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Created January 1, 2019 09:28
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, Writer, tell, runWriter, runWriterT)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
-- manual threading of log
logSum :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> (Int, [(Int, Int)])
logSum log x y = (result, newlog)
result = x + y
newlog = log <> [(x, y)]
calc :: [(Int, Int)] -> ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
calc log = (result, newlog)
result = (x, y)
(x, logx) = logSum log 1 2
(y, logy) = logSum log 2 10
newlog = log <> logx <> logy
runCalc :: ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
runCalc = calc []
-- custom writer
data W w a = W (a, w)
instance Functor (W w) where
fmap f (W (a, w)) = W (f a, w)
instance Monoid w => Applicative (W w) where
-- pure :: a -> f a
-- pure :: a -> W w a
-- pure :: a -> (a, w)
pure a = W (a, mempty)
-- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(W (f, w1)) <*> (W (x, w2)) = W (f x, w1 <> w2)
instance Monoid w => Monad (W w) where
return = pure
-- >>= :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- >>= :: W w a -> (a -> W w b) -> W w b
-- >>= :: (w, a) -> (a -> (w, b)) -> (w, b)
(W (x, w1)) >>= f = W (out, w1 <> w2)
W (out, w2) = f x
runW :: W w a -> (a, w)
runW (W x) = x
tellW :: Monoid w => w -> W w ()
tellW w = W ((), w)
logSumW :: Int -> Int -> W [(Int, Int)] Int
logSumW x y = do
tellW [(x, y)]
return $ x + y
calcW :: W [(Int, Int)] (Int, Int)
calcW = do
x <- logSumW 1 2
y <- logSumW 2 10
return (x, y)
runCalcW :: ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
runCalcW = (runW calcW)
-- newtype
newtype Wn w a = Wn { runWn :: (a, w) }
instance Functor (Wn w) where
fmap f w = Wn (f a, w')
(a, w') = runWn w
instance Monoid w => Applicative (Wn w) where
pure a = Wn (a, mempty)
-- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
w1 <*> w2 = Wn (f x, l1 <> l2)
(f, l1) = runWn w1
(x, l2) = runWn w2
instance Monoid w => Monad (Wn w) where
return = pure
w1 >>= f = Wn (out, l1 <> l2)
(x, l1) = runWn w1
(out, l2) = runWn $ f x
tellWn :: Monoid w => w -> Wn w ()
tellWn w = Wn ((), w)
logSumWn :: Int -> Int -> Wn [(Int, Int)] Int
logSumWn x y = do
tellWn [(x, y)]
return $ x + y
calcWn :: Wn [(Int, Int)] (Int, Int)
calcWn = do
x <- logSumWn 1 2
y <- logSumWn 2 10
return (x, y)
runCalcWn :: ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
runCalcWn = (runWn calcWn)
-- Writer (WriterT Identity)
logSumWM :: Int -> Int -> Writer [(Int, Int)] Int
logSumWM x y = do
tell [(x, y)]
return $ x + y
calcWM :: Writer [(Int, Int)] (Int, Int)
calcWM = do
x <- logSumWM 1 2
y <- logSumWM 2 10
return (x, y)
runCalcWM :: ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
runCalcWM = (runWriter calcWM)
-- MonadWriter
logSumMW :: MonadWriter [(Int, Int)] m => Int -> Int -> m Int
logSumMW x y = do
tell [(x, y)]
return $ x + y
calcMW :: MonadWriter [(Int, Int)] m => m (Int, Int)
calcMW = do
x <- logSumMW 1 2
y <- logSumMW 2 10
return (x, y)
runCalcMW :: Identity ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)])
runCalcMW = (runWriterT calcMW)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "threading log trough functions"
let (out, log) = runCalc
putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show out
putStrLn $ "Log: " ++ show log
putStrLn "using custom writer"
let (outW, logW) = runCalcW
putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show outW
putStrLn $ "Log: " ++ show logW
putStrLn "using custom writer with newtype"
let (outWn, logWn) = runCalcWn
putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show outWn
putStrLn $ "Log: " ++ show logWn
putStrLn "using Writer monad"
let (outWM, logWM) = runCalcWM
putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show out
putStrLn $ "Log: " ++ show log
putStrLn "using MonadState"
let (outMW, logMW) = runIdentity runCalcMW
putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show outMW
putStrLn $ "Log: " ++ show logMW
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