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Created July 23, 2022 09:27
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Define generics function in kotlin companion object
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.reflect.full.primaryConstructor
interface ExampleId {
val value: UUID
interface ExampleIdFactory<T: ExampleId>
data class HogeId(override val value: UUID): ExampleId {
companion object: ExampleIdFactory<HogeId>
data class FugaId(override val value: UUID): ExampleId {
companion object: ExampleIdFactory<FugaId>
inline fun <reified T: ExampleId> ExampleIdFactory<T>.of(uuidString: String): T {
return T::class.primaryConstructor!!.call(UUID.fromString(uuidString))
fun main() {
val hogeId = HogeId.of("8324a7c5-72b1-44a0-a767-25a1852c14fa")
val fugaId = FugaId.of("545f3251-1f95-42c7-8a9a-904c509f32c4")
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