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Created September 26, 2015 23:01
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package prc.ib;
import com.ib.client.ComboLeg;
import com.ib.client.Order;
import com.ib.client.Execution;
public class OrderBuilder {
private Order order;
private static final int out_multiplier = 3;
private static final int stp_multiplier = 2;
public OrderBuilder() {
this.order = new Order();
this.order.m_clientId = 0; //Configuration.getClientId();
this.order.m_account = "";//Configuration.getAccount() ;
//this.order.m_orderId = OrderID.getAndIncrement();
this.order.m_orderId = 1;
public OrderBuilder withPrice(final double price) {
this.order.m_lmtPrice = price;
return this;
public OrderBuilder withSide(final Side action) {
this.order.m_action = action.getValue();
return this;
public OrderBuilder withTIF(final TimeInForce tif) {
this.order.m_tif = tif.getValue();
return this;
public OrderBuilder withOrderType(final OrderType tp) {
order.m_orderType = tp.getValue();
return this;
public OrderBuilder withParentId(final int id) {
order.m_parentId = id;
return this;
public OrderBuilder withOcaGroup(final String ocaGroup) {
order.m_ocaGroup = ocaGroup;
return this;
public OrderBuilder withQuantity(final int qty) {
order.m_totalQuantity = qty;
return this;
//YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss
public OrderBuilder withGoodTillDate(final String datestring) {
order.m_goodTillDate = datestring;
return this;
public Order create() {
return this.order;
public static Order createLimitOrder(final double price, final Side side) {
return new OrderBuilder()
public static Order createOrder(final Side action) {
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = action.getValue();
order.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
order.m_lmtPrice = 56.32;
order.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
order.m_totalQuantity = 1;
order.m_clientId = 0;
order.m_permId = 0;
order.m_auxPrice = 0;
order.m_transmit = true;
order.m_orderId = OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
return (order);
public static Order createOrder() {
Order order = new Order();
order.m_action = Side.BUY.getValue();
order.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
order.m_lmtPrice = 56.37;
order.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
order.m_totalQuantity = 12;
order.m_clientId = 0;
//order.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
order.m_orderId = OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
return (order);
public static Order[] createBracket(final Order order, final double tick) {
Order border = new Order();
border.m_action = order.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? Side.SELL.getValue()
: Side.BUY.getValue();
border.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
border.m_lmtPrice = border.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? order.m_lmtPrice - tick
: order.m_lmtPrice + tick;
border.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
border.m_totalQuantity = 1;
border.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//border.m_account = Configuration.getAccount();
border.m_orderId = 0;//OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
border.m_parentId = 0; //order.m_orderId;
Order sorder = new Order();
sorder.m_action = order.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue()) ? Side.SELL.getValue() : Side.BUY.getValue();
sorder.m_orderType = OrderType.STOP.getValue();
sorder.m_auxPrice = sorder.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? order.m_lmtPrice + tick
: order.m_lmtPrice - tick ;
sorder.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
sorder.m_totalQuantity = 1;
sorder.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//sorder.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
sorder.m_orderId = 0; //OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
sorder.m_parentId = 0; //order.m_orderId;
return (new Order[]{border, sorder});
public static Order createOrder(final Execution order, final double tick, final Quote qt) {
int oid = OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
Order border = new Order();
border.m_action = order.m_side.equals("BOT") ? Side.SELL.getValue() : Side.BUY.getValue();
border.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
border.m_lmtPrice = border.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? qt.getBid()
: qt.getAsk();
border.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
border.m_totalQuantity = order.m_shares;
border.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//border.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
border.m_orderId = oid;
return border;
public static Order createOrder(final Execution order, final Quote qt, int offset, double tick) {
Order border = new Order();
border.m_action = order.m_side.equals("BOT") ? Side.SELL.getValue() : Side.BUY.getValue();
border.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
border.m_lmtPrice = border.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? order.m_price - (offset * tick)
: order.m_price + (offset * tick);
border.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
border.m_totalQuantity = order.m_shares;
border.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//border.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
border.m_orderId = OrderIDGenerator.getAndIncrement();
return border;
public static Order[] createOCO(final Execution order, final double tick, final Quote qt, final String OCgroup) {
int oid = 0;//OrderID.getAndIncrement();
Order border = new Order();
border.m_action = order.m_side.equals(Side.BOT.getValue()) ? Side.SELL.getValue() : Side.BUY.getValue();
border.m_orderType = OrderType.LIMIT.getValue();
border.m_lmtPrice = border.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? qt.getBid() - tick * out_multiplier
: qt.getAsk() + tick * out_multiplier;
border.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
border.m_totalQuantity = order.m_shares;
border.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//border.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
border.m_orderId = oid;
border.m_ocaGroup = OCgroup;
Order sorder = new Order();
sorder.m_action = border.m_action; //order.m_side.equals("BOT")? Side.SELL.getValue() : Side.BUY.getValue();
sorder.m_orderType = OrderType.STOP.getValue();
sorder.m_auxPrice = sorder.m_action.equals(Side.BUY.getValue())
? qt.getAsk() + tick * stp_multiplier
: qt.getBid() - tick * stp_multiplier;
sorder.m_tif = TimeInForce.DAY.getValue();
sorder.m_totalQuantity = order.m_shares;
sorder.m_clientId = 0;//Configuration.getClientId();
//sorder.m_account= Configuration.getAccount();
sorder.m_orderId = 0; //OrderID.getAndIncrement();
sorder.m_ocaGroup = OCgroup;
return (new Order[]{border, sorder});
public static Order[] createSpreadOrder( Side side, Spread spread ){
Order buyorder = createOrder( spread.getFrontQuote() , side , spread.getFrontSize() , 0);
Order sellorder = createOrder( spread.getBackQuote() , side.getFlip() , spread.getBackSize(), 0);
return new Order[]{buyorder, sellorder };
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audubon commented Sep 26, 2015

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