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Last active March 1, 2024 17:09
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# Function to create swap files
create_swap_files() {
local count=$1
local swap_directory=${2:-/var/}
local swap_file_prefix="swapfile"
for ((i=1; i<=count; i++)); do
sudo fallocate -l 1G "$swap_file" # Adjust the size (1G in this example)
sudo chmod 600 "$swap_file"
sudo mkswap "$swap_file"
sudo swapon "$swap_file"
echo "Swap file $swap_file created and activated."
# Function to update /etc/fstab
update_fstab() {
local swap_directory=${1:-/var/}
local swap_file_prefix="swapfile"
for swap_file in "${swap_directory}/${swap_file_prefix}"*; do
echo "$swap_file none swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
echo "Updated /etc/fstab to enable swap files."
# Main script
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] || [ "$#" -gt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <number_of_swap_files> [swap_directory]"
exit 1
create_swap_files "$number_of_swap_files" "$swap_directory"
update_fstab "$swap_directory"
echo "Swap setup complete."
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