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Last active January 21, 2018 21:16
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Short script written in CoffeeScript which converts a string containing roman numerals to an integer
### Convert string of roman numerals to an integer ###
convertSingleChar = (romanNumeral) ->
switch romanNumeral
when "I" then 1
when "V" then 5
when "X" then 10
when "L" then 50
when "C" then 100
when "D" then 500
when "M" then 1000
nextIntBigger = (array, index) ->
if index + 1 is array.length then return false
return array[index] < array[index + 1]
romanToInt = (romanNumerals) ->
intArr = []
intArr.push convertSingleChar romanNumeral for romanNumeral in romanNumerals
total = subtractTotal = 0
for int, i in intArr
if nextIntBigger intArr, i then subtractTotal += int else total += int
return total - subtractTotal
console.log romanToInt "LXXXIX" # 89
console.log romanToInt "XCIV" # 94
console.log romanToInt "DCCC" # 800
console.log romanToInt "CM" # 900
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