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Last active July 31, 2019 03:36
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Implementatations of Regret Minimization and Counterfactual Regret Minimization in Python.

These are implemented as outlined in An Introduction to Counterfactual Regret Minimization (Neller and Lanctot) (paper here) finds a correlated equilibrium in Rocks-Paper-Scissors, which in this case happens to be the Nash equilibrium. It is very similar to the code found in this YouTube video finds a correlated equilibrium in Kuhn Poker which is a toy poker game described in the paper and previously. finds a correlated equilibrium in 3 player Kuhn Poker, as described in this paper

All examples run on Python 3 (3.6 to be exact).

import enum
import random
class Actions(enum.Enum):
PASS = 'p'
BET = 'b'
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
class Node:
def __init__(self, infoset):
self.infoset = infoset
# Initialize strategy to randomness
self.strategy = {}
for a in Actions:
self.strategy[a] = random.random()
normalizing_sum = sum(self.strategy.values())
for a in Actions:
self.strategy[a] /= normalizing_sum
self.strategy_sum = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
self.regret_sum = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
def __str__(self):
return '<%4s: %r>' % (self.infoset, self.get_average_strategy())
def update_strategy(self, realization_weight):
normalizing_sum = 0
for action, value in self.strategy.items():
self.strategy[action] = 0
if self.regret_sum[action] > 0:
self.strategy[action] = self.regret_sum[action]
normalizing_sum += self.strategy[action]
for action, value in self.strategy.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
self.strategy[action] /= normalizing_sum
self.strategy[action] = 1.0 / len(self.strategy)
self.strategy_sum[action] += realization_weight * self.strategy[action]
def action(self):
rnd = random.random()
a = 0
cumulative_prob = 0
for action, prob in self.strategy.items():
cumulative_prob += prob
if rnd < cumulative_prob:
return action
def get_average_strategy(self):
normalizing_sum = 0
avg_strategy = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
normalizing_sum = sum(self.strategy_sum.values())
for a, sum_ in self.strategy_sum.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
avg_strategy[a] = sum_ / normalizing_sum
avg_strategy[a] = -1
return avg_strategy
class KuhnTrainer:
def __init__(self):
self.nodemap = {}
def cfr(self, cards, history, p0, p1):
plays = len(history)
player = plays % 2
opponent = 1 - player
# Check for terminal states and return payoff
if plays > 1:
terminal_pass = history[plays - 1] == 'p'
double_bet = history[plays - 2:plays] == 'bb'
is_player_card_higher = cards[player] > cards[opponent];
if terminal_pass:
if history == 'pp':
return 1 if is_player_card_higher else -1
return 1
elif double_bet:
return 2 if is_player_card_higher else -2
infoset = str(cards[player]) + history
# Get information set node or create if non-existant
node = self.nodemap.get(infoset, Node(infoset))
self.nodemap[infoset] = node
# For each action, recursively call cfr with additional history and
# probability
node.update_strategy(p0 if player == 0 else p1)
util = {}
node_util = 0
for a in Actions:
next_history = history + a.value
if player == 0:
util[a] = self.cfr(cards, next_history, p0 * node.strategy[a], p1)
util[a] = self.cfr(cards, next_history, p0, p1 * node.strategy[a])
node_util += node.strategy[a] * util[a]
for a in Actions:
regret = util[a] - node_util
node.regret_sum[a] += (p0 if player == 0 else p1) * regret
return node_util
def train(self, iterations):
cards = [1, 2, 3]
util = 0
for _ in range(iterations):
util += self.cfr(cards, '', 1, 1)
print('Average game value: %s' % (util / iterations))
for node in self.nodemap.values():
if __name__ == '__main__':
kt = KuhnTrainer().train(10000)
import enum
import random
class Actions(enum.Enum):
CHECK = 'c'
BET = 'b'
FOLD = 'f'
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
class Node:
def __init__(self, infoset):
self.infoset = infoset
self.strategy_sum = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
self.regret_sum = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
def __str__(self):
return '<%4s: %r>' % (self.infoset, self.get_average_strategy())
def reset_strategy(self):
# Initialize strategy to randomness
self.strategy = {}
for a in Actions:
self.strategy[a] = random.random()
normalizing_sum = sum(self.strategy.values())
for a in Actions:
self.strategy[a] /= normalizing_sum
def update_strategy(self, realization_weight):
normalizing_sum = 0
for action, value in self.strategy.items():
self.strategy[action] = 0
if self.regret_sum[action] > 0:
self.strategy[action] = self.regret_sum[action]
normalizing_sum += self.strategy[action]
for action, value in self.strategy.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
self.strategy[action] /= normalizing_sum
self.strategy[action] = 1.0 / len(self.strategy)
self.strategy_sum[action] += realization_weight * self.strategy[action]
def action(self):
rnd = random.random()
a = 0
cumulative_prob = 0
for action, prob in self.strategy.items():
cumulative_prob += prob
if rnd < cumulative_prob:
return action
def get_average_strategy(self):
normalizing_sum = 0
avg_strategy = dict((a, 0) for a in Actions)
normalizing_sum = sum(self.strategy_sum.values())
for a, sum_ in self.strategy_sum.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
avg_strategy[a] = sum_ / normalizing_sum
avg_strategy[a] = -1
for a in Actions:
if avg_strategy[a] < 0.001:
avg_strategy[a] = 0
normalizing_sum = sum(avg_strategy.values())
for a in Actions:
avg_strategy[a] /= normalizing_sum
return avg_strategy
class KuhnTrainer:
def __init__(self):
self.nodemap = {}
# @memoize
def cfr(self, cards, history, p0, p1, p2):
player = len(history) % 3
# Check for terminal states and return payoff
if len(history) > 1:
last_three = history[-3:]
# Play is only terminal if a player hasn't checked in last three moves.
# Or, if all players have checked in the last three moves.
if 'c' not in last_three or last_three == 'ccc':
# Check who's folded
opponents = [0, 1, 2]
for i, h in enumerate(history):
if h == 'f':
opponents.remove(i % 3)
is_player_card_highest = True
for opp in opponents:
if cards[opp] > cards[player]:
is_player_card_highest = False
if last_three == 'ccc':
return 3 if is_player_card_highest else -1
elif last_three.count('f') == 2:
# Everyone else folded
return history.count('b') + 3
return history.count('b') + 3 if is_player_card_highest else -2
infoset = str(cards[player]) + history
# Get information set node or create if non-existant
node = self.nodemap.get(infoset, Node(infoset))
self.nodemap[infoset] = node
# For each action, recursively call cfr with additional history and
# probability
probs = (p0, p1, p2)
util = {}
node_util = 0
available_actions = list(Actions)
if 'b' in history:
for a in available_actions:
next_history = history + a.value
if player == 0:
util[a] = self.cfr(cards, next_history, p0 * node.strategy[a], p1, p2)
elif player == 1:
util[a] = self.cfr(cards, next_history, p0, p1 * node.strategy[a], p2)
elif player == 2:
util[a] = self.cfr(cards, next_history, p0, p1, p2 * node.strategy[a])
node_util += node.strategy[a] * util[a]
for a in available_actions:
regret = util[a] - node_util
node.regret_sum[a] += probs[player] * regret
return node_util
def train(self, iterations):
cards = [1, 2, 3, 4]
util = 0
has_reset = False
for i in range(iterations):
util += self.cfr(tuple(cards), '', 1, 1, 1)
if not has_reset and i > iterations / 2:
for node in self.nodemap.values():
print('Average game value: %s' % (util / iterations))
for node in self.nodemap.values():
if __name__ == '__main__':
kt = KuhnTrainer().train(50000)
import enum
import random
class Choice(enum.Enum):
ROCK = 1
SCIS = 3
def utility(choice_a, choice_b):
if choice_a == choice_b:
return 0
elif choice_a == Choice.ROCK:
if choice_b == Choice.PAPER:
return -1
return 1
elif choice_a == Choice.PAPER:
if choice_b == Choice.SCIS:
return -1
return 1
if choice_b == Choice.ROCK:
return -1
return 1
class RegretMatcher:
def __init__(self):
r, p, s = (random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
normalizing_sum = r + p + s
r /= normalizing_sum
p /= normalizing_sum
s /= normalizing_sum
self.strategy = dict(zip(Choice, (r, p, s)))
self.strategy_sum = dict((choice, 0) for choice in Choice)
self.regret_sum = dict((choice, 0) for choice in Choice)
def update_strategy(self):
normalizing_sum = 0
for choice, value in self.strategy.items():
self.strategy[choice] = 0
if self.regret_sum[choice] > 0:
self.strategy[choice] = self.regret_sum[choice]
normalizing_sum += self.strategy[choice]
for choice, value in self.strategy.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
self.strategy[choice] /= normalizing_sum
self.strategy[choice] = 1.0 / len(self.strategy)
self.strategy_sum[choice] += self.strategy[choice]
def action(self):
rnd = random.random()
a = 0
cumulative_prob = 0
for choice, prob in self.strategy.items():
cumulative_prob += prob
if rnd < cumulative_prob:
return choice
def update_regret_sum(self, my_action, opp_action):
action_utility = dict((choice, utility(choice, opp_action))
for choice in Choice)
self.regret_sum = dict(
(choice, action_utility[choice] - action_utility[my_action])
for choice in Choice)
def get_average_strategy(self):
normalizing_sum = 0
avg_strategy = dict((choice, 0) for choice in Choice)
normalizing_sum = sum(self.strategy_sum.values())
for choice, sum_ in self.strategy_sum.items():
if normalizing_sum > 0:
avg_strategy[choice] = sum_ / normalizing_sum
avg_strategy[choice] = -1
return avg_strategy
def train():
my_matcher = RegretMatcher()
opp_matcher = RegretMatcher()
for _ in range(10000):
my_action = my_matcher.action()
opp_action = opp_matcher.action()
my_matcher.update_regret_sum(my_action, opp_action)
opp_matcher.update_regret_sum(opp_action, my_action)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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