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Atul Mahankal atulmahankal

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atulmahankal / readme. Md
Created January 5, 2025 13:16
Laravel Livewire SPA starter kit
# Laravel Livewire Volt Starterkit
This is a Laravel project built using default authentication and basic scaffolding. It serves as a starting point for creating a web application and allows you to add features as needed.
## Features
- Laravel framework setup with default authentication.
- Pre-installed authentication system (login, registration, password reset).
- Basic UI components for dashboard and user management.
- Livewire Volt to make SPA (Single Page Application)
atulmahankal / .htaccess
Created October 3, 2024 05:12 — forked from iheartmedia-matt/.htaccess
Apache .htaccess SSL React Router
<ifModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Make apache follow sym links to files
Options +FollowSymLinks
# If somebody opens a folder, hide all files from the resulting folder list
atulmahankal / Experimenting with ChromeOS on
Created July 20, 2024 17:21 — forked from gerarldlee/Experimenting with ChromeOS on
Installing ChromeOS on VirtualBox using the NeverWare build

Installing ChromeOS on VirtualBox

  1. Download the NeverWare's ChromeOS build from

  2. Extract the *

  3. Convert it to VDI. vboxmanage convertdd chromiumos_image.bin chromiumos_image.vdi

  4. mv chromiumis_image.vdi C:\t\v\chromeos\

atulmahankal / .htaccess
Created July 13, 2021 05:50
While uploading the Laravel project into Shared Hosting (Web Server) just upload the below coded .htaccess file at the project root. No need to change the Laravel Project structure.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/public/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f