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Created June 10, 2016 15:11
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(ns vchain.graph
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [put! chan mult]]
[clojure.string :as string :refer [join]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[strokes :refer [d3]]
; Some slightly fancy code reduced from
(defn- positions
"Returns the positions at which pred is true for items in coll."
[pred coll]
(for [[idx elt] (map vector (iterate inc 0) coll) :when (pred elt)] idx))
(defn- make-d3-graph-data
"Make graph data suitable for use with a D3 forcelayout from a collection of
vchain entity relationships."
(let [nodes* (distinct (concat
(map (fn [rel] {:name (:first_ent_name rel)
:type (:first_ety_short_name rel)}) rels)
(map (fn [rel] {:name (:second_ent_name rel)
:type (:second_ety_short_name rel)}) rels)))
make-node (fn [nod] (assoc nod :group 1))
make-link (fn [rel]
{:source (first (positions #{(:first_ent_name rel)} (map :name nodes*)))
:target (first (positions #{(:second_ent_name rel)} (map :name nodes*)))
:value 5})
nodes (map make-node nodes*)
links (map make-link rels)]
[(clj->js nodes)
(clj->js links)]))
; Do these need to be fixed?
(def width 960)
(def height 500)
(defn graph-view [rels owner {:keys [override-id] :as opts}]
(let [id (if override-id
(render [_]
(html [:div.span6
[:div {:id id}]]))
(did-update [_ _ _]
(-> d3 (.select "svg") (.remove))
(when rels
(let [color (-> d3 (.-scale) (.-category20))
force (-> (.d3adaptor js/cola)
(.linkDistance 100)
(.size (array width height)))
svg (-> d3 (.select (str "#" id)) (.append "svg"))
vis svg
;vis (.append svg "svg:g")
[nodes links] (make-d3-graph-data rels)]
(-> svg
; this code means some degree of resizeability - graph still sometimes off-canvas
(.attr {:width "100%"
:height "100%"
;:viewBox (join " " (map str [0 0 width height]))
:preserveAspectRatio "xMidYMin meet"
:pointer-events "all"})
(.call (-> d3 (.-behavior) (.zoom)
(.on "zoom" (fn []
(.attr vis {:transform
(concat "translate("
(.. d3 -event -translate)
") scale("
(.. d3 -event -scale)
(-> force
(.nodes nodes)
(.links links))
(let [link (-> vis
(.selectAll ".link")
(.data links)
(.append "line")
(.attr {:class "link"})
(.style "stroke-width"
#(js/Math.sqrt %)))
node (-> vis
(.selectAll ".node")
(.data nodes)
(.append "g"))
circle (-> node
(.append "circle")
(.on "click" #(vchain.routes/dispatch!
{:ent_slug (vchain.slug/make-slug (.-name %))})))
(.attr {:class #(case (.-type %)
"ORG" "node-org"
"PERSON" "node-person"
"ASSET" "node-asset")
:r #(case (.-type %)
"ORG" 30
"ASSET" 15)}))
labeller (fn [d]
(this-as item
(let [el (-> d3 (.select item)
(.append "text"))]
(map (fn [line] (-> el
(.append "tspan")
(.text line)))
(vchain.wrap/split-lines 10 (.-name d))))))
label (-> node
(.each labeller)
(.attr {:class "node-label"}))]
(-> circle
(.append "title")
(.text #(.-name %)))
#_(.on force "tick"
(fn []
(-> link
(.attr {:x1 #(.-x (.-source %))})
(.attr {:y1 #(.-y (.-source %))})
(.attr {:x2 #(.-x (.-target %))})
(.attr {:y2 #(.-y (.-target %))}))
(-> circle
(.attr {:cx #(.-x %)})
(.attr {:cy #(.-y %)}))
(-> label
(.attr {:x #(.-x %)})
(.attr {:y #(.-y %)}))))
; Run 100 times then stop
(fn []
(.start force)
(doall (repeatedly 100 #(.tick force)))
(.stop force)
(-> link
(.attr {:x1 #(.-x (.-source %))})
(.attr {:y1 #(.-y (.-source %))})
(.attr {:x2 #(.-x (.-target %))})
(.attr {:y2 #(.-y (.-target %))}))
(-> circle
(.attr {:cx #(.-x %)})
(.attr {:cy #(.-y %)}))
(-> label
(.attr {:x #(.-x %)})
(.attr {:y #(.-y %)}))) 1))))))))
(defn full-view [app owner opts]
(render [_]
(om/build graph-view (get app :all-relations) {:opts opts}))))
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