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Created January 30, 2015 01:52
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  • Save aucrawford/8048ac93e139debedc32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aucrawford/8048ac93e139debedc32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The main function of this was to provide interactivity to two rotators, on a responsive media page, for a rails project I was part of.
jQuery('document').ready(function($) {
var $imageItem = $('#image_gallery .rotator_item')
, $videoItem = $('#video_gallery .rotator_item')
// resize images to fix thumbnail
$("#image_gallery .rotator_item img").each(function() {
var $image = $(this);
$image.on("load", function(){
var maxWidth = $image.parent().width()
, maxHeight = $image.parent().height()
, width = $image.width()
, height = $image.height()
if ( (width / height) < (maxWidth / maxHeight) ) {
$image.css("width", maxWidth);
$image.css("height", "auto");
} else {
$image.css("height", maxHeight);
$image.css("width", "auto");
var displayArrows = function() {
$(".rotator_container").each (function(){
// calculate the areas then divide to determine the total number of columns
var $this = $(this)
, $columnHolder = $this.find(".items_holder")
, columnWidth = $this.width()
, columnHeight = $columnHolder.height()
, columnArea = columnWidth * columnHeight
, $item = $this.find('.rotator_item')
// must be bordeLeftWidth NOT borderWidth for frekin' ie9
, borderWidth = parseInt($item.css("borderLeftWidth").replace('px', '')) * 2
, itemWidth = $item.width() + parseInt($item.css("marginLeft").replace('px', '')) + parseInt($item.css("marginRight").replace('px', '')) + borderWidth
, itemHeight = $item.height() + parseInt($item.css("marginBottom").replace('px', '')) + borderWidth
, itemArea = (itemWidth * $item.length) * itemHeight
, $myArrows = $this.find('.arrow')
, columnNum = Math.ceil(itemArea / columnArea)
, columnHolderWidth = columnNum * columnWidth
, $breadcrumbs = $('.rotator_bread_crumbs')
// set the width of the items holder
// show the arrows only when needed
if (columnNum > 1) {
} else {
if (columnHeight > itemHeight) {
} else {
// create crumbs
if ( $this.find($breadcrumbs).length ) {
var colEnd = columnNum - 1;
if (columnNum > 1) {
$breadcrumbs.append('<li class="jsAnimate jsCrumbs" data-direction="0"><<</li><li class="jsAnimate jsArrow" data-direction="1"><</li>');
for(var i = 0; i < columnNum; i++) {
n = i+1;
$breadcrumbs.append('<li class="set jsAnimate jsCrumbs" data-direction="-' + i + '">' + n + '</li>');
$breadcrumbs.append('<li class="jsAnimate jsArrow" data-direction="-1">></li><li class="jsAnimate jsCrumbs" data-direction="-' + colEnd + '">>></li>');
// set the first breacrumb as the active default
// debounce from underscore.js
var debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
}, wait);
if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args);
var efficientChecks = debounce(displayArrows, 250, false);
// run on load
// run on resize
window.addEventListener('resize', efficientChecks);
// animate the rotator
$(document).on("click", ".jsAnimate", function() {
var $this = $(this)
, $wrapper = $this.parents('.rotator_container').find('.rotator_wrapper')
, wrapperWidth = $wrapper.width()
, $itemsHolder = $wrapper.find('.items_holder')
, rotatorPosition = $itemsHolder.position().left
, direction = $this.attr('data-direction')
, itemsHolderWidth = $itemsHolder.width()
, index = $this.attr('data-target')
, maxScroll = (itemsHolderWidth - wrapperWidth) * -1
, scrollAmount
// determine direction distance and permission
if ( $this.hasClass('jsCrumbs') ) {
scrollAmount = wrapperWidth * direction
} else if ( $this.hasClass('jsArrow') && direction == 1 && rotatorPosition >= 0 ) {
return false
} else if ( $this.hasClass('jsArrow') && direction == -1 && rotatorPosition <= maxScroll ) {
return false
} else {
scrollAmount = rotatorPosition + (wrapperWidth * direction)
// prevent click durring slide
if ($':animated')) {
return false
left: scrollAmount
}, 750);
// colorbox for image popups
maxWidth: "95%",
maxHeight: "95%",
scalePhotos: true,
onClosed: function () {
onComplete: function() {
$.colorbox.resize({ width: $('.cboxPhoto').width() });
// Switch video and content
$ function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
video_title = $this.find('span').text(),
video_description = $this.find('.hidden').text(),
itemID ='vid-', '');
$("#video_gallery .video_container").html('<iframe src="' + itemID + '?rel=0&amp;wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315" wmode="opaque" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
$("#video_gallery .video_description h2").html( video_title );
$("#video_gallery .video_description p").html( video_description );
- if @video_gallery.nil? || @video_gallery.empty?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
h2 Fortress Siege Action!
P This Game puts you into the thick of competitive siege warfare. Unleash your minions and charge into the heart of the enemies’ stronghold, and build your own impenetrable gauntlet.
- else
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="{@video_gallery.first[:youtube_id]}?rel=0&wmode=opaque&autohide=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
= @video_gallery.first[:title]
= @video_gallery.first[:description]
- unless @video_gallery.nil? || @video_gallery.empty?
.arrow.prev-arrow.jsAnimate.jsArrow data-direction="1" data-direction="-1"
- @video_gallery.each do |video|
a.rotator_item href="#video_gallery" id="vid-#{video[:youtube_id]}"
img src="{video[:youtube_id]}/0.jpg"
= video[:title]
= video[:description]
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