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Last active December 27, 2017 13:48
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# __terraform__
export TF_LOG=info
alias tg-apply="terragrunt apply"
alias tg-apply-suni="terragrunt apply --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive"
alias tg-apply-all="terragrunt apply-all"
alias tg-apply-all-suni="terragrunt apply-all --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive"
alias tg-plan="terragrunt plan"
alias tg-plan-suni="terragrunt plan --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive"
alias tg-plan-all="terragrunt plan-all"
alias tg-plan-all-suni="terragrunt plan-all --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive"
alias tg-destroy="terragrunt destroy"
alias tg-destroy-all="terragrunt destroy-all"
alias tg-output="terragrunt output"
alias find-execdir-tg-show="find . -name terraform.tfvars -execdir terragrunt show {} ';'"
alias find-execdir-tg-plan="find . -name terraform.tfvars -execdir terragrunt plan --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive {} ';'"
alias find-execdir-tg-apply="find . -name terraform.tfvars -execdir terragrunt apply --terragrunt-source-update --terragrunt-non-interactive {} ';'"
alias tf-validate="terraform validate -check-variables=false"
alias tf-fmt="terraform fmt"
alias tg-show="terragrunt show"
alias tg-state-list="terragrunt state list"
alias tg-state-show="terragrunt state show " # aws_caller_identity.current
alias tg-force-unlock="terragrunt force-unlock" # $<id>
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
complete -C /home/admirskm/bin/terraform terraform
# __terraform__
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