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Created May 30, 2024 03:16
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import Foundation
let NEW_LINE = "\n"
let SPACE = " "
let logPattern = #"LOG\s+⚠️\s+(.+?):\s+(\w+)\s+is\s+(enabled|disabled)\."#
let logPatternRegex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: logPattern)
func constructDictionary(lines: [String]) -> [String: [String: Bool]] {
let nestedDictionary = lines.compactMap { line -> (String, String, Bool)? in
guard line.contains("⚠️") else { return nil }
let match = logPatternRegex.firstMatch(in: line, range: NSRange(line.startIndex..., in: line))
else { return nil }
guard let threadRange = Range(match.range(at: 1), in: line),
let permissionRange = Range(match.range(at: 2), in: line),
let statusRange = Range(match.range(at: 3), in: line)
else { return nil }
let thread = String(line[threadRange])
let permission = String(line[permissionRange])
let status = String(line[statusRange])
let isEnabled = (status == "enabled")
return (thread, permission, isEnabled)
.reduce(into: [String: [String: Bool]]()) { dict, data in
let (thread, permission, isEnabled) = data
dict[thread, default: [:]][permission] = isEnabled
return nestedDictionary
func compareDictionaries(before: [String: [String: Bool]], after: [String: [String: Bool]]) -> [(
thread: String, permission: String, before: Bool, after: Bool
)] {
var differences = [(thread: String, permission: String, before: Bool, after: Bool)]()
for (thread, permissions) in before {
for (permission, beforeValue) in permissions {
if let afterValue = after[thread]?[permission], beforeValue != afterValue {
differences.append((thread, permission, beforeValue, afterValue))
for (thread, permissions) in after {
for (permission, afterValue) in permissions {
if let beforeValue = before[thread]?[permission], beforeValue != afterValue {
differences.append((thread, permission, beforeValue, afterValue))
return differences
let beforePath = "./BEFORE.txt"
let beforeLines = try String(contentsOfFile: beforePath).split(separator: NEW_LINE).map(String.init)
var beforeDictionary = constructDictionary(lines: beforeLines)
let afterPath = "./AFTER.txt"
let afterLines = try String(contentsOfFile: afterPath).split(separator: NEW_LINE).map(String.init)
var afterDictionary = constructDictionary(lines: afterLines)
print(compareDictionaries(before: beforeDictionary, after: afterDictionary))
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