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Created December 17, 2016 00:15
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JS lisp parser
function readToken (token) {
if (token === '(') {
return {
} else if (token === ')') {
return {
} else if (token.match(/^\d+$/)) {
return {
type: 'INTEGER',
value: parseInt(token)
} else {
return {
type: 'SYMBOL',
value: token
export function tokenize (expression) {
return expression
.replace(/\(/g, ' ( ')
.replace(/\)/g, ' ) ')
export function buildAST (tokens) {
return tokens.reduce((ast, token) => {
if (token.type === 'OPENING_PARENS') {
} else if (token.type === 'CLOSING_PARENS') {
const current_expression = ast.pop();
ast[ast.length - 1].push(current_expression);
} else {
const current_expression = ast.pop();
return ast;
}, [[]])[0][0];
export function parse (expression) {
return buildAST(tokenize(expression));
export function evaluate (ast) {
return ast;
import { assert } from 'chai';
import { tokenize, buildAST, parse, evaluate } from '../parser';
describe('tokenize', () => {
it('should digest an expression string into a list of tokens', () => {
assert.deepEqual(tokenize('(1 2 3)'),
[ { type: 'OPENING_PARENS' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 },
{ type: 'CLOSING_PARENS' } ]);
assert.deepEqual(tokenize('(ay bee cee)'),
[ { type: 'OPENING_PARENS' },
{ type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'ay' },
{ type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'bee' },
{ type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'cee' },
{ type: 'CLOSING_PARENS' } ]);
assert.deepEqual(tokenize('(1 (2 3))'),
[ { type: 'OPENING_PARENS' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
{ type: 'OPENING_PARENS' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 },
{ type: 'CLOSING_PARENS' },
{ type: 'CLOSING_PARENS' } ]);
describe('buildAST', () => {
it('should convert a list of tokens into an abstract syntax tree', () => {
assert.deepEqual(buildAST(tokenize('(1 2 3)')),
[ { type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
assert.deepEqual(buildAST(tokenize('(ay bee cee)')),
[ { type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'ay' },
{ type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'bee' },
{ type: 'SYMBOL', value: 'cee' }
assert.deepEqual(buildAST(tokenize('(+ 22 3)')),
[ { type: 'SYMBOL', value: '+' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 22},
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
it('should work recursively on nested expressions', () => {
assert.deepEqual(buildAST(tokenize('(1 (2 3))')),
[ { type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
[ { type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
describe('parse', () => {
it('should convert an expression string into an abstract syntax tree', () => {
assert.deepEqual(parse('(1 2 3)'),
[ { type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
assert.deepEqual(parse('(+ 2 3)'),
[ { type: 'SYMBOL', value: '+' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 2 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
it('should work recursively on nested expressions', () => {
assert.deepEqual(parse('(+ (+ 1 1) 3)'),
[ { type: 'SYMBOL', value: '+' },
[ { type: 'SYMBOL', value: '+' },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 },
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 1 }
{ type: 'INTEGER', value: 3 }
describe('evaluate', () => {
it('should evaluate the abstract syntax tree of an expression into a value', () => {
assert.equal(evaluate(parse('(+ 2 3)')), 5);
it('should work recursively on nested expressions', () => {
assert.equal(evaluate(parse('(+ 1 (+ 2 2))')), 5);
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