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Created January 10, 2020 08:43
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Eternity log parser
import csv
import datetime
import time
from itertools import groupby, chain
from functools import reduce
import click
def make_tree(data, group_indexes):
if group_indexes:
result = {}
group_column = group_indexes.pop(0)
key_func = lambda row: row[group_column]
for key, group in groupby(sorted(data, key=key_func), key=key_func):
result[key] = make_tree(group, list(group_indexes))
return result
return list(data)
def get_child_rows(node):
if isinstance(node, dict):
return chain.from_iterable(map(get_child_rows, node.values()))
return node
def calculate_total_for_tree(node, column_index):
duration_values = (time.strptime(row[column_index], '%H:%M:%S') for row in get_child_rows(node))
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + datetime.timedelta(hours=y.tm_hour, minutes=y.tm_min, seconds=y.tm_sec),
def print_tree(tree, total_column_index, tags_column_index, indent=''):
if isinstance(tree, dict):
for key, node in tree.items():
total = calculate_total_for_tree(node, total_column_index)
if total.seconds == 0:
tags_key_func = lambda row: row[tags_column_index]
tag_groups = groupby(sorted(get_child_rows(node), key=tags_key_func), key=tags_key_func)
totals = [('total', total)] + [(tag_name.strip(), calculate_total_for_tree(tag_rows, total_column_index))
for tag_name, tag_rows in tag_groups if tag_name.strip()]
print(f'{indent}- {key} ({", ".join([tag_name + ": " + str(tag_total) for tag_name, tag_total in totals])})')
print_tree(node, total_column_index, tags_column_index, indent + '\t')
@click.option('-c', '--columns',
help='specifies columns names (in accordance with their order in the file) for using in other params',
@click.option('-g', '--grouping',
help='specifies column names for grouping and calculate total time',
@click.option('-d', '--duration-column',
help='column name with duration time to calculate total',
@click.option('-t', '--tags-column',
help='column name with tags to calculate totals by tags',
def main(filename, columns, grouping, duration_column, tags_column):
columns = columns.split(',')
grouping = grouping.split(',')
with open(filename, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as cf:
cr = csv.reader(cf)
tree = make_tree((row for n, row in enumerate(cr) if n > 0), [columns.index(column_name) for column_name in grouping])
print_tree(tree, columns.index(duration_column), columns.index(tags_column))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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