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Created January 31, 2023 23:17
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import { useMemo, useReducer } from "react"
import produce, { castImmutable } from "immer"
import { isEqual } from "lodash-es"
import { NonEmpty } from "~utils/types"
interface SetValue<T> {
<K extends keyof T>(
next: NonEmpty<Pick<T, K>> | null,
restoreInitial?: boolean
): void
interface setCallback<T> {
<K extends keyof T>(
next: (prev: T) => NonEmpty<Pick<T, K>> | null | void,
restoreInitial?: boolean
): void
* useState alternative for objects
* has setter which allows for more powerful way of setting state:
* - pass strongly typed partial to be mergerd
* - callback utilizing immer! Either a void function which can "immutably mutate"
* object or return a strongly typed partial to be merged
* - provides `restoreInitial` parameter which resets any non present properties
* in setter when passing partial states
* does not cause re-renders if a setter's payload and current state
* are identical. In that case previous object reference persists.
function useStateObject<S extends object>(initialState: S) {
initialState = useMemo(() => initialState, [])
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
(prev: S, next: (prev: S) => S) => next(prev),
function createPayload<K extends keyof S>(
prev: S,
next: S | Pick<S, K> | null,
restoreInitial?: boolean
) {
const payload = { ...(restoreInitial ? initialState : prev), }
return isEqual(prev, payload) ? prev : payload
const setValue: SetValue<S> = (next, restore) =>
dispatch((prev) => createPayload(prev, next, restore))
const setCallback: setCallback<S> = (next, restore) =>
dispatch((prev) => {
const result = <S>produce(next)(castImmutable(prev))
return createPayload(prev, result, restore)
return [
useMemo(() => Object.assign(setValue, { immer: setCallback }), []),
] as const
export default useStateObject
state setter typings are similiar to class based setState.
the reason the callback is accesed through separate prop
is that ts sometimes has trouble discriminating between
a Pick based value or callback union and thus may
include edge cases where type errors aren't reported
There are multiple tickets on DefinitelyTyped's repo on the matter,
hence this approach in the meantime
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