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Last active May 12, 2018 02:20
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A Windows PowerShell script for removing empty folders.
# $path = "."
$path = "C:\Temp"
$filename = "deleted_folders.txt"
$txt_file = "$env:temp\$filename"
$separator = "---------------------"
$empty_line = ""
$empty_folders = @()
$deleted_folders = @()
# Test if the path exists
If ((Test-Path $path) -eq $false) {
$invalid_path_was_found = $true
# Display an error message in console
$empty_line | Out-String
Write-Warning "'$path' doesn't seem to be a valid path name."
$empty_line | Out-String
Write-Verbose "Please consider checking that the starting point location '$path' was typed correctly and that it is a valid file system path, which points to a directory." -verbose
$empty_line | Out-String
$skip_text = "Couldn't open '$path'..."
Write-Output $skip_text
$empty_line | Out-String
} Else {
# Resolve path (if the path is specified as relative)
$real_path = Resolve-Path -Path $path
} # else (if)
# Search recursively for the empty folders at $real_path (i.e. $path)
# Note: For best results against nested empty folders, please run the script iteratively until no empty folders are found.
# Credit: Mekac: "Get folder where Access is denied"
$available_folders = Get-ChildItem $real_path -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true } | Select-Object FullName, @{ Label="AclDenied"; Expression={ (Get-Acl $_.FullName).AreAccessRulesProtected }} | Where-Object { $_.AclDenied -eq $false } | Select-Object FullName | Sort FullName
$unavailable_folders = Get-ChildItem $real_path -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true } | Select-Object FullName, @{ Label="AclDenied"; Expression={ (Get-Acl $_.FullName).AreAccessRulesProtected }} | Where-Object { $_.AclDenied -eq $null } | Select-Object FullName | Sort FullName
ForEach ($folder in ($available_folders)) {
$the_query_of_empty_folders = Get-ItemProperty $folder.FullName | Where-Object { ($_.GetFiles().Count -eq 0) -and ($_.GetDirectories().Count -eq 0) } | Select-Object FullName
If ($the_query_of_empty_folders -ne $null) {
$empty_folders += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
'FullName' = $folder.FullName
} # New-Object
} Else {
$continue = $true
} # Else (If $the_query_of_empty_folders)
} # ForEach $folder
If ($empty_folders.Count -eq 0) {
$empty_line | Out-String
"Didn't find any empty folders at $real_path." | Out-String
$empty_line | Out-String
} Else {
# Create a list of the empty folders and delete the empty folders
ForEach ($directory in $empty_folders) {
$deleted_folders += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
'Deleted Empty Folders' = $directory.FullName
} # New-Object
Remove-Item $directory.FullName -Force
} # ForEach
# Write the deleted directory paths in console
$empty_line | Out-String
$deleted_folders.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"Deleted Empty Folders")
Write-Output $deleted_folders
$empty_line | Out-String
# Write the deleted directory paths to a TXT-file (located at the current temp-folder)
If ((Test-Path $txt_file) -eq $false) {
$deleted_folders | Out-File "$txt_file" -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Add-Content -Path "$txt_file" -Value "Date: $(Get-Date -Format g)"
} Else {
$pre_existing_content = Get-Content $txt_file
($pre_existing_content + $empty_line + $separator + $empty_line + ($deleted_folders | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Deleted Empty Folders') + $empty_line) | Out-File "$txt_file" -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Add-Content -Path "$txt_file" -Value "Date: $(Get-Date -Format g)"
} # Else (If Test-Path)
} # Else (If $empty_folders.Count)
# Source:
# Source:
# Source:
# Credit: Mekac: "Get folder where Access is denied"
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