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Created July 13, 2019 20:56
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module PriorityQueue =
module private Heap =
type 'a Node =
| Empty
| Node of 'a NodeData
and 'a NodeData =
{ Value: 'a
Left: 'a Node
Right: 'a Node
Height: uint32
Priority: uint16 }
let singleton (priority, value) =
Node { Height = 1u; Priority = priority; Value = value; Left = Empty; Right = Empty }
let height = function
| Empty -> 0u
| Node {Height = h} -> h
let private makeNode (priority, value, left, right) =
if height left >= height right then
Node { Height = height right + 1u; Priority = priority; Value = value; Left = left; Right = right }
Node { Height = height left + 1u; Priority = priority; Value = value; Left = right; Right = left }
let rec merge = function
| Empty, h -> h
| h, Empty -> h
| Node left, Node right ->
if left.Priority <= right.Priority then
makeNode (left.Priority, left.Value, left.Left, merge (left.Right, Node right))
makeNode (right.Priority, right.Value, right.Left, merge (right.Right, Node left))
let insert heap (priority, value) =
merge (heap, singleton (priority, value))
let tryPeak = function
| Empty -> None
| Node node -> (node.Priority, node.Value) |> Some
let tryPop = function
| Empty -> None
| Node node -> ((node.Priority, node.Value), merge (node.Left, node.Right)) |> Some
// wrapper for convinient API
type PriorityQueue<'a>
private (node: 'a Node, count: uint32) =
static member singleton (priority, value) = PriorityQueue((singleton (priority, value)), 1u)
member __.Count = count
member __.Insert(priority, value) =
let newData = insert node (priority, value)
PriorityQueue(newData, count + 1u)
member __.TryPop() =
match tryPop node with
| None -> None
| Some (pop, tail) -> Some (pop, PriorityQueue(tail, count - 1u))
member __.TryPeak() = tryPeak node
module PriorityQueue =
let singleton (priority, value) = PriorityQueue<_>.singleton (priority, value)
let insert (queue: PriorityQueue<_>) (priority, value) = queue.Insert(priority, value)
let tryPop (queue: PriorityQueue<_>) = queue.TryPop()
let tryPeak (queue: PriorityQueue<_>) = queue.TryPeak()
let count (queue: PriorityQueue<_>) = queue.Count
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