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Created March 25, 2019 19:24
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Mackler mailing_id=286
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<b>I&rsquo;m running for Senate because the outsized influence of corporate special interests has corrupted our democracy.</b></p>
Our system works best when people vote, volunteer and make their voices heard. Right now too many voices are being drowned out by corporate cash. I&rsquo;m not accepting any corporate PAC contributions because I refuse to be part of the problem.</p>
But campaigns still need money. <a href=";recurring=true"><b><u>Which is why I&rsquo;m asking you to be a part of the solution by chipping in $5 to help us hit our FEC goal at the end of the month.</u></b></a></p>
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<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="button" style="width:100%; background-color:#15407d;">
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<td align="center" height="34" style=" color:#ffffff; letter-spacing: .75px;" width="100%">
<a href="{{slug}}?express_lane=true&amp;amount=25&amp;refcode={{slug}}_{{version}}_{{amount}}&amp;refcode2=%%CONS%%" style="display:block; color:#ffffff; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:12px;" target="_blank"><span style=" padding-right:35px; padding-left:35px; color:#ffffff; text-transform: uppercase;">Express Donate $25 </span></a></td>
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<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="button" style="width:100%; background-color:#15407d;">
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<!-- set space in between buttons here--><!-- button -->
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With Sen. Alexander retiring at the end of his term, <b>this seat is wide open</b>. We&rsquo;ve seen what grassroots power can do around the country. Now with the Senate Majority on the line, it&rsquo;s time for Tennessee to follow suit.</p>
It&rsquo;s an uphill battle, and we need everyone wanting change to pitch in and help make it happen. <a href=";recurring=true"><b><u>Will you help us out before the FEC deadline?</u></b></a></p>
We&rsquo;ve got a long road ahead, but I know our team is up to the task. I am deeply grateful for all you do.</p>
Talk soon,</p>
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