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Last active May 12, 2023 14:37
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Design-Name - Accessible-Name Dictionary
Design Name Accessible Name Code Example Reference Materials Notes
Floating action button (fab) Button <button> don't give it a tabindex higher than zero
Slider Input, Range <input type='range'/>
Switch Checkbox <input type="checkbox">
Breadcrumb Link <a href="some-step">
Stepper there isn't one focus on describing the experience and make the step contents semantic, maybe use anchor links
Tabs ARIA Tabpanel, Tablist, Tab Tabs example
Card doesn't exist focus on making its content semantic, and if it's a list of cards, make sure the list is semantic and parsable, or use article if it makes sense
Accordion doesn't exist Accordion example focus on making its content semantic and navigable
Progress-bar doesn't exist just give the user periodic text updates on their progress
Modal Dialog aria-role="dialog"
Snackbar Alert, Dialog, Alertdialog aria-role="alert", aria-role="dialog", aria-role="alertdialog"
Avatar Button, Image <button>, <img>
Badge Text it's just text, if attached to an icon, just make it an aria-describedby
Chip Text, Button <button> if clickable - button, if static - text
Pill Text, Button <button> if clickable - button, if static - text
Tooltip Title, ARIA title, aria-describedby Tooltip example title or just use text via aria-describedby
Popper Select <select>
Popover Dialog aria-role="dialog"
Toggle button Button, Radiobutton <button>, <input type="radio">
Carousel doesn't exist, ARIA region <li> Carousel example ensure items are in a navigable list
Jumbotron doesn't exist <section>
Bottomsheet Dialog aria-role="dialog"
Actionsheet Dialog aria-role="dialog"
Context-menu Select <select>
Datepicker Select, Input <select>, <input type="date">
Picker Select <select>
Segmented control Radiobutton <input type="radio">
Divider Horizontal line <hr/> decorative, so maybe hide from screen reader
Dropdown Select <select>
Expansion panel doesn't exist focus on making its content semantic and navigable
Hero section doesn't exist <section>
Combobox Input, ARIA Combobox <input>, role="combobox" Combobox example
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