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Last active December 31, 2018 09:08
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- FelixbleContexts required for MonadState
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, get, put, runStateT, evalStateT, execStateT)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
-- Threading the state trough functions and returning vale and state product
inc1 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
inc1 state = (value, newState)
value = state
newState = state + 1
mul10 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
mul10 state = (value, newState)
value = state
newState = state * 10
inc1mul10 :: Int -> ((Int, Int), Int)
inc1mul10 state = (value, finalState)
(incVal, state') = inc1 state
(mulVal, finalState) = mul10 state'
value = (incVal, mulVal)
runInc1Mul10 = inc1mul10 10
-- Using custom state
data S s a = S (s -> (a, s))
instance Functor (S s) where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> S s a -> S s b
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (s -> (a, s)) -> (s -> (b, s))
fmap f (S stateFunc) = S $ \startState ->
let (value, newState) = stateFunc startState
in (f value, newState)
instance Applicative (S s) where
-- pure :: a -> f a
-- pure :: a -> S s a
-- pure :: a -> (s -> (a, s))
pure a = S $ \s -> (a, s)
-- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- (<*>) :: S s (a -> b) -> S s a -> S s b
-- (<*>) :: (s -> ((a -> b), s)) -> (s -> (a, s)) -> (s -> (b, s))
(S stateFuncA) <*> (S stateFuncB) = S $ \startState ->
let (function, newState) = stateFuncA startState
(value, finalState) = stateFuncB newState
in (function value, finalState)
instance Monad (S s) where
return = pure
-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- (>>=) :: S s a -> (a -> S s b) -> S s b
-- (>>=) :: (s -> (a, s)) -> (a -> s -> (a, s)) -> (s -> (b, s))
(S stateFunc) >>= f = S $ \startState ->
let (value, newState) = stateFunc startState
(S stateFuncB) = f value
in stateFuncB newState
runS :: S s a -> s -> (a, s)
runS (S s) a = s a
getS :: S s s
getS = S $ \s -> (s, s)
putS :: s -> S s ()
-- putS s = S $ \_ -> ((), s)
putS s = S $ const ((), s)
inc1S :: S Int Int
inc1S = do
x <- getS
putS $ x + 1
return x
mul10S :: S Int Int
mul10S = do
x <- getS
putS $ x * 10
return x
inc1mul10S :: S Int (Int, Int)
inc1mul10S = do
x1 <- inc1S
x2 <- mul10S
return (x1, x2)
runInc1Mul10S = (runS inc1mul10S) 10
-- Using newtype
newtype Sn s a = Sn { runSn :: s -> (a,s) }
instance Functor (Sn s) where
fmap f x = Sn $ \s0 ->
let (a, s1) = (runSn x) s0
in (f a, s1)
instance Applicative (Sn s) where
pure a = Sn $ \s -> (a, s)
sa <*> sb = Sn $ \s0 ->
let (fn, s1) = (runSn sa) s0
(a, s2) = (runSn sb) s1
in (fn a, s2)
instance Monad (Sn s) where
return = pure
x >>= f = Sn $ \s0 ->
let (a, s1) = (runSn x) s0
sb = f a
in runSn sb s1
getSn :: Sn s s
getSn = Sn $ \s -> (s, s)
putSn :: s -> Sn s ()
putSn s = Sn $ const ((), s)
inc1Sn :: Sn Int Int
inc1Sn = do
x <- getSn
putSn $ x + 1
return x
mul10Sn :: Sn Int Int
mul10Sn = do
x <- getSn
putSn $ x * 10
return x
inc1mul10Sn :: Sn Int (Int, Int)
inc1mul10Sn = do
x1 <- inc1Sn
x2 <- mul10Sn
return (x1, x2)
runInc1Mul10Sn = (runSn inc1mul10Sn) 10
-- Using State monad (StateT Identity)
inc1ST :: State Int Int
inc1ST = do
x <- get
put $ x + 1
return x
mul10ST :: State Int Int
mul10ST = do
x <- get
put $ x * 10
return x
inc1mul10ST :: State Int (Int, Int)
inc1mul10ST = do
x1 <- inc1ST
x2 <- mul10ST
return (x1, x2)
runInc1Mul10ST :: Identity ((Int, Int), Int)
runInc1Mul10ST = (runStateT inc1mul10ST) 10
-- Using MonadState
inc1MS :: (MonadState Int m) => m Int
inc1MS = do
x <- get
put $ x + 1
return x
mul10MS :: (MonadState Int m) => m Int
mul10MS = do
x <- get
put $ x * 10
return x
inc1mul10MS :: (MonadState Int m) => m (Int, Int)
inc1mul10MS = do
x1 <- inc1MS
x2 <- mul10MS
return (x1, x2)
runInc1Mul10MS :: Identity ((Int, Int), Int)
runInc1Mul10MS = (runStateT inc1mul10MS) 10
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "threading state and value state product"
let (val, st) = runInc1Mul10
putStrLn $ "Value: " ++ show val
putStrLn $ "State: " ++ show st
putStrLn "using custom state"
let (valS, stS) = runInc1Mul10S
putStrLn $ "Value: " ++ show valS
putStrLn $ "State: " ++ show stS
putStrLn "using custom state with newtype"
let (valSn, stSn) = runInc1Mul10Sn
putStrLn $ "Value: " ++ show valSn
putStrLn $ "State: " ++ show stSn
putStrLn "using State Monad"
let (valST, stST) = runIdentity runInc1Mul10ST
putStrLn $ "Value: " ++ show valST
putStrLn $ "State: " ++ show stST
putStrLn "using MonadState"
let (valMS, stMS) = runIdentity runInc1Mul10MS
putStrLn $ "Value: " ++ show valMS
putStrLn $ "State: " ++ show stMS
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