the camera from have a glitch right after setting
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