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Last active October 17, 2016 19:45
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# refactored code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""API Endpoints for the Calendar
Endpoints designed to be called with AJAX requests and retrieve the events
that should populate the webpage's calendar.
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from accounts.models import ShoppingCart, User
from .dictionaries import EventDictionary
from .models import Event, Registration
from datetime import datetime
import json
class BaseOccurrence(object):
title = ""
description = ""
color = ""
strand = ""
start = ""
url = ""
occurrence_type = ""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.strand = kwargs.get('strand', '')
self.start = kwargs.get('start', '')
self.url = kwargs.get('url', '')
def to_dict(self):
return {"title": self.title,
"description": self.description,
"color": self.color,
"strand": self.strand,
"start": self.start,
"url": self.url,
"occurrence_type": self.occurrence_type}
class EventOccurrence(BaseOccurrence):
occurrence_type = "event"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.title = kwargs.get('title', '')
self.description = self.parse_description(**kwargs)
self.color = kwargs.get('color', '')
super(BaseOccurrence, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def parse_description(self, **kwargs):
strand = kwargs.get('strand_verbose', '')
description = kwargs.get('description', '')
description = strip_tags(description)[:140].replace('&nbsp', ' ') + ".."
return strand + "\n" + description
class OpenOccurrence(BaseOccurrence):
occurrence_type = "reg_open"
color = "#34495e"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.title = 'Registration Opens for ' + kwargs.get('title', '')
self.description = 'Registration Open for ' + kwargs.get('description', '')
super(BaseOccurrence, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class ClosedOccurrence(BaseOccurrence):
occurrence_type = "reg_close"
color = "#34495e"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.title = 'Registration Closes for ' + kwargs.get('title', '')
self.description = 'Registration Closes for ' + kwargs.get('description', '')
super(BaseOccurrence, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class EventApiMixin(object):
"""Base class for the Event API holding common code
def parse_request(self, request):
default_time =
start = parse(request.GET.get("start", ""), default=default_time)
end = parse(request.GET.get("end", ""), default=default_time)
return (start, end)
def get_color(self, event):
color = EventDictionary.STRAND_COLORS_DICT.get(event.strand_type)
if color is None:
color = EventDictionary.STRAND_COLORS_DICT.get(EventDictionary.GENERAL)
return color
def get_strand(self, event):
event_strand = event.strand_type
strand_verbose = EventDictionary.STRAND_TYPES_DICT.get(event_strand)
if strand_verbose is None:
strand = EventDictionary.STRAND_TYPES_DICT.get(EventDictionary.GENERAL)
event_strand = EventDictionary.GENERAL
return (event_strand, strand_verbose)
def create_event_dict(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('occurrence_type', '') == OpenOccurrence.occurrence_type:
return OpenOccurrence(**kwargs).to_dict()
elif kwargs.get('occurrence_type', '') == ClosedOccurrence.occurrence_type:
return ClosedOccurrence(**kwargs).to_dict()
elif kwargs.get('occurrence_type', '') == EventOccurrence.occurrence_type:
return EventOccurrence(**kwargs).to_dict()
return BaseOccurrence.to_dict()
def create_events_json(self, events):
events_json = []
for event in events:
color = self.get_color(event)
strand, strand_verbose = self.get_strand(event)
for meeting in event.meetings_between(start, end):
occurrence, occurrence_type = meeting
kwargs = { "title": event.title,
"description": event.description,
"color": color,
"strand": strand,
"start": str(occurrence),
"url": str(event.get_absolute_url()),
"occurrence_type": occurrence_type}
events_json.append(self.create_event_dict(event, **kwargs))
return events_json
class SingleEvent(EventApiMixin, View):
"""Provides JSON Endpoint for a Single Calendar Events Schedule
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
start, end = self.parse_request(request)
events = (get_object_or_404(Event, pk=int(request.GET.get("event"))), )
events_json = self.create_events_json(events)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(events_json), content_type="application/json")
class AllEvents(EventApiMixin, View):
"""Provides JSON Endpoint for All Events on Calendar
Events include Registration open and close dates, general events, and
events that have multiple occurrences over time. Events are colored based
on their Event Strand color.
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
start, end = self.parse_request(request)
events = Event.published.all()
events_json = self.create_events_json(events)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(events_json), content_type="application/json")
class UserEvents(EventApiMixin, View):
"""Provides JSON Endpoint for User's Schedule
Events returned are only those that are part of the requested user's
schedule. Events are broken into three categories, events in the user's
shopping cart (potentially registering for), events that the user has
requested to register for, and events that the user has been approved
user_enrolled_events = []
user_pending_events = []
def get_color(self, idx, event):
if idx == 0:
color = "#F36E21"
if event in self.user_enrolled_events:
color = "#5cb85c"
color = "#5bc0de"
return color
def create_event_list(self, user_pk):
cart = ShoppingCart.objects.get(owner=user_pk)
cart_events =
usr = User.objects.get(pk=user_pk)
user_regs = usr.registration_set.exclude(status=Registration.DENIED)
for reg in user_regs:
if reg.event.in_session():
if reg.status == Registration.APPROVED:
return [cart_events, self.user_pending_events, self.user_enrolled_events]
def create_events_json(self, events_list):
events_json = []
for idx, lst in enumerate(events_list):
for event in lst:
color = self.get_color(idx, event)
strand, strand_verbose = self.get_strand(event)
for meeting in event.meetings_between(start, end):
occurrence, occurrence_type = meeting
kwargs = { "title": event.title,
"description": event.description,
"color": color,
"strand": strand,
"start": str(occurrence),
"url": str(event.get_absolute_url()),
"occurrence_type": occurrence_type}
events_json.append(self.create_event_dict(event, **kwargs))
return events_json
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
start, end = self.parse_request(request)
events_list = self.create_event_list(
events_json = self.create_events_json(events_list)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(events_json), content_type="application/json")
class UserSchedule(GroupRequiredMixin, UserEvents):
group_required = [u"admins", u"managers"]
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
start, end = self.parse_request(request)
events_list = self.create_event_list(kwargs['pk'])
events_json = self.create_events_json(events_list)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(events_json), content_type="application/json")
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