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Created November 4, 2012 13:15
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Save attilammagyar/4011862 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(C/C++) small helpers to generate debug logs in hairy situations
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define __debug(msg, ...) do { \
FILE* __f; \
int __fd, __size, __rss, __peak; \
int __errno; \
char __errstr[512]; \
char __file[512]; \
__errno = errno; \
__debug_get_memory_usage(&__size, &__rss, &__peak); \
__f = fopen("/tmp/__debug.txt", "a+"); \
if (__f) { \
__fd = fileno(__f); \
if (-1 != flock(__fd, LOCK_EX)) { \
strncpy(__file, __FILE__, sizeof(__file)); \
strncpy(__errstr, "Unknown", sizeof(__errstr)); \
strerror_r(__errno, __errstr, sizeof(__errstr)); \
fprintf( \
__f, \
"%d %s:%d/%s():\t", \
(int)time(NULL), \
basename(__file), \
__LINE__, \
); \
fprintf(__f, (msg), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(__f, \
", vmsize=%d, vmrss=%d, vmpeak=%d, errno=%d, errstr=\"%s\"\n", \
__size, \
__rss, \
__peak, \
__errno, \
__errstr \
); \
} \
fclose(__f); \
} \
} while (0)
static inline const char * const
__debug_safe_string(const char * const str)
return str ? str : "--(NULL)--";
#define __debug_begin() __debug("BEGIN")
#define __debug_end() __debug("END")
#define __debug_stopwatch_start() do { \
struct timeval __begin, __end; \
struct timezone __tz; \
const char * __custom_str; \
__debug("Starting stopwatch", NULL); \
gettimeofday(&__begin, &__tz); \
#define __debug_stopwatch_stop(custom_str) \
gettimeofday(&__end, &__tz); \
__custom_str = (custom_str); \
__debug("Stopping stopwatch, runtime=%lu us%s%s", \
(__end.tv_sec - __begin.tv_sec) * 1000000 \
+ __end.tv_usec - __begin.tv_usec, \
__custom_str ? ", " : "", \
__custom_str ? __custom_str : "", \
NULL); \
} while (0)
static inline int
__debug_extract_number(char *str)
char* num = str;
char* end;
for (num = str; *num && (*num < '0' || *num > '9'); ++num);
for (end = num; *end && *end >= '0' && *end <= '9'; ++end);
*end = '\x00';
return atoi(num);
static inline void
__debug_get_memory_usage(int* const size, int* const rss, int* const peak)
char str[4096];
FILE* f;
*size = *rss = *peak = -1;
f = fopen("/proc/self/status", "r");
if (!f) {
while (
(*size == -1 || *rss == -1 || *peak == -1)
&& !feof(f)
&& fgets(str, sizeof(str), f)
) {
if (*size == -1 && 0 == strncmp("VmSize:", str, 7)) {
*size = __debug_extract_number(&str[7]);
else if (*rss == -1 && 0 == strncmp("VmRSS:", str, 6)) {
*rss = __debug_extract_number(&str[6]);
else if (*peak == -1 && 0 == strncmp("VmPeak:", str, 7)) {
*peak = __debug_extract_number(&str[7]);
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