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Created January 17, 2018 10:00
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  • Save atooni/45fbbdb6407d90c4553a755d78866e30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/opt/java/bin/java -javaagent:/opt/idea-IU-173.3727.127/lib/idea_rt.jar=32813:/opt/idea-IU-173.3727.127/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /opt/java/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/deploy.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/javaws.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/jce.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/jfxswt.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/management-agent.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/plugin.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/resources.jar:/opt/java/jre/lib/rt.jar:/andreas/projects/blended/blended.scep/target/test-classes:/andreas/projects/blended/blended.scep/target/classes:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.11/scala-library-2.11.11.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.11.11/scala-reflect-2.11.11.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.25/slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/com/google/code/jscep/jscep/2.5.0/jscep-2.5.0.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/1.51/bcpkix-jdk15on-1.51.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.51/bcprov-jdk15on-1.51.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.4/commons-io-2.4.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.7/commons-codec-1.7.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/net/jcip/jcip-annotations/1.0/jcip-annotations-1.0.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-core/1.2.3/logback-core-1.2.3.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.2.3/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scalatest/scalatest_2.11/3.0.4/scalatest_2.11-3.0.4.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scalactic/scalactic_2.11/3.0.4/scalactic_2.11-3.0.4.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.5/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.5.jar:/home/andreas/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parser-combinators_2.11/1.0.4/scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.4.jar blended.scep.internal.ScepTestClient
INFO | 2018-01-17-10:17.50.974 | 143 | b.scep.internal.ScepTestClient | Starting Scep Test Client ...
INFO | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.081 | 250 | b.scep.internal.ScepEnroller | Enrolling entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.275 | 444 | org.jscep.client.Client | Determining capabilities of SCEP server
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.278 | 447 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.333 | 502 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.336 | 505 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | CA capabilities:
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] AES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Rollover
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] HTTP POST
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Renewal
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SCEP Standard
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] SHA-512 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-256 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-1 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] Triple DES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.337 | 506 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Update
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.387 | 556 | org.jscep.client.Client | Enrolling certificate with CA
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.511 | 680 | org.jscep.client.Client | Certificate is self-signed
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.511 | 680 | org.jscep.client.Client | Determining capabilities of SCEP server
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.512 | 681 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.513 | 682 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.513 | 682 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | CA capabilities:
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.513 | 682 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] AES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Rollover
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] HTTP POST
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Renewal
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SCEP Standard
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] SHA-512 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-256 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-1 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] Triple DES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.514 | 683 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Update
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.515 | 684 | org.jscep.client.Client | Retrieving current CA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.517 | 686 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACert to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACert&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.518 | 687 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACert to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACert&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.520 | 689 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | CertStore contains 1 certificate(s):
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.520 | 689 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | 1. '[dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1]'
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.520 | 689 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for recipient entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.521 | 690 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.521 | 690 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.521 | 690 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.521 | 690 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.521 | 690 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for recipient entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for message signing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for message signing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for issuing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
Subject: OU=SCEP CA,O=scep-ca,C=US
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
Subject: OU=SCEP CA,O=scep-ca,C=US
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.522 | 691 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for issuing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | Requesting certificate verification.
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | Certificate verification passed.
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | Verifying signature of RA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | RA and CA are identical
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | Verifying signature of RA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | RA and CA are identical
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | org.jscep.client.Client | Determining capabilities of SCEP server
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.523 | 692 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | CA capabilities:
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] AES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Rollover
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] HTTP POST
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Renewal
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SCEP Standard
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] SHA-512 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-256 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-1 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] Triple DES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.525 | 694 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Update
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.529 | 698 | org.jscep.client.Client | Retrieving current CA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.529 | 698 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACert to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACert&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACert to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACert&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | CertStore contains 1 certificate(s):
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | 1. '[dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1]'
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for recipient entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for recipient entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for message signing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
Key Usage: KeyUsage [
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | No certificates selected
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for message signing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.530 | 699 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Looking for issuing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selecting certificate using X509CertSelector: [
Subject: OU=SCEP CA,O=scep-ca,C=US
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Selected 1 certificate(s) using X509CertSelector: [
Subject: OU=SCEP CA,O=scep-ca,C=US
matchAllSubjectAltNames flag: true
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | c.i.AbstractCertStoreInspector | Using [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1] for issuing entity
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | Requesting certificate verification.
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | Certificate verification passed.
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | Verifying signature of RA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | RA and CA are identical
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | Verifying signature of RA certificate
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.531 | 700 | org.jscep.client.Client | RA and CA are identical
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.560 | 729 | org.jscep.client.Client | Determining capabilities of SCEP server
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.560 | 729 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | .j.t.UrlConnectionGetTransport | Received '200 OK' when sending GetCACaps to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=GetCACaps&message=
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | CA capabilities:
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] AES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Rollover
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] HTTP POST
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Renewal
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SCEP Standard
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] SHA-512 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-256 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] SHA-1 Message Digest
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✓] Triple DES Encryption
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.561 | 730 | j.t.r.GetCaCapsResponseHandler | [✗] Certificate Update
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.562 | 731 | org.jscep.client.Client | SHA-256 PKCS#10 Fingerprint: [d1e67dfb0c7018388bd33ff563375b6759bb690453d976c99ebecff0237b8d76]
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.562 | 731 | o.j.message.PkiMessageEncoder | Encoding pkiMessage
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.562 | 731 | o.j.message.PkiMessageEncoder | Encoding message: org.jscep.message.PkcsReq@4b0b0854[transId=8aac0dfb0b7d79382b4abb7eab6edb88a52a816c,messageType=PKCS_REQ,senderNonce=Nonce [7c00b7673c28c15f8033e554b1e85a3d],messageData=org.bouncycastle.pkcs.PKCS10CertificationRequest@7bc8f802]
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.577 | 746 | o.j.m.PkcsPkiEnvelopeEncoder | Encoding pkcsPkiEnvelope
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.584 | 753 | o.j.m.PkcsPkiEnvelopeEncoder | Encrypting pkcsPkiEnvelope using key belonging to [dn=OU=SCEP CA, O=scep-ca, C=US; serial=1]
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.679 | 848 | o.j.m.PkcsPkiEnvelopeEncoder | Finished encoding pkcsPkiEnvelope
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.680 | 849 | o.j.message.PkiMessageEncoder | Signing pkiMessage using key belonging to [dn=CN=myserver, O=WOQ, C=DE; serial=1]
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.692 | 861 | o.j.message.PkiMessageEncoder | Signing org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSProcessableByteArray@d554c5f content
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.698 | 867 | o.j.message.PkiMessageEncoder | Finished encoding pkiMessage
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.698 | 867 | o.j.t.EnrollmentTransaction | Sending org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSSignedData@69c81773
DEBUG | 2018-01-17-10:17.51.706 | 875 | j.t.UrlConnectionPostTransport | Received '500 Internal Server Error' when sending org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSSignedData@69c81773 to http://localhost:8080/scep?operation=PKIOperation
Exception in thread "main" org.jscep.transaction.TransactionException: org.jscep.transport.TransportException: 500 Internal Server Error
at org.jscep.transaction.Transaction.send(
at org.jscep.transaction.EnrollmentTransaction.send(
at org.jscep.client.Client.send(
at org.jscep.client.Client.enrol(
at org.jscep.client.Client.enrol(
at blended.scep.internal.ScepEnroller.enroll(ScepEnroller.scala:93)
at blended.scep.internal.ScepTestClient$.main(ScepTestClient.scala:22)
at blended.scep.internal.ScepTestClient.main(ScepTestClient.scala)
Caused by: org.jscep.transport.TransportException: 500 Internal Server Error
at org.jscep.transport.UrlConnectionPostTransport.sendRequest(
at org.jscep.transaction.Transaction.send(
... 7 more
Process finished with exit code 1
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atooni commented Jan 28, 2020 via email

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MrLango commented Jan 29, 2020


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