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Forked from matsuken92/1-dim steepest
Created January 25, 2018 15:27
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Various types of gradient descent method
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from moviepy.editor import *
from matplotlib import animation as ani
sigma = 1
mu = 3
def norm_dist_neg(x):
return -1./(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)* np.exp(-0.5*((x-mu)**2)/((sigma**2)))
def norm_dist_1st_div_neg(x):
return (x-float(mu))/(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma**3) * np.exp(-0.5*(x-mu)**2/((sigma**2)))
x_low = -3.5
x_high = 3.5
x_low += mu
x_high += mu
x = np.linspace(x_low,x_high,100)
y = norm_dist_neg(x)
y1 = norm_dist_1st_div_neg(x)
def plot_line(slope, x, y):
xbase = np.linspace(x_low, x_high, 100)
b = - x * slope + y
y1 = slope * xbase + b
plt.plot(xbase,y1, c="r")
def calculate(init_x = 0,nmax=1000, learning_ratio = 1, precision=8):
list_xs = []
list_ys = []
list_slope = []
list_xdiff = []
xs = init_x
i = 0
for i in range(nmax):
ys = norm_dist_neg(xs)
slope = norm_dist_1st_div_neg(xs)
x_diff = learning_ratio * slope
xs -= x_diff
if abs(x_diff) < (0.1**precision) and (i != 0) :
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['num'] = i
ret_dict['list_xs'] = list_xs
ret_dict['list_ys'] = list_ys
ret_dict['list_slope'] = list_slope
ret_dict['list_xdiff'] = list_xdiff
return ret_dict
def animate(nframe):
xs = ret_dict['list_xs'][nframe]
ys = ret_dict['list_ys'][nframe]
slope = ret_dict['list_slope'][nframe] #norm_dist_1st_div_neg(xs)
xdiff = ret_dict['list_xdiff'][nframe]
# display norm dist
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title("n=%d, x=%.5f, y=%.5f, xdiff=%.5f" % (nframe,xs, ys, xdiff))
plot_line(slope, xs, ys)
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c="b", s=20, alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([xs, xs-xdiff],[ys,ys], c="k")
plt.plot([xs-xdiff, xs-xdiff],[ys,ys-(xdiff*slope)], c="k")
plt.plot(x, y, c="b")
plt.plot([x_low,x_high],[0,0], "--", c="k")
plt.plot([0,0],[-1, 1], "--", c="k")
plt.ylim(-0.45, 0.05)
# display deviation of norm dist
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(x, y1, c="g")
plt.ylim(-0.3, 0.3)
plt.title("n=%d, slope=%.5f" % (nframe,xdiff))
plt.scatter(xs, slope, c="g", s=20, alpha=0.8)
plt.plot([x_low,x_high],[0,0], "--", c="k")
plt.plot([0,0],[-1, 1], "--", c="k")
for i in [0.0, 6.0]:
init = 6.0
ret_dict = calculate(init_x=init)
print "calc finish."
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5,6.5))
print ret_dict['num']
anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=ret_dict['num'], blit=True)'normdist_decent_%.1f_anim.mp4' % init, fps=5)
clip = VideoFileClip("normdist_decent_%.1f_anim.mp4" % init)
clip.write_gif("normdist_decent_%.1f_anim.gif" % init)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from moviepy.editor import *
from matplotlib import animation as ani
sigma = 1
mu = 3
# set graph range
x_low = 2
x_high = 8
y_low = 2
y_high = 8
# set field
X = np.linspace(x_low, x_high, 1000)
Y = np.linspace(y_low, y_high, 1000)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
# set parameters
D = 2
mu_x = 5 #np.average(x)
mu_y = 5 #np.average(y)
cov = [[1.5, 1.4],
[1.4, 3.8]]
cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(cov)
cov_det = np.linalg.det(cov)
c = 1./((2 * np.pi) ** (D/2) * np.sqrt(cov_det))
Z = c * np.exp(-0.5 * ((cov_inv[0,0] * (X-mu_x)**2) + \
(2 * cov_inv[0, 1]) * (X-mu_x)*(Y-mu_y) + \
(cov_inv[1,1] * (Y-mu_y) ** 2)))
def get_grad_vec(x, y):
c = 1./((2 * np.pi) ** (D/2) * np.sqrt(cov_det))
Z = c * np.exp(-0.5 * ((cov_inv[0,0] * (x-mu_x)**2) + \
(2 * cov_inv[0, 1]) * (x-mu_x)*(y-mu_y) + \
(cov_inv[1,1] * (y-mu_y) ** 2)))
grad_x = Z * 2 * ((x -mu_x)*cov_inv[0,0] + (y-mu_y)*cov_inv[0,1])
grad_y = Z * 2 * ((x -mu_x)*cov_inv[1,0] + (y-mu_y)*cov_inv[1,1])
return [grad_x, grad_y]
def calc_2val_norm(init_x=3, init_y=3, learning_ratio = 5, precision=5):
list_xs = []
list_ys = []
list_nxs = []
list_nys = []
list_diff = []
xs = init_x
ys = init_y
i = 0
for i in range(500):
grad_vec = get_grad_vec(xs, ys)
n_xs = xs - learning_ratio*grad_vec[0]
n_ys = ys - learning_ratio*grad_vec[1]
# judge convergence
diff = np.sqrt(grad_vec[0]**2 + grad_vec[1]**2)
if diff < 0.1**precision:
print "break"
xs = n_xs
ys = n_ys
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['num'] = i+1
ret_dict['list_xs'] = list_xs
ret_dict['list_ys'] = list_ys
ret_dict['list_nxs'] = list_nxs
ret_dict['list_nys'] = list_nys
ret_dict['list_diff'] = list_diff
return ret_dict
def animate(i):
#print "i %d" % i
list_xs = ret_dict['list_xs']
list_ys = ret_dict['list_ys']
list_nxs = ret_dict['list_nxs']
list_nys = ret_dict['list_nys']
list_diff = ret_dict['list_diff']
# draw graph
plt.scatter(list_xs[i], list_ys[i], s=20, c="b", alpha=0.6)
plt.plot([list_xs[i], list_nxs[i]], [list_ys[i], list_nys[i]])
plt.title("n %2d, x %.5f, y %.5f, diff %.5f" % (i, list_xs[i], list_ys[i], list_diff[i]))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5))
ret_dict = calc_2val_norm(init_x=5, init_y=8)
interval = np.arange(0.019, 0.1, 0.01)
CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, interval)
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=ret_dict['num'], blit=True)'bi-normdist_decent_anim.mp4', fps=2.5)
clip = VideoFileClip("bi-normdist_decent_anim.mp4")
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from moviepy.editor import *
from matplotlib import animation as ani
# set graph range
x_low = -3
x_high = 3
y_low = -3
y_high = 3
# set field
X = np.linspace(x_low, x_high, 1000)
Y = np.linspace(y_low, y_high, 1000)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
# set parameters
Z = 3* X ** 2 5 * Y ** 2 - 6 * X * Y
def get_grad_vec(x, y):
grad_x = 6 * x - 6 * y
grad_y = 10 * y - 6 * x
return [grad_x, grad_y]
def calc_2val_norm(init_x=3, init_y=3, learning_ratio = .1, precision=3):
list_xs = []
list_ys = []
list_nxs = []
list_nys = []
list_diff = []
xs = init_x
ys = init_y
i = 0
for i in range(100):
grad_vec = get_grad_vec(xs, ys)
n_xs = xs + learning_ratio*grad_vec[0]
n_ys = ys + learning_ratio*grad_vec[1]
# judge convergence
diff = np.sqrt(grad_vec[0]**2 + grad_vec[1]**2)
if diff < 0.1**precision:
print "break"
xs = n_xs
ys = n_ys
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['num'] = i+1
ret_dict['list_xs'] = list_xs
ret_dict['list_ys'] = list_ys
ret_dict['list_nxs'] = list_nxs
ret_dict['list_nys'] = list_nys
ret_dict['list_diff'] = list_diff
return ret_dict
def animate(i):
list_xs = ret_dict['list_xs']
list_ys = ret_dict['list_ys']
list_nxs = ret_dict['list_nxs']
list_nys = ret_dict['list_nys']
list_diff = ret_dict['list_diff']
if i == 0:
plt.scatter(list_xs[i], list_ys[i], s=20, c="b", alpha=0.6)
plt.title("n %2d, x %.5f, y %.5f, diff %.5f" % (i, list_xs[i], list_ys[i], list_diff[i]))
# draw graph
plt.scatter(list_xs[i-1], list_ys[i-1], s=20, c="b", alpha=0.6)
plt.plot([list_xs[i-1], list_nxs[i-1]], [list_ys[i-1], list_nys[i-1]])
plt.title("n %2d, x %.5f, y %.5f, diff %.5f" % (i, list_xs[i-1], list_ys[i-1], list_diff[i-1]))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4))
ret_dict = calc_2val_norm(init_x=0, init_y=-3, learning_ratio=.1)
interval = [x ** 2 for x in range(10)]
CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, interval)
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
print ret_dict['num']
anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=ret_dict['num'], blit=True)'quadratic_decent_anim.mp4', fps=2.5)
clip = VideoFileClip("quadratic_decent_anim.mp4")
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation as ani
def vec_shuffle(vec):
ind = range(len(vec))
return np.array([vec[i] for i in ind])
# vec: target vector, from_ind: index value (from 0)
def pickup_two_sample(vec, from_ind):
return vec[from_ind:from_ind+2]
def random_multi_sample_picker(vec, n=2):
ret_list = []
for i in range(n):
return np.array(ret_list)
def generate_train_data():
''' Create Train Data
# y = x + 0 + e
# e = N(0, 2) - normal distribution
np.random.seed(10) # For fix random values
N = 1000
alpha = 1
beta = 0
e = np.random.normal(0, 2, N)
x = np.random.normal(10,3,N)
y = alpha*x + beta + e
return np.c_[x,y]
def displayScatter():
plt.xlim(0, 22)
plt.scatter(data[:,0],data[:,1], s=10, alpha=0.6)
ratio = 2
alpha = 1
beta = 0
a_low = -1.5
a_high = 1.5
b_low = -2
b_high = 2
af = np.linspace(a_low, a_high, 100)
bf = np.linspace(b_low, b_high, 100)
A, B = np.meshgrid(af, bf)
data = generate_train_data()
maxnum = 500
# starting point
init_a = -1.5
init_b = -1.5
a = init_a
b = init_b
def animate(i):
global a
global b
global alpha
global beta
# ------------- Logic Part ------------------#
d = random_multi_sample_picker(data,3)
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = d[0,0], d[0,1], d[1,0], d[1,1], d[2,0], d[2,1]
Z = (y1 - A*x1 - B) ** 2 + (y2 - A*x2 - B) ** 2 + (y3 - A*x3 - B) ** 2
grad_a = np.sum([(2*a*(x**2) - 2*x*y + 2*b*x) for x, y in [[x1, y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]]])
grad_b = np.sum([(-2*y + 2*a*x + 2*b) for x, y in [[x1, y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]]])
current_z = (y1 - a*x1 - b) ** 2 + (y2 - a*x2 - b) ** 2 + (y3 - a*x3 - b) ** 2
next_a = a -((i+1)**(-1)) * (1/np.sqrt(np.abs(current_z))) * grad_a
next_b = b -((i+1)**(-1)) * (1/np.sqrt(np.abs(current_z))) * grad_b
diff = np.sqrt((next_a-a)**2 + (next_b-b)**2) # Distance between current and true position
# ------------- Graph Drawing part ------------------#
# Countour drawing
ex = 5.
mul = 10
edge = 3000**(1/ex)/mul
interval = [((mul*x)**ex) for x in np.linspace(0,edge,30)] # In order to draw contour line as same interval for each line
plt.title("%d times,grad:(%+04.1f, %0+3.1f),diff=%.4f" % (i+1, grad_a, grad_b, diff), fontsize=10)
CS = plt.contour(A, B, Z, interval, cmap="RdYlBu")
# Position marker
plt.scatter(a, b, s=40, c="b") # Current position
plt.plot([a, next_a],[b, next_b], c="k") # Line for next position
plt.scatter(alpha, beta, s=50, c="g") # True position
if diff < 0.001:
print "break."
# Drawing scatter plot for indicating regression line transition
d = generate_train_data()
plt.xlim(0, 22)
plt.title("alpha=%+04.1f, beta=%+02.1f" % (a, b), fontsize=10)
plt.scatter(d[:,0],d[:,1], s=10, alpha=0.6)
plt.plot([0,22],[b,22*a+b], linewidth=2)
a = next_a
b = next_b
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6))
anim = ani.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=80, blit=True)'SGD_anim.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=6, dpi=64)
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