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Android Emulator (ARM64) on EC2 - 2022 | |
--------------------------------------- | |
1. Launch EC2 ARM based Instance (a1.metal / a1.2xlarge): (16 Gb RAM, 32Gb Disk), Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (HVM) ARM x64 | |
2. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | |
3. sudo apt install default-jdk python3-pip repo python-is-python3 unzip libpcre2-dev adb | |
4. wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-8512546_latest.zip | |
5. unzip commandlinetools-linux-8512546_latest.zip -d android-sdk | |
6. sudo mv android-sdk /opt/ | |
7. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest | |
8. mv /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/* /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest (ignore the error) | |
9. at this point you should have sdkmanager and avdmanager under /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin/ | |
10. echo "export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc | |
11. echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc | |
12. echo "export ANDROID_EMULATOR_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL=60" >> ~/.bashrc | |
13. echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin" >> ~/.bashrc | |
14. source ~/.bashrc | |
15. sdkmanager --update | |
16. sdkmanager --licenses | |
17. cd /opt/android-sdk/ | |
18. Get emulator download link: | |
- https://ci.android.com/builds/branches/aosp-emu-master-dev/grid? | |
- column: emulator --> linux_aarch64 | |
- click a green version | |
- click Artifacts tab | |
- click sdk-repo-linux_aarch64-emulator-[build number].zip (~1.6Gb) | |
- Right-click the Download link (blue) and copy the download URL | |
- A Relatively stable version (31.3.8 - 5/24/2022): https://ci.android.com/builds/submitted/8632828/emulator-linux_aarch64/latest/sdk-repo-linux_aarch64-emulator-8632828.zip | |
19 wget -O emulator.zip "[download URL]" | |
20. unzip emulator.zip | |
21. cd emulator | |
22. copy text from https://chromium.googlesource.com/android_tools/+/refs/heads/master/sdk/emulator/package.xml | |
23. nano /opt/android-sdk/emulator/package.xml --> paste copied text | |
24. cat source.properties --> get Emulator version number from Pkg.Revision (Example: Pkg.Revision=31.3.9) | |
25. update the following params in package.xml according to the version: <major>, <minor>, <micro> | |
26. sdkmanager "system-images;android-31;google_apis;arm64-v8a" | |
27. avdmanager -v create avd -f -n MyAVD -k "system-images;android-31;google_apis;arm64-v8a" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd" | |
28. avdmanager list avd --> check that you have MyAVD | |
29. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/platforms | |
30. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/platform-tools | |
31. echo "Vulkan = off" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini | |
32. echo "GLDirectMem = on" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini | |
33. on Metal instance, enabled KVM access: | |
- sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm | |
- logout and re-login | |
- /opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator -accel-check --> check accel:0, KVM (version 12) is installed and usable: accel | |
Run the Emulator: | |
------------------ | |
Metal instance: | |
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @MyAVD -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel | |
Non-metal instance: | |
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @MyAVD -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel -qemu -cpu max -machine gic-version=max | |
Notes: | |
1. Use an ARM based EC2 instance. A Metal instance will allow ARM to run on the host CPU (via KVM). A non-metal instance will do ARM emulation which is much slower (but works). | |
2. The Android Emulaotr isn't included in the sdk-tools for ARM, we download it separately. After we install and update its package file, we can use sdkmanager to download system images and other emultaor-dependant packages. | |
3. The platform-tools (adb, aapt2 etc.) aren't not available for ARM64. We install ADB with apt-get (see apt list android-sdk* for other available tools). | |
4. Make sure to create the /platforms and /platform-tools folders under /opt/android-sdk/ or the emulator will exit (folder can be empty). | |
5. First run on non-Metal instance might take 10-15 minutes. | |
6. Use "google_apis" system image and not "google_apis_playstore". The "google_apis_playstore" requires authentication to connect via ADB (adb devices will show "emulator-5554 offline") | |
7. In case of unstable images (crash with illegal instruction), try using the aosp_atd image (e.g. "system-images;android-30;aosp_atd;arm64-v8a") | |
Android Emulator HW options: | |
---------------------------- | |
nano /opt/android-sdk/avd/config.ini | |
nano ~/.android/avd/MyAVD.ini | |
Specific parameters to consider: | |
hw.ramSize=2048M | |
disk.dataPartition.size=2048M | |
Disabling the "Ok Google" Hotword detection (might cause 100% CPU on non-metal instance): | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
adb shell "su root pm disable com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox" | |
Note: run after Emulator fully loaded | |
Connecting to Emulator console: | |
------------------------------- | |
1. get token from: /home/ubuntu/.emulator_console_auth_token | |
2. telnet 5554 | |
3. auth [token] | |
4. save snapshot: avd snapshot save default | |
Manually setup system image (ex: android-32, Google APIs, ARM64): | |
----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
1. https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sys-img/google_apis/arm64-v8a-32_r03.zip | |
2. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32 | |
3. mkdir /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis | |
4. unzip arm64-v8a-32_r03.zip /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis | |
image path: /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-[api_version]/[api_type]/[arch_type] (/opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-32/google_apis/arm64-v8a) | |
avdmanager -v create avd -f -n MyAVD2 -k "system-images;android-32;google_apis;arm64-v8a" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd2" | |
Useful ADB commands: | |
-------------------- | |
Connect: adb devices | |
Install APK: adb install myapp.apk | |
Uninstall app: adb uninstall com.package.name | |
Start app: adb shell am start -n com.package.name/com.package.name.ActivityName | |
Start app2: adb shell monkey -p com.package.name --pct-syskeys 0 -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1 | |
Stop app: adb shell am force-stop com.package.name | |
Disable package: adb shell "su root pm disable com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox" | |
Uninstall package: adb shell "su root pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox" | |
Check if running: adb shell dumpsys activity | grep -i run | grep -i com.package.name | |
Forward port: adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8888 | |
Kill emulator: adb -s emulator-5554 emu kill | |
Links: | |
------ | |
Emulator ARM builds: | |
https://ci.android.com/builds/branches/aosp-emu-master-dev/grid? | |
Specific: https://ci.android.com/builds/submitted/8664812/aarch64_sdk_tools_linux/latest/sdk-repo-linux_aarch64-emulator-8664812.zip | |
ARM System images: | |
Google API Images: https://androidsdkoffline.blogspot.com/p/android-sysimg-google-arm-v8a-download.html | |
All Images: https://androidsdkoffline.blogspot.com | |
Another: https://androidsdkmanager.azurewebsites.net/GoogleAPIaddonSystemImages | |
References: | |
https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/emulator#emulator_for_arm64_hosts | |
https://github.com/google/android-emulator-container-scripts/issues/192 | |
https://github.com/yaizudamashii/AndroidSDK/pull/1 | |
https://medium.com/heuristics/deploying-android-emulators-on-aws-ec2-1-3-arm-architecture-and-genymotion-solutions-for-a-2ef3238542d5 | |
https://gist.github.com/JonathanLalou/180c87554d8278b0e6d7 |
I'm trying to run this on an m1 chip running ubuntu. The emulator seems to manage all of the pre-boot steps (mounting the images and setting system props) but then crashes with this error when trying to cold boot:
ERROR | Unable to spawn process due to:, No such file or directory qemu-system-aarch64-headless: can't open backing store /home/thea/avds/YetAnotherTestAvd.avd/snapshots/default_boot/ram.img for guest RAM: Permission denied qemu-system-aarch64-headless: falling back to regular RAM allocation. WARNING: cannnot unmap ptr 0xfffe94eb4000 as it is in the protected range from 0xfffe94eb4000 to 0xffff150b4000 WARNING: cannnot unmap ptr 0xffff15004000 as it is in the protected range from 0xfffe94eb4000 to 0xffff150b4000 Could not init 'oss' audio driver WARNING | The emulator now requires a signed jwt token for gRPC access! Use the -grpc flag if you really want an open unprotected grpc port INFO | Using security allow list from: /home/thea/espen/emu/emu-master-dev/test/emulator/lib/emulator_access.json WARNING | *** Basic token auth should only be used by android-studio *** INFO | The active JSON Web Key Sets can be found here: /run/user/1001/avd/running/36869/jwks/aa8a5442-3c34-43b0-95f0-e7e3257578f9/active.jwk INFO | Scanning /run/user/1001/avd/running/36869/jwks/aa8a5442-3c34-43b0-95f0-e7e3257578f9 for jwk keys. INFO | Started GRPC server at, security: Local, auth: +token INFO | Advertising in: /run/user/1001/avd/running/pid_36869.ini I1030 15:04:48.293225 36910 FrameBuffer.cpp:3682] setDisplayConfigs w 320 h 640 dpiX 160 dpiY 160 I1030 15:04:48.293273 36910 FrameBuffer.cpp:3695] setDisplayActiveConfig 0 INFO | Loading snapshot 'default_boot'... WARNING | Device 'encrypt' does not have the requested snapshot 'default_boot' WARNING | Failed to load snapshot 'default_boot' INFO | Cold boot based on user configuration WARNING | Cold boot based on user configuration ERROR | Unable to spawn process due to:, No such file or directory ERROR | Unable to spawn process due to:, No such file or directory ERROR | crashhandler_die: fatal: kvm_user_backed_ram_map: error registering slot: Invalid argument Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Any idea what would cause this or how to fix it?
ERROR | Unable to spawn process due to:, No such file or directory
refers to/opt/android/emulator/bin64/netsimd
which is not part of aarch64 emulator build. Netsim is responsible for Bluetooth stack, anyone know how to disable it?
Getting the same issue, have you found a fix by any chance ?
Unfortunately not, I haven't found the time. I guess the fastest way to get it working would be to use netsimd from x86_64 emulator build and let the Rosetta do its magic.
I've ran it on the Jetson Nano :
aresuser@jetson:/opt/android-sdk$ emulator @android9 -cores 2 -lowram -memory 1000 -gpu host -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -no-snapshot -no-metrics -qemu -machine gic-version=2
INFO | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-aresuser/emu-crash-34.2.8.db, detection is enabled for process: 98752
INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 11435509) (CL:N/A)
INFO | Found systemPath /opt/android-sdk/system-images/android-28/google_apis/arm64-v8a/
INFO | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-aresuser/emu-crash-34.2.8.db, detection is enabled for process: 98752
INFO | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag.
WARNING | FeatureControl is requesting a non existing feature.
library_mode host gpu mode host
Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation supportandroid_startOpenglesRenderer: gpu infoI0915 14:29:22.230528 98752 HealthMonitor.cpp:279] HealthMonitor disabled.
added library libvulkan.so
createGlobalVkEmulation:995 Selecting Vulkan device: NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)
initialize: Supports id properties, got a vulkan device UUID
I0915 14:29:23.908542 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1276] Initializing VkEmulation features:
I0915 14:29:23.908639 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1277] glInteropSupported: true
I0915 14:29:23.908676 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1278] useDeferredCommands: true
I0915 14:29:23.908707 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1279] createResourceWithRequirements: true
I0915 14:29:23.908738 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1281] useVulkanComposition: false
I0915 14:29:23.908768 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1282] useVulkanNativeSwapchain: false
I0915 14:29:23.908809 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1283] enable guestRenderDoc: false
I0915 14:29:23.908839 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1284] ASTC LDR emulation mode: 2
I0915 14:29:23.908879 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1285] enable ETC2 emulation: true
I0915 14:29:23.908908 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1286] enable Ycbcr emulation: false
I0915 14:29:23.908944 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1287] guestUsesAngle: false
I0915 14:29:23.908972 98752 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1288] useDedicatedAllocations: false
I0915 14:29:23.909777 98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:506] Graphics Adapter Vendor Google (NVIDIA Corporation)
I0915 14:29:23.909904 98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:507] Graphics Adapter Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)/integrated)
I0915 14:29:23.909952 98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:508] Graphics API Version OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.5.0 NVIDIA 32.7.3)
I0915 14:29:23.909983 98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:509] Graphics API Extensions GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_buffer
I0915 14:29:23.910022 98752 FrameBuffer.cpp:510] Graphics Device Extensions N/A
OpenGL Vendor=[Google (NVIDIA Corporation)]OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (NVIDIA Tegra X1 (nvgpu)/integrated)]OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.5.0 NVIDIA 32.7.3)]Could not init `oss' audio driver
I0915 14:29:24.439422 98794 FrameBuffer.cpp:2853] setDisplayConfigs w 320 h 640 dpiX 160 dpiY 160
I0915 14:29:24.439551 98794 FrameBuffer.cpp:2866] setDisplayActiveConfig 0
WARNING | FeatureControl is requesting a non existing feature.
WARNING | Cold boot: requested by the user
And after compiling ANGLE and the library libshadertranslator.so,I've been able to use the native GPU of the Jetson Nano with Android 13 using these parameters...
$ emulator @android13 -cores 2 -lowram -memory 1000 -gpu host -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -no-snapshot -no-metrics -qemu -machine gic-version=2
Instead,I haven't been able to boot succesfully Android Cuttlefish neither on top of Ubuntu 24.04 x64 bit nor on the Jetson Nano on arm64.
Unfortunately not, I haven't found the time. I guess the fastest way to get it working would be to use netsimd from x86_64 emulator build and let the Rosetta do its magic.
I eventually used Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS x86_64 (ami-001f2488b35ca8aad) on a c5n.metal with this script and it worked fine :
echo "Updating package list..."
sudo apt update && echo "Package list updated." || echo "Failed to update package list."
echo "Upgrading installed packages..."
sudo apt upgrade -y && echo "Packages upgraded." || echo "Failed to upgrade packages."
echo "Installing required packages..."
yes | sudo apt install default-jdk python3-pip repo python-is-python3 unzip libpcre2-dev adb && echo "Required packages installed." || echo "Failed to install required packages."
echo "Downloading command line tools..."
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-11076708_latest.zip && echo "Command line tools downloaded." || echo "Failed to download command line tools."
echo "Unzipping command line tools..."
unzip commandlinetools-linux-11076708_latest.zip -d android-sdk && echo "Command line tools unzipped." || echo "Failed to unzip command line tools."
echo "Moving command line tools to /opt..."
sudo mv android-sdk /opt/ && echo "Moved command line tools to /opt." || echo "Failed to move command line tools."
echo "Creating cmdline-tools directory..."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest && echo "Cmdline-tools directory created." || echo "Failed to create cmdline-tools directory."
echo "Moving files to the latest cmdline-tools directory..."
mv /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/* /opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest && echo "Moved files to latest cmdline-tools directory." || echo "Failed to move files to latest cmdline-tools directory."
echo "Setting up environment variables..."
echo "export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_EMULATOR_WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL=60" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "Sourcing .bashrc to apply changes..."
source ~/.bashrc
echo "Updating sdkmanager..."
sdkmanager --update && echo "Sdkmanager updated." || echo "Failed to update sdkmanager."
echo "Accepting licenses..."
yes | sdkmanager --licenses && echo "Licenses accepted." || echo "Failed to accept licenses."
echo "Changing directory to /opt/android-sdk..."
cd /opt/android-sdk/ && echo "Changed directory to /opt/android-sdk." || echo "Failed to change directory."
echo "Installing emulator..."
sdkmanager "emulator" && echo "Emulator installed." || echo "Failed to install emulator."
echo "Installing system images..."
sdkmanager "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64" && echo "System images installed." || echo "Failed to install system images."
echo "Creating AVD..."
no | avdmanager -v create avd -f -n Pixel4 -k "system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64" -p "/opt/android-sdk/avd" && echo "AVD created." || echo "Failed to create AVD."
echo "Creating directories for platforms and platform-tools..."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/platforms && echo "Platforms directory created." || echo "Failed to create platforms directory."
mkdir -p /opt/android-sdk/platform-tools && echo "Platform-tools directory created." || echo "Failed to create platform-tools directory."
echo "Setting Vulkan and GLDirectMem options..."
echo "Vulkan = off" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
echo "GLDirectMem = on" >> ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini
echo "Configuration for Vulkan and GLDirectMem set."
sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm
echo "Script execution completed."
echo "logout and re-login"
echo "Then start an emulator using : /opt/android-sdk/emulator/emulator @Pixel4 -no-window -no-audio -ports 5554,5555 -skip-adb-auth -no-boot-anim -show-kernel"
If you are getting the following error:
[133:133:20241025,063913.603543:ERROR file_io_posix.cc:144] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq: No such file or directory (2)
[133:133:20241025,063913.603619:ERROR file_io_posix.cc:144] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: No such file or directory (2)
I resolved it by downgrading the emulator version. For some reason, there is a problem with the latest emulators - I'm using emulator 11076708.
Hello, @LyubomirStoimchev! I’m facing the same issue, but I couldn’t find version 11076708. Could you please explain how you resolved it?
@wenderzb Just open https://ci.android.com/builds/branches/aosp-emu-master-dev/grid?head=11076708 and get some of the builds there. The idea is that you need to have v34 emulator, not v35.
Another problem that I faced was with version mismatches between components - it's a good idea everything to be the same version e.g. 34.
Additionally try using aosp_atd and not google_apis.
For anyone who wants more dynamic script (for automated workflows):
This is my setup script. Although the
Run the emulator
section didn't run successfully for me :|