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Created June 9, 2016 21:07
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Lime App Landing Page 1.0.1
* Template Name: Lime App
* @package WordPress Landing Pages
* @author Inbound Template Generator
/* Declare Template Key */
$key = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
/* discover the absolute path of where this template is located. Core templates are loacted in /wp-content/plugins/landing-pages/templates/ while custom templates belong in /wp-content/uploads/landing-pages/tempaltes/ */
/* Include ACF Field Definitions */
include_once($path .'config.php');
/* Enqueue Styles and Scripts */
function lime_app_enqueue_scripts() {
$key = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'lime-app-bootstrap-js', $urlpath . 'assets/js/bootstrap.min.js', '','', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'lime-app-retina-js', $urlpath . 'assets/js/retina-1.1.0.js', '','', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'lime-app-ie-bug-js', $urlpath . 'assets/js/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js', '','', true );
wp_enqueue_style( 'lime-app-bootstrap-css', $urlpath . 'assets/css/bootstrap.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'lime-app-css', $urlpath . 'assets/css/style.css' );
add_action('wp_head', 'lime_app_enqueue_scripts');
* Converts a hexadecimal color into hue, saturation, and luminance.
* Source:
* @param string $HexColor color in hexadecimal value. Can include the '#' sign or not, but must have either 3 digits or 6. Anything between 3 and 6 digits will have an unexpected result.
* @return array containing hue, saturation and luminance
function HexToHsl( $HexColor ) {
$HexColor = str_replace( '#', '', $HexColor );
if( strlen( $HexColor ) < 3 ) str_pad( $HexColor, 3 - strlen( $HexColor ), '0' );
$Add = strlen( $HexColor ) == 6 ? 2 : 1;
$AA = 0;
$AddOn = $Add == 1 ? ( $AA = 16 - 1 ) + 1 : 1;
$Red = round( ( hexdec( substr( $HexColor, 0, $Add ) ) * $AddOn + $AA ) / 255, 6 );
$Green = round( ( hexdec( substr( $HexColor, $Add, $Add ) ) * $AddOn + $AA ) / 255, 6 );
$Blue = round( ( hexdec( substr( $HexColor, ( $Add + $Add ) , $Add ) ) * $AddOn + $AA ) / 255, 6 );
$HSLColor = array( 'Hue' => 0, 'Saturation' => 0, 'Luminance' => 0 );
$Minimum = min( $Red, $Green, $Blue );
$Maximum = max( $Red, $Green, $Blue );
$Chroma = $Maximum - $Minimum;
$HSLColor['Luminance'] = ( $Minimum + $Maximum ) / 2;
if( $Chroma == 0 ) {
$HSLColor['Luminance'] = round( $HSLColor['Luminance'] * 100, 0 );
return $HSLColor;
$Range = $Chroma * 6;
$HSLColor['Saturation'] = $HSLColor['Luminance'] <= 0.5 ? $Chroma / ( $HSLColor['Luminance'] * 2 ) : $Chroma / ( 2 - ( $HSLColor['Luminance'] * 2 ) );
if( $Red <= 0.004 || $Green <= 0.004 || $Blue <= 0.004 ) {
$HSLColor['Saturation'] = 1;
if( $Maximum == $Red ) {
$HSLColor['Hue'] = round( ( $Blue > $Green ? 1 - ( abs( $Green - $Blue ) / $Range ) : ( $Green - $Blue ) / $Range ) * 255, 0 );
} else if( $Maximum == $Green ) {
$HSLColor['Hue'] = round( ( $Red > $Blue ? abs( 1 - ( 4 / 3 ) + ( abs ( $Blue - $Red ) / $Range ) ) : ( 1 / 3 ) + ( $Blue - $Red ) / $Range ) * 255, 0 );
} else {
$HSLColor['Hue'] = round( ( $Green < $Red ? 1 - 2 / 3 + abs( $Red - $Green ) / $Range : 2 / 3 + ( $Red - $Green ) / $Range ) * 255, 0 );
$HSLColor['Saturation'] = round( $HSLColor['Saturation'] * 100, 0 );
$HSLColor['Luminance'] = round( $HSLColor['Luminance'] * 100, 0 );
return $HSLColor;
/* Define Landing Pages's custom pre-load hook for 3rd party plugin integration */
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
$post_id = get_the_ID();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>
<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
$add_navbar = get_field("add_navbar", $post_id);
$navbar_color = get_field("navbar_color", $post_id);
$logo = get_field("logo", $post_id);
$statement_count = 0;
$promotion_count = 0;
$feature_count = 0;
$testimonials_count = 0;
$subscribe_count = 0;
/* Start navitagion_links Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "navitagion_links" ) ) { ?>
<?php while ( have_rows( "navitagion_links" ) ) : the_row();
$nav_link_color = get_sub_field("nav_link_color");
$nav_anchor_text = get_sub_field("nav_anchor_text");
$nav_url = get_sub_field("nav_url");
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php } /* end if have_rows(navitagion_links) */
/* End navitagion_links Repeater Output */
$hero_bg_image = get_field("hero_bg_image", $post_id);
$hero_title = get_field("hero_title", $post_id);
$hero_title_color = get_field("hero_title_color", $post_id);
$hero_image = get_field("hero_image", $post_id);
/* Start body_sections Flexible Content Area Output */
if(function_exists('have_rows')) :
if(have_rows('body_sections')) :
while(have_rows('body_sections')) : the_row();
switch(get_sub_field('acf_fc_layout')) :
/* start layout statement_section */
case 'statement_section' :
$statement_bg_color = get_sub_field("statement_bg_color");
$statement_text = get_sub_field("statement_text");
$statement_text_color = get_sub_field("statement_text_color");
$statement_add_button = get_sub_field("statement_add_button");
$button_text = get_sub_field("button_text");
$button_text_color = get_sub_field("button_text_color");
$button_text_hover_color = get_sub_field("button_text_hover_color");
$button_hover_color = get_sub_field("button_hover_color");
$statement_count += 1;
<?php break;
/* start layout promotion_section */
case 'promotion_section' :
$promotion_bg_color = get_sub_field("promotion_bg_color");
$promotion_add_title = get_sub_field("promotion_add_title");
$promotion_title = get_sub_field("promotion_title");
$promotion_title_color = get_sub_field("promotion_title_color");
$promotion_count += 1;
$promotion_boxes[$promotion_count] = 0;
/* Start promotion_box Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "promotion_box" ) ) { ?>
<?php while ( have_rows( "promotion_box" ) ) : the_row();
$promotion_icon = get_sub_field("promotion_icon");
$promotion_icon_color = get_sub_field("promotion_icon_color");
$promotion_title = get_sub_field("promotion_title");
$promotion_title_color = get_sub_field("promotion_title_color");
$promotion_text = get_sub_field("promotion_text");
$promotion_text_color = get_sub_field("promotion_text_color");
$promotion_boxes[$promotion_count] += 1;
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php } /* end if have_rows(promotion_box) */
/* End promotion_box Repeater Output */
$promotion_add_image = get_sub_field("promotion_add_image");
$promotion_hero_image = get_sub_field("promotion_hero_image");
$promotion_description = get_sub_field("promotion_description");
$promotion_description_color = get_sub_field("promotion_description_color");
<?php break;
/* start layout feature_section */
case 'feature_section' :
$feature_bg_color = get_sub_field("feature_bg_color");
$feature_media_side = get_sub_field("feature_media_side");
$feature_media_type = get_sub_field("feature_media_type");
$feature_image = get_sub_field("feature_image");
$feature_video = get_sub_field("feature_video");
$feature_video_width = get_sub_field("feature_video_width");
$feature_video_height = get_sub_field("feature_video_height");
$feature_description_text = get_sub_field("feature_description_text");
$feature_description_text_color = get_sub_field("feature_description_text_color");
$feature_add_button = get_sub_field("feature_add_button");
$feature_button_text = get_sub_field("feature_button_text");
$feature_button_text_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_text_color");
$feature_button_text_hover_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_text_hover_color");
$feature_button_hover_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_hover_color");
$feature_button_url = get_sub_field("feature_button_url");
$feature_count += 1;
<?php break;
/* start layout testimonials_section */
case 'testimonials_section' :
$testimonials_bg_color = get_sub_field("testimonials_bg_color");
$testimonials_add_title = get_sub_field("testimonials_add_title");
$testimonials_title = get_sub_field("testimonials_title");
$testimonials_title_color = get_sub_field("testimonials_title_color");
$testimonials_count += 1;
/* Start testimonial Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "testimonial" ) ) { ?>
<?php while ( have_rows( "testimonial" ) ) : the_row();
$testimonial_image = get_sub_field("testimonial_image");
$testimonial_text = get_sub_field("testimonial_text");
$testimonial_text_color = get_sub_field("testimonial_text_color");
$testimonial_name = get_sub_field("testimonial_name");
$testimonial_name_color = get_sub_field("testimonial_name_color");
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php } /* end if have_rows(testimonial) */
/* End testimonial Repeater Output */
<?php break;
/* start layout subscription_section */
case 'subscription_section' :
$subscription_bg_color = get_sub_field("subscription_bg_color");
$subscribe_title = get_sub_field("subscribe_title");
$subscribe_title_color = get_sub_field("subscribe_title_color");
$subscribe_subtitle = get_sub_field("subscribe_subtitle");
$subscribe_subtitle_color = get_sub_field("subscribe_subtitle_color");
$form_shortcode = get_sub_field("form_shortcode");
$form_fields_bg_color = get_sub_field("form_fields_bg_color");
$form_submit_button_color = get_sub_field("form_submit_button_color");
$form_button_text_color = get_sub_field("form_button_text_color");
$form_labels_color = get_sub_field("form_labels_color");
$subscribe_count += 1;
* calculating colors and adding dynamic variations
$hsl = HexToHsl($form_submit_button_color);
if ( $hsl['Luminance'] > 50 ) {
$luminance = $hsl['Luminance'] - 30;
} else {
$luminance = $hsl['Luminance'] + 30;
$placeholder_hsl = HexToHsl($form_fields_bg_color);
if ( $placeholder_hsl['Luminance'] > 50 ) {
$placeholder_luminance = $placeholder_hsl['Luminance'] - 40;
} else {
$placeholder_luminance = $placeholder_hsl['Luminance'] + 40;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper button {
border-radius: 0px !important;
color: <?php echo $form_button_text_color; ?> !important;
background: <?php echo $form_submit_button_color; ?> none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;
border: 2px solid transparent !important;
padding: 10px 16px;
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 1.33;
margin-bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
white-space: nowrap;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper button:hover {
background-color: hsl(<?php echo $hsl['Hue'] ?>, <?php echo $hsl['Saturation'] . '%' ?>, <?php echo $luminance . '%' ?>) !important;
color: <?php echo $form_submit_button_color; ?> !important;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper label,
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper .radio-inbound-label-top,
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper .label-inbound-label-top {
color: <?php echo $form_labels_color; ?>;
text-align: left;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper input,
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper textarea,
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper select {
font-size: 18px;
min-height: 40px;
line-height: 20px;
padding: 11px 10px 12px;
border: none;
margin-bottom: 10px;
background-color: <?php echo $form_fields_bg_color; ?>;
-webkit-transition: background-color 0.2s;
transition: background-color 0.2s;
text-align: left;
margin-right: 2px;
color: hsl(<?php echo $placeholder_hsl['Hue'] ?>, <?php echo $placeholder_hsl['Saturation'] . '%' ?>, <?php echo $placeholder_luminance . '%' ?>);
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper input,
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper textarea {
border-radius: 0px;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper select {
border-top-left-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper textarea:placeholder {
color: hsl(<?php echo $placeholder_hsl['Hue'] ?>, <?php echo $placeholder_hsl['Saturation'] . '%' ?>, <?php echo $placeholder_luminance . '%' ?>) !important;
.subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count ?> #inbound-form-wrapper input:not(.checkbox-inbound-vertical) {
width: 100%;
<?php break;
endswitch; /* end switch statement */
endwhile; /* end while statement */
endif; /* end have_rows */
endif; /* end function_exists */
/* End body_sections Flexible Content Area Output */
$footer_bg_color = get_field("footer_bg_color", $post_id);
$copyright_line = get_field("copyright_line", $post_id);
$copyright_line_color = get_field("copyright_line_color", $post_id);
$add_navbar = get_field("add_navbar", $post_id);
$navbar_color = get_field("navbar_color", $post_id);
$logo = get_field("logo", $post_id);
$statement_count = 0;
$promotion_count = 0;
$feature_count = 0;
$testimonials_count = 0;
$subscribe_count = 0;
if ( $add_navbar ) {
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation" style="background-color:<?php echo $navbar_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
<?php if ( ! $logo ) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $urlpath . 'assets/img/logo-wide-3.png'; ?>" class="img-responsive alignleft" style="width:300px; padding-bottom: 5px;" alt="">
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $logo ?>" class="img-responsive alignleft" style="max-width:300px; padding-bottom: 5px;" alt="">
<?php } ?>
/* Start navitagion_links Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "navitagion_links" ) ) { ?>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<?php while ( have_rows( "navitagion_links" ) ) : the_row();
$nav_link_color = get_sub_field("nav_link_color");
$nav_anchor_text = get_sub_field("nav_anchor_text");
$nav_url = get_sub_field("nav_url");
<li><a href="<?php echo $nav_url ?>" style="color:<?php echo $nav_link_color ?>"><?php echo $nav_anchor_text ?></a></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
<?php } /* end if have_rows(navitagion_links) */
/* End navitagion_links Repeater Output */
<?php } /* end if ( $add_navbar ) */ ?>
$hero_bg_image = get_field("hero_bg_image", $post_id);
$hero_title = get_field("hero_title", $post_id);
$hero_title_color = get_field("hero_title_color", $post_id);
$hero_image = get_field("hero_image", $post_id);
if ( ! $hero_bg_image ) {
<div id="h" style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url('<?php echo $urlpath . 'assets/img/header-bg.jpg'; ?>') no-repeat scroll center center / cover ;">
} else {
<div id="h" style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url('<?php echo $hero_bg_image; ?>') no-repeat scroll center center / cover ;">
} ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<h1 style="color:<?php echo $hero_title_color ?>"><?php echo $hero_title ?></h1>
<hr class="aligncenter" style="border-color : <?php echo $hero_title_color ?>;">
<?php if ( ! $hero_image ) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $urlpath . 'assets/img/app-front.png'; ?>" class="img-responsive aligncenter" height="600" alt="">
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $hero_image ?>" class="img-responsive aligncenter" style="max-width:100%; max-height:6000px;" alt="">
<?php } ?>
</div><!-- /.container -->
</div><!--/H -->
/* Start body_sections Flexible Content Area Output */
if(function_exists('have_rows')) :
if(have_rows('body_sections')) :
while(have_rows('body_sections')) : the_row();
switch(get_sub_field('acf_fc_layout')) :
/* start layout statement_section */
case 'statement_section' :
$statement_bg_color = get_sub_field("statement_bg_color");
$statement_text = get_sub_field("statement_text");
$statement_text_color = get_sub_field("statement_text_color");
$statement_add_button = get_sub_field("statement_add_button");
$button_text = get_sub_field("button_text");
$button_text_color = get_sub_field("button_text_color");
$button_text_hover_color = get_sub_field("button_text_hover_color");
$button_hover_color = get_sub_field("button_hover_color");
$button_url = get_sub_field("button_url");
$statement_count += 1;
<div id="statement-<?php echo $statement_count ?>" style="background-color:<?php echo $statement_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row mtb">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 centered">
<p style="color:<?php echo $statement_text_color ?>"><?php echo $statement_text ?></p>
if ($statement_add_button) {
<p class="mt">
<a href="<?php echo $button_url; ?>" class="btn btn-lg btn-transparent" style="color:<?php echo $button_text_color; ?>; border: 2px solid <?php echo $button_text_color; ?>;"
onmouseover=" = '<?php echo $button_text_hover_color ?>'; = '2px solid <?php echo $button_hover_color ?>'; = '<?php echo $button_hover_color ?>';"
onmouseout=" = '<?php echo $button_text_color ?>'; = '2px solid <?php echo $button_text_color ?>'; = 'transparent';">
<?php echo $button_text; ?>
</div><!--/row -->
</div><!--/container -->
<?php break;
/* start layout promotion_section */
case 'promotion_section' :
$promotion_bg_color = get_sub_field("promotion_bg_color");
$promotion_add_title = get_sub_field("promotion_add_title");
$promotion_title = get_sub_field("promotion_title");
$promotion_title_color = get_sub_field("promotion_title_color");
$promotion_count += 1;
$promotion_blocks = 0;
if ( 1 == $promotion_boxes[$promotion_count] ) {
$offset = ' col-md-offset-4';
} else if ( 2 == $promotion_boxes[$promotion_count] ) {
$offset = ' col-md-offset-2';
} else {
$offset = '';
<div id="promotion-<?php echo $promotion_count ?>" style="background-color:<?php echo $promotion_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row mtb centered">
<?php if ( $promotion_add_title ) { ?>
<h2 class="theme mb" style="color:<?php echo $promotion_title_color ?>"><?php echo $promotion_title ?></h2>
<?php } ?>
/* Start promotion_box Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "promotion_box" ) ) { ?>
<?php while ( have_rows( "promotion_box" ) ) : the_row();
$promotion_icon = get_sub_field("promotion_icon");
$promotion_icon_color = get_sub_field("promotion_icon_color");
$promotion_title = get_sub_field("promotion_title");
$promotion_title_color = get_sub_field("promotion_title_color");
$promotion_text = get_sub_field("promotion_text");
$promotion_text_color = get_sub_field("promotion_text_color");
<div class="col-md-4<?php echo $offset ?>">
<p><i class="fa theme x2 <?php echo $promotion_icon ?>" style="color:<?php echo $promotion_icon_color ?>"></i></p>
<h4 style="color:<?php echo $promotion_title_color ?>"><?php echo $promotion_title ?></h4>
<p class="ts" style="color:<?php echo $promotion_text_color ?>"><?php echo $promotion_text ?></p>
</div><!--/col-md-4 -->
<?php $offset = '' ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div><!--/row -->
<?php } /* end if have_rows(promotion_box) */
/* End promotion_box Repeater Output */
$promotion_add_image = get_sub_field("promotion_add_image");
$promotion_hero_image = get_sub_field("promotion_hero_image");
$promotion_description = get_sub_field("promotion_description");
$promotion_description_color = get_sub_field("promotion_description_color");
if ( $promotion_add_image || $promotion_description ) {
<div class="row mtb">
<div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">
<?php if ( $promotion_add_image ) { ?>
<?php if ( ! $promotion_hero_image ) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $urlpath . 'assets/img/panoramic.jpg'; ?>" class="img-responsive aligncenter" alt="">
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $promotion_hero_image ?>" class="img-responsive aligncenter" style="max-width:100%;" alt="">
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<p class="mtb centered" style="color:<?php echo $promotion_description_color ?>"><?php echo $promotion_description ?></p>
</div><!--/row -->
<?php } ?>
</div><!--/container -->
</div><!--/promotion -->
<?php break;
/* start layout feature_section */
case 'feature_section' :
$feature_bg_color = get_sub_field("feature_bg_color");
$feature_media_side = get_sub_field("feature_media_side");
$feature_media_type = get_sub_field("feature_media_type");
$feature_image = get_sub_field("feature_image");
$feature_video = get_sub_field("feature_video");
$feature_video_width = get_sub_field("feature_video_width");
$feature_video_height = get_sub_field("feature_video_height");
$feature_description_text = get_sub_field("feature_description_text");
$feature_description_text_color = get_sub_field("feature_description_text_color");
$feature_add_button = get_sub_field("feature_add_button");
$feature_button_text = get_sub_field("feature_button_text");
$feature_button_text_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_text_color");
$feature_button_text_hover_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_text_hover_color");
$feature_button_hover_color = get_sub_field("feature_button_hover_color");
$feature_button_url = get_sub_field("feature_button_url");
$feature_count += 1;
<div id="info-<?php echo $feature_count ?>" class="info" style="background-color:<?php echo $feature_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row ">
<?php if ( 'Left' == $feature_media_side ) { ?>
<div class="fs col-md-6">
if ( 'Image' == $feature_media_type) {
if ( ! $feature_image ) {
echo '<img class="img-responsive aligncenter" width="320" alt="" src="' . $urlpath . 'assets/img/double.png">';
} else {
echo '<img class="img-responsive aligncenter" style="max-width: 100%; max-height:100%;" alt="" src="'. $feature_image .'">';
} else {
echo $feature_video;
} ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="col-md-6">
<p style="color:<?php echo $feature_description_text_color ?>"><?php echo $feature_description_text ?></p>
<p class="mt">
<a href="<?php echo $feature_button_url ?>" class="btn btn-conf" style="color:<?php echo $feature_button_text_color; ?>; border: 2px solid <?php echo $feature_button_text_color; ?>;"
onmouseover = " = '<?php echo $feature_button_text_hover_color ?>'; = '2px solid <?php echo $feature_button_hover_color ?>'; = '<?php echo $feature_button_hover_color ?>';"
onmouseout = " = '<?php echo $feature_button_text_color ?>'; = '2px solid <?php echo $feature_button_text_color ?>'; = 'transparent';">
<?php echo $feature_button_text; ?>
<?php if ( 'Right' == $feature_media_side ) { ?>
<div class="fs col-md-6">
if ( 'Image' == $feature_media_type) {
if ( ! $feature_image ) {
echo '<img class="img-responsive aligncenter" width="320" alt="" src="' . $urlpath . 'assets/img/double.png">';
} else {
echo '<img class="img-responsive aligncenter" style="max-width: 100%; max-height:100%;" alt="" src="'. $feature_image .'">';
} else {
echo $feature_video;
} ?>
<?php } ?>
</div><!--/row -->
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.fs').find('iframe').attr('height', '<?php echo $feature_video_height; ?>px');
jQuery('.fs').find('iframe').attr('width', '<?php echo $feature_video_width; ?>px');
<?php break;
/* start layout testimonials_section */
case 'testimonials_section' :
$testimonials_bg_color = get_sub_field("testimonials_bg_color");
$testimonials_add_title = get_sub_field("testimonials_add_title");
$testimonials_title = get_sub_field("testimonials_title");
$testimonials_title_color = get_sub_field("testimonials_title_color");
$testimonials_count += 1;
$active = ' active';
<div id="testimonials-<?php echo $testimonials_count ?>" style="background-color:<?php echo $testimonials_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row mt">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 testimonials">
<?php if ( $testimonials_add_title ) { ?>
<h2 class="theme" style="color:<?php echo $testimonials_title_color ?>"><?php echo $testimonials_title ?></h2>
<?php } ?>
<!-- Carousel
================================================== -->
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
<div class="carousel-inner">
/* Start testimonial Repeater Output */
if ( have_rows( "testimonial" ) ) { ?>
<?php while ( have_rows( "testimonial" ) ) : the_row();
$testimonial_image = get_sub_field("testimonial_image");
$testimonial_text = get_sub_field("testimonial_text");
$testimonial_text_color = get_sub_field("testimonial_text_color");
$testimonial_name = get_sub_field("testimonial_name");
$testimonial_name_color = get_sub_field("testimonial_name_color");
<div class="item<?php echo $active ?>">
<?php if ( ! $testimonial_image ) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $urlpath . 'assets/img/ui-01.jpg'; ?>" class="img-circle aligncenter" style="width:80px;" alt="">
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $testimonial_image ?>" class="img-circle aligncenter" style="width:80px;" alt="">
<?php } ?>
<h3 style="color:<?php echo $testimonial_name_color ?>"><?php echo $testimonial_name ?></h3>
<p class="ts" style="color:<?php echo $testimonial_text_color ?>"><?php echo $testimonial_text ?></p>
<?php $active = ''; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php } /* end if have_rows(testimonial) */
/* End testimonial Repeater Output */
</div><!-- /.carousel -->
</div><!--/row -->
</div><!--/container -->
</div><!--/testimonials -->
<?php break;
/* start layout subscription_section */
case 'subscription_section' :
$subscribe_bg_color = get_sub_field("subscription_bg_color");
$subscribe_title = get_sub_field("subscribe_title");
$subscribe_title_color = get_sub_field("subscribe_title_color");
$subscribe_subtitle = get_sub_field("subscribe_subtitle");
$subscribe_subtitle_color = get_sub_field("subscribe_subtitle_color");
$form_shortcode = get_sub_field("form_shortcode");
$form_fields_bg_color = get_sub_field("form_fields_bg_color");
$form_submit_button_color = get_sub_field("form_submit_button_color");
$form_button_text_color = get_sub_field("form_button_text_color");
$form_labels_color = get_sub_field("form_labels_color");
$subscribe_count += 1;
<div id="f-<?php echo $subscribe_count; ?>" class="f subscribe-<?php echo $subscribe_count; ?>" style="background-color:<?php echo $subscribe_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row mtb centered">
<h2 style="color:<?php echo $subscribe_title_color ?>"><?php echo $subscribe_title ?></h2>
<p style="color:<?php echo $subscribe_subtitle_color ?>"><?php echo $subscribe_subtitle ?></p>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3 mt">
<?php echo $form_shortcode; ?>
</div><!--/row -->
</div><!--/Footer -->
<?php break;
endswitch; /* end switch statement */
endwhile; /* end while statement */
endif; /* end have_rows */
endif; /* end function_exists */
/* End body_sections Flexible Content Area Output */
$footer_bg_color = get_field("footer_bg_color", $post_id);
$copyright_line = get_field("copyright_line", $post_id);
$copyright_line_color = get_field("copyright_line_color", $post_id);
<div id="copyright" style="background-color:<?php echo $footer_bg_color ?>">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 centered">
<h6 style="color:<?php echo $copyright_line_color ?>"><?php echo $copyright_line ?></h6>
</div><!--/copyright -->
endwhile; endif;
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