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Last active January 10, 2017 02:55
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const todoStore = new Store([]);
const add = newTodo => todos => todos.concat(newTodo);
const remove = oldTodo => todos => todos.filter(todo => todo !== oldTodo);
todoStore.subscribe(state => {
// rerender a UI with new state
console.log('next state', state);
todoStore.transition(add('hello')) // ['hello']
todoStore.transition(add('world')) // ['hello', 'world']
todoStore.transition(remove('hello')) // ['world']
* State Container
* A state container is a stateful store that manages the state of a given subject.
* The store is purely functional, exposing a method `transitionState` that
* accepts a function, that when called with the current state, calculates the
* next state as its return value. This becomes the next state of the store.
* When the state changes, observers are notified with the next and last states.
* Observers have an opportunity to perform UI updates.
* Example Usage:
* const store = new Store([]);
* const add = input => lastState => lastState.concat(input);
* const remove = input => lastState => lastState.filter(i => i !== input);
* store.subscribe(state => console.log('next state': state))
* store.transition(add('hello')); // next state: ['hello']
* store.transition(add('world')); // next state: ['hello', world']
* store.transition(remove('hello)); // next state: ['world']
function Store (initialState) {
var state = initialState;
var observers = [];
function transitionState (transitionFunction) {
var lastState = state;
var nextState = transitionFunction(state);
if (nextState !== lastState) {
state = nextState;
observers.forEach(observer => observer(nextState, lastState));
return state;
function subscribe (observer) {
// subscribed
// unsubscribe
return () => observers = observers.filter(o => o !== observer);
function getState () {
return state;
return {
transition: transitionState,
subscribe: subscribe,
getState: getState
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