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Created February 16, 2022 14:56
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Meshtastic shell server for executing commands on a remote system attached to a meshtastic radio
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# PoC of getting a remote shell using a meshtastic radio.
# this works by using the meshtastic python package and the device connected over USB serial
# The long/slow transmit speed gives about 10 bytes/sec bandwidth which is crazy slow. It took 5.5mins to run 'ls -la' on my home dir
# This could be further improved by the following:
# - trying the short/fast mode
# - creating a dedicated channel
# - setting a non-default psk for encryption
# - using sendData instead of sendText
# - creating a binary transfer protocol to protect against interference
# - simulating a tty
# - add a text compression algo to speed up convo (gzip?)
# again, this was all just a PoC to see if it was possible and at what speed it oprates at in long/slow.
import meshtastic
import meshtastic.serial_interface
from pubsub import pub
from subprocess import run, PIPE
import time
interface = meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface()
chunk_size = 150
def onReceive(packet, interface): # called when a packet arrives
# Only take action if the "portnum" of the meessage is a text message
if packet['decoded']['portnum'] == 'TEXT_MESSAGE_APP': #meshtastic ios app for testing.
from_id = packet['from']
msg_payload = packet['decoded']['payload']
msg_payload_utf8 = msg_payload.decode('utf8')
print(f"Received: {msg_payload} from {from_id}")
ret = run(str(msg_payload_utf8), stdout=PIPE, shell=True)
output = ret.stdout
chunks_to_send = [output[index : index + chunk_size] for index in range(0, len(output), chunk_size)]
for chunk in chunks_to_send:
chunk = chunk.decode('utf8')
print(f"IM SENDING THIS NOW: {chunk}")
interface.sendText(f"RESULT: {chunk}", destinationId=from_id)
while True:
pub.subscribe(onReceive, "meshtastic.receive")
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