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Created May 14, 2013 20:02
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Fixing rspec view specs to use inherited_resources and inherited views
module ViewResourceMacros
def has_resource(name, &block)
before do
# Creates the resource
@resource ||= yield
# Assign to the symbol we wanted, so it's available in the view
assign(name, @resource)
# Assigns to @name so that we can use that in our assertions
instance_variable_set("@#{name}", @resource)
# If we pass an array, it's for stubing a collection, if not it's for stubbing a single object
if @resource.is_a?(Array)
view.stub(:collection) { @resource }
view.stub(:resource_class) {@resource.first.class}
view.stub(:resource) {@resource}
view.stub(:resource_class) {@resource.class}
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.extend ViewResourceMacros, :type => :view
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