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Created March 13, 2014 17:30
This WINDOWS batch script can export the Datastage jobs, stored in a file which is passed as a parameter.
@echo off
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: DataStageExportJobs.bat
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: This batch script is used to Export all jobs from a Projects
:: This script must be run from a DataStage client machine and the parameters below should be given
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Host is server name
:: User is DataStage username
:: Password is DataStage password
:: ImpLocation is the directory where the datastage dsx's are stored
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: IF "%1"=="" GOTO MissingParameter
:: IF "%2"=="" GOTO MissingParameter
:: IF "%3"=="" GOTO MissingParameter
:: IF "%4"=="" GOTO MissingParameter
:: IF "%5"=="" GOTO MissingParameter
SET Host=%1
SET Project=%2
SET User=%3
SET Password=%4
SET ExpLocation=%5
SET JobList=%ExpLocation%\JobList.txt
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Get the current Date
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
FOR /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE/T') do SET DsxDate=%%c%%a%%b
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Get the current Time
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
FOR /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('ECHO.^|TIME^|FINDSTR "[0-9]"') do (SET DsxTime=%%b)
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
SET delim1=%DsxTime:~3,1%
SET delim2=%DsxTime:~9,1%
FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=%delim1%%delim2% " %%a in ('echo %DsxTime%') do (
set DsxHr=%%a
set DsxMin=%%b
set DsxSec=%%c
set DsxHun=%%d
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Set the log file name
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
SET LogFileName=%ProjectDir%\DataStageImport_bat_%DsxDate%_%DsxHr%_%DsxMin%_%DsxSec%.log
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Main
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
SET ArchiveDir=Archive_%DsxDate%_%DsxHr%_%DsxMin%_%DsxSec%
cd %ExpLocation%
mkdir %ArchiveDir%
MOVE *.dsx %ArchiveDir%
MOVE *.log %ArchiveDir%
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Create a log file name to output
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO. > %LogFileName%
ECHO DataStage Export ran on %DsxDate% %DsxHr%:%DsxMin%:%DsxSec% with the following parameters >> %LogFileName%
ECHO Host=%Host% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO User=%user% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO Project=%Project% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO ExportDir=%ExpLocation% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO JobList=%JobList% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: Change the local directory to DataStage instalation Directory
:: This must be modified based on the DataStage Instalation Drive
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
cd C:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\Classic
for /F "tokens=1" %%i in (%JobList%) do (
ECHO Exporting %%i to Project: %Project% on Host: %Host%
echo dscmdexport /H=%Host% /U=%User% /P=%Password% %Project% %ExpLocation%\%%i >> %LogFileName%
dscmdexport /H=%Host% /U=%User% /P=%Password% /NUA %Project% %ExpLocation%\%%i /V >> %ExpLocation%\%LogFileName%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
ECHO *** Completed Export of Project: %Project% on Host: %Host% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO from File: %ExpLocation%\%%i >> %LogFileName%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
:: ERROR: Checking's
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Missing Parameters
ECHO Please make sure you have enterd HostName,Project,UserName,Password and ImportLocation correctly
cd %ImpLocation%
rmdir %ExpLocation%\%ArchiveDir% /s/q
ECHO *** ERROR: Failed to Export Project: %Project% on Host: %Host%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
ECHO *** ERROR: Failed to Export File: %ExpLocation%\%%i Project: %Project% on Host: %Host% >> %LogFileName%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
rmdir %ExpLocation%\%ArchiveDir%
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Export Failed,Please make sure all parameters are given and Files are in place
rmdir %ExpLocation%\%ArchiveDir%
ECHO. >> %LogFileName%
ECHO successfully Exported
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