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Created July 29, 2017 19:41
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typescript decorator for inherited classes
// typeof any non-abstract child of Base
type ChildOfBase = typeof Base & (new (...args: any[])=> Base);
// decorator
const ClassDecorator = function(valueA: string): (value: ChildOfBase) => ChildOfBase {
return (value: ChildOfBase) => {
value.prototype.DoSmthWithClassName = () => {
return + ".DoSmth_" + value.A;
value.A = + valueA;
return value;
abstract class Base {
public static A: string = "Base_A";
public DoSmthWithClassName(): string {
return + ".DoSmth_" + Base.A;
private C: string;
public constructor(...args: any[]);
public constructor(c: string) {
this.C = c;
class Derived extends Base {
constructor(c: string) {
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