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Last active April 27, 2018 09:53
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(ns scratch.core
[reagent.core :as r]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer (defnp p profiled profile)]))
(tufte/add-basic-println-handler! {})
(defonce props (r/atom {:todos 1}))
(defn c [prop]
[:strong (str prop)])
(defn hello-world []
[:h1 [c @props]]])
(defonce loaded (atom false))
(when-not @loaded
(r/render-component [hello-world]
(. js/document (getElementById "app")))
(reset! loaded true))
(defn change-props
(reset! props {:todos (rand-int 9999999999)}))
(dotimes [_ 10000]
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