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Last active January 28, 2019 19:13
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Exclusivity Enforcement in Swift 5

The Swift 5 release enables runtime checking of "Exclusive Access to Memory" by default in Release builds. Previously, these runtime checks were only enabled in Debug builds. In this post, I'll explain what this change means for Swift developers and why it is essential to Swift's strategy for safety and performance.


To achieve Memory Safety, Swift requires exclusive access to a variable in order to modify that variable. In essence, a variable cannot be accessed via a different name for the duration in which the same variable is being modified as an inout argument or as self within a mutating method.

In the following example, count is accessed for modification by passing it as an inout argument. The exclusivity violation occurs because the modifier closure both reads the captured count variable and is called within the scope of the same variable's modification. Inside the modifyTwice function, the count variable may only be safely accessed via the value inout argument, and within the modified closure it may only safely be accessed as $0.

func modifyTwice(_ value: inout Int, by modifier: (inout Int) -> ()) {

func testCount() {
  var count = 1
  modifyTwice(&count) { $0 += count }

As often the case with exclusivity violations, the programmer's intention is somewhat ambiguous. Do they expect count to be printed as "3" or "4"? Either way, the compiler does not guarantee the behavior. Worse yet, compiler optimizations can produce subtly unpredictable behavior in the presence of such errors. To protect against exclusivity violations and to allow the introduction of language features that depend on safety guarantees, exclusivity enforcement was first introduced in Swift 4.0: SE-0176: Enforce Exclusive Access to Memory.

Compile-time (static) diagnostics catch many common exclusivity violations, but run-time (dynamic) diagnostics are also required to catch violations involving escaping closures, properties of class types, static properties, and global variables. Swift 4.0 provided both compile-time and run-time enforcement, but run-time enforcement was only enabled in Debug builds.

In Swift 4.1 and 4.2, compiler diagnostics were gradually strengthened to catch more and more of the cases in which programmers could skirt exclusivity rules--most notably by capturing variables in nonescaping closures or by converting nonescaping closures to escaping closures. The Swift 4.2 announcement, Upgrading exclusive access warning to be an error in Swift 4.2, explains some of the common cases affected by the newly enforced exclusivity diagnostics.

Swift 5 fixes the remaining holes in the language model and fully enforces that model1. Since run-time exclusivity enforcement is now enabled by default in Release builds, some Swift programs that previously appeared well-behaved, but weren't fully tested in Debug mode, could be affected.

1Some rare corner cases involving illegal code aren't yet diagnosed in Release builds, but they will trigger the Debug build assertion: "error: nested function with an implicitly captured inout parameter can only be used as a non-escaping argument”.

Impact on Swift projects

Exclusivity enforcement in Swift 5 may affect an existing project in two ways:

  1. If the project source violates Swift's exclusivity rules (see SE-0176: Enforce Exclusive Access to Memory, and Debug testing failed to exercise the invalid code, then executing the Release binary could trigger a runtime trap. The crash will produce a diagnostic message with the string:

    "Simultaneous accesses to ..., but modification requires exclusive access"

    A source level fix is usually straightforward. The following section shows examples of common violations and fixes.

  2. The overhead of the memory access checks could affect the performance of the Release binary. While the impact should be small in most cases, bugs should be filed for measurable performance regressions to help prioritize improvements in this area. As a general guideline, avoid performing class property access within the most performance critical loops, particularly on different objects in each loop iteration. If that isn't possible, it may help if the visibility of those class properties is private or internal.

These runtime checks can be disabled via Xcode's "Exclusive Access to Memory" build setting, which has options for "Run-time Checks in Debug Builds Only" and "Compile-time Enforcement Only":

Xcode exclusivity build setting

The corresponding swiftc compiler flags are -enforce-exclusivity=unchecked and -enforce-exclusivity=none.

While disabling run-time checks may workaround a performance regression, it does not mean that exclusivity violations are safe. Without enforcement enabled, the programmer must take responsibility for obeying exclusivity rules. Disabling run-time checks in Release builds is strongly discouraged because, if the program violates exclusivity, then it could exhibit unpredictable behavior, including crashes or memory corruption. Even if the program appears to function correctly today, future release of Swift could cause additional unpredictable behavior to surface, and security exploits may be exposed.


The "testCount" example from the Background section violates exclusivity by passing a local variable as an inout argument while simultaneously capturing it in a closure. The compiler detects this at build time, as shown in the screen shot below:

testCount error

inout argument violations can often be trivially fixed with the addition of a let:

let incrementBy = count
modifyTwice(&count) { $0 += incrementBy }

The next example may simultaneously modify self in a mutating method, producing unexpected behavior. The append(removingFrom:) method appends to an array by removing all the elements from another array:

extension Array {
    mutating func append(removingFrom other: inout Array<Element>) {
        while !other.isEmpty {

However, using this method to append an array to itself will do something unexpected — loop forever. Here, again the compiler produces an error at build time because "inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other":

append(removingFrom:) error

To avoid these simultaneous modifications, the local variable can be copied into another var before being as an ‘inout’ to the mutating method:

var toAppend = elements
elements.append(removingFrom: &toAppend)

The two modifications are now on different variables, so there is no conflict.

Examples of some common cases that cause build time errors can be found in Upgrading exclusive access warning to be an error in Swift 4.2.

Changing the first example to use a global rather than local variable prevents the compiler from raising an error at build time. Instead, running the program traps with the "Simultaneous access" diagnostic:

global count error

In many cases, as shown in the next example, the conflicting accesses occur in separate statements.

struct Point {
    var x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 0

    mutating func modifyX(_ body:(inout Int) -> ()) {

var point = Point()

let getY = { return point.y  }

// Copy `y`'s value into `x`.
point.modifyX {
    $0 = getY()

The runtime diagnostics capture the information that an access started at the call to modifyX and that a conflicting access occurred within the getY closure, along with a backtrace showing the path leading to the conflict:

Simultaneous accesses to ..., but modification requires exclusive access.
Previous access (a modification) started at Example`main + ....
Current access (a read) started at:
0    swift_beginAccess
1    closure #1
2    closure #2
3    Point.modifyX(_:)
Fatal access conflict detected.

Xcode first pinpoints the inner conflicting access:

Point error: inner position

Selecting "Previous access" from the current thread's view in the sidebar pinpoints the outer modification:

Point error: outer position

The exclusivity violation can be avoided by copying any values that need to be available within the closure:

let y = point.y
point.modifyX {
    $0 = y

If this had been written without getters and setters:

point.x = point.y

...then there would be no exclusivity violation, because in a simple assignment (with no inout argument scope), the modification is instantaneous.

At this point, the reader may wonder why the original example is considered a violation of exclusivity when two separate properties are written and read; point.x and point.y. Because Point is declared as a struct, it is considered a value type, meaning that all of its properties are part of a whole value, and accessing one property accesses the entire value. The compiler can only make exceptions to this rule in specific cases in which it can prove safety, such as:

func modifyXY(x: inout Int, y: inout Int) { ... }

func testDisjointStructProperties(point: inout Point) {
  modifyXY(x: &point.x, y: &point.y) // Allowed as a special case.

Properties can be classified into three groups:

  1. instance properties of value types

  2. instance properties of reference types

  3. static and class properties on any kind of type

Only modifications of the first kind of property (instance properties) require exclusivity access to entire storage of the aggregate value. The other two kinds of properties are enforced separately, as independent storage. If this example is converted to a class, the exclusivity violation goes away:

class SharedPoint {
    var x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 0

    func modifyX(_ body:(inout Int) -> ()) {

var point = SharedPoint()

let getY = { return point.y  } // no longer a violation when called within modifyX

// Copy `y`'s value into `x`.
point.modifyX {
    $0 = getY()


The combination of compile-time and run-time exclusivity checks described above are necessary to enforce Swift's Memory Safety. Fully enforcing those rules, rather than placing the burden on programmers to follow the rules, helps in at least five ways:

  1. Adherence to exclusivity rules removes a common class of programming bugs involving mutable state and action at a distance.

    As programs scale in size, it becomes increasingly likely for routines to interact in unexpected ways. Exclusivity rules eliminate dangerous interactions involving mutable state. The following example is similar in spirit to the Array.append(removingFrom:) example above, where exclusivity enforcement is needed to prevent the programmer from passing the same variable as both the source and destination of a move. But notice that, once classes are involved, it becomes much easier for programs to unwittingly pass the same instance of Names in both src and dest position because two variables reference the same object. Again, this causes an infinite loop:

    func moveElements(from src: inout Set<String>, to dest: inout Set<String>) {
        while let e = src.popFirst() {
    class Names {
        var nameSet: Set<String> = []
    func moveNames(from src: Names, to dest: Names) {
        moveElements(from: &src.nameSet, to: &dest.nameSet)
    var oldNames = Names()
    var newNames = oldNames // Aliasing naturally happens with reference types.
    moveNames(from: oldNames, to: newNames)

    See SE-0176: Enforce Exclusive Access to Memory for a more in-depth description of the problem.

  2. Enforcement eliminates an unspecified behavior rule from the language.

    Prior to Swift 4, these memory safety rules were unenforced, making it the programmer's responsibility to adhere to them. Swift programmers should not need to understand the intricacies of the memory model to write correct code. In practice, it is easy to violate these rules in subtle ways, leaving programs susceptible to unpredictable behavior, particularly across releases of the compiler.

  3. Enforcement is necessary for ABI stability.

    Failing to fully enforce exclusivity would have an unpredictable impact on ABI stability. Existing binaries built without full enforcement may function correctly in one release but behave incorrectly in future versions of the compiler, standard library, and runtime.

  4. Enforcement legalizes performance optimization while protecting memory safety.

    A guarantee of exclusivity on inout parameters and mutating methods provides important information to the compiler, which it can use to optimize memory access and reference counting operations. Declaring an unspecified behavior rule, as mentioned above, does not provide this guarantee. An "undefined behavior" rule is required to support optimization, but such a rule would, by definition, compromise the memory safety of the language. Full exclusivity enforcement allows the compiler to optimize based on memory exclusivity without introducing undefined behavior.

  5. Exclusivity rules are needed to give the programmer control of ownership and move-only types.

    The Ownership Manifesto intoduces the Law of Exclusivity, and explains how it provides the basis for adding ownership and move-only types to the language.


By shipping with full exclusivity enforcement enabled in Release builds, Swift 5 helps to eliminate bugs and security issues, ensure binary compatibility, and enable future optimizations and language features.

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atrick commented Jan 28, 2019

xcode exclusivity build settings

exclusivity example 4b

exclusivity example 4a

exclusivity example 3

exclusivity example 2

exclusivity example 1

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