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Last active April 30, 2024 22:24
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AWS Session Manager SSH/SCP helper
# Snippet of code to be put on ~/.bash_profile to help SSH into instances via Session Manager while specifying AWS profiles
# It can be used by saving ~/.ssm_bash_profile and adding the following line to ~/.bash_profile
# source ~/.ssm_bash_profile
function aws-ssm-instance-list {
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: aws-ssm-instance-list <profile name>"
output=$(aws ssm describe-instance-information --profile $1 --query "InstanceInformationList[*].{Name:ComputerName,Id:InstanceId,IPAddress:IPAddress}" --output text)
echo "$output"
function aws-ssm-menu {
printf "List of instances for $1:\n\n"
instance_list_output=$(aws-ssm-instance-list $1)
unset IFS
for i in "${!instance_list[@]}"; do
printf "%s) %s\n" "$i" "${instance_list[$i]}"
printf "\nSelect an instance from the list above: "
IFS= read -r opt
if [[ $opt =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && (( (opt >= 0) && (opt < "${#instance_list[@]}") )); then
return $opt
printf 'invalid option\n'
return -1
function aws-scp {
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: aws-scp <profile name> <scp parameters>"
scp -o ProxyCommand="bash -c \"aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p' --profile $1\"" ${@:2}
function aws-ssh {
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: aws-ssh <profile name> <ssh parameters>"
ssh ${@:2} -o ProxyCommand="bash -c \"aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p' --profile $1\""
function aws-ssm-session {
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: aws-ssm-session <profile name> <instance_id>"
aws ssm start-session --target $2 --profile $1
function aws-session-interactive {
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: aws-ssh-interactive <profile name>"
aws-ssm-menu $1
if [ $choice -ne 255 ] ; then
instance_id=$(echo "${instance_list[$choice]}"| awk {'print $2'})
aws-ssm-session $1 $instance_id
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Hello .. came across your gist while trying to scp files via ssm without keys, which if I understand correctly is the whole point of using ssm. When I use your functions I always get Permission denied (publickey). Are you able to transfer without keys? Thanks!

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atr0s commented Feb 25, 2023

the whole idea is to use SSM as the proxy command for SSH. In theory you should be able to do it without keys what I'd do is to try:

aws-scp your-profile -vvv /path/to/file user@host:/tmp 

Check the verbose logs and the logs on the server side to make sure you're connecting with the right user. The command as such doesn't force the use of SSH keys.

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Yeah, scp keeps looking for an identify file to use so same error (verbose output looks like it tries every key it can find before throwing the same error). Thought I found it here: ... but all it does is copy the key for you before using ssm! Thanks for your quick reply, much appreciated. If I figure it out I'll ping you back.

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