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Add ACF content to WooCommerce Description Tab on Single Products
// Add content of Advance custom fields to description tab.
function add_acf_description_tab_content($data) {
echo '<hr>';
echo '<h3>Board Attributes</h3>';
$ba = get_field('board_attributes'); // ba = board_attribute => get field board_attribute from acf
$ba_items = [
// ['Attribute','value','image_url']
['Riding Level',$ba['riding_level'],''],
function template_table_for_ACF($items){
$tr = [];
$table_o = '<table class="shop_attributes"><tbody>';
$table_c = '</tbody></table>';
if($items && is_array($items)){
foreach($items as $item){
$img = !empty($item[2])? '<img src="'.$item[2].'" width="64" alt="" />' : '' ;
$item[1] = is_array($item[1]) ? print_name_desc_attributes($item[1]): $item[1] ;
array_push($tr, sprintf ('<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s <br> %s </td></tr>',$item[0],$item[1],$img));
print_r($table_o . implode(' ' ,$tr) . $table_c);
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