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Created February 2, 2017 05:29
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// BeaconManager.swift
// Keno
// Created by Victor Augusteo on 17/8/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Tabcorp. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import ReactiveCocoa
import ReactiveSwift
import CoreBluetooth
import Result
class BeaconManager: NSObject {
static let instance = BeaconManager()
let isBluetoothOn = MutableProperty<Bool>(true)
fileprivate var bluetoothManager: CBPeripheralManager!
fileprivate var initState = false
fileprivate let tpState = MutableProperty<Bool>(true)
fileprivate var shouldRegisterForAppNotification = true
fileprivate var isFirstTime = true
let beaconStatus = MutableProperty<BeaconStatus>(.outside)
let isInVenue = MutableProperty<Bool>(false)
var spreoKey = SpreoKeys.mvp
private override init() {
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: SpreoDefaultKeyIsTest) {
spreoKey = .others
} else {
spreoKey = .mvp
bluetoothManager = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: nil)
isInVenue <~ beaconStatus.producer
.map { zone in
if let testInVenue = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["IN_VENUE_TEST"], Bool(testInVenue) == true {
return true
return zone == .inside
SignalProducer.combineLatest(tpState.producer, isBluetoothOn.producer)
.filter { !$0 || !$1 }
.startWithValues { _, _ in
self.beaconStatus.value = .outside
NotificationCenter.default.reactive.notifications(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIApplicationDidEnterBackground)
.observeValues { [weak self] _ in
self?.beaconStatus.value = .outside
let becomeActiveTrigger =
NotificationCenter.default.reactive.notifications(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIApplicationDidBecomeActive)
.map { _ in () }
let becomeActiveProducer: SignalProducer<(), NoError> = SignalProducer(becomeActiveTrigger)
let locationProducer = LocationManager.sharedInstance
.map { $0 == .authorizedWhenInUse }
let jurisdictionProducer = AccountManager.sharedInstance.account
.filterMap { $0.jurisdiction }
.map { $0 == .NSW }
let bluetoothProducer = isBluetoothOn.producer
SignalProducer.combineLatest(jurisdictionProducer, locationProducer, becomeActiveProducer, bluetoothProducer)
.map { (isNSW, locationOn, _, bluetoothOn) in
return isNSW && locationOn && bluetoothOn
.startWithValues { [weak self] shouldStart in
self?.handleZoneDetection(shouldStart: shouldStart)
func doInitialDetection() {
if (!initState && isBluetoothOn.value) {
initState = true;
/// call just before placing a bet, returns all data needed to place a bet
func getVenueData() -> VenueData? {
if let testInVenue = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["IN_VENUE_TEST"] , Bool(testInVenue) == true {
return handleTestVenue()
if beaconStatus.value == .outside { return nil }
guard let projectID = IDKit.getCurrentProjectId() else { return nil }
let date = Date()
let signature = generateSignature(projectID: projectID, date: date)
return VenueData(venueID: projectID, date: date, signature: signature)
private func handleTestVenue() -> VenueData? {
let projectID = "00000_melbourne"
let date = Date()
let signature = generateSignature(projectID: projectID, date: date)
return VenueData(venueID: projectID, date: date, signature: signature)
extension BeaconManager {
func handleZoneDetection(shouldStart: Bool) {
if shouldStart {
IDKit.registerToZoneDetectionListener(withDelegate: self)
IDKit.startSearching(forCampus: nil)
log.debug("Beacon manager started searching")
} else {
log.debug("Beacon manager stopped searching")
extension BeaconManager: IDZoneDetectionListener {
func onUpdateGate(with aZoneStatus: IDZoneStatus, detectionType aZoneDetectionType: IDZoneDetectionType) {
log.debug("zone status: \(aZoneStatus.stringValue), detectionType: \(aZoneDetectionType.stringValue)")
let isLocationOn = LocationManager.sharedInstance.authorizationStatus.value == .authorizedWhenInUse
if aZoneDetectionType == .loadingStateDetection && isBluetoothOn.value && isLocationOn {
beaconStatus.value = .loading
if (aZoneDetectionType == .initialDetection) {
initState = false;
if (aZoneStatus == .in) {
beaconStatus.value = .inside
if (aZoneDetectionType == .deviceConectivetyDetectionOn) {
if (isFirstTime) {
isFirstTime = false;
} else {
initState = false;
if (aZoneDetectionType == .deviceConectivetyDetection) {
beaconStatus.value = aZoneStatus == .in ? .inside : .outside
//Gate Detection
if (aZoneStatus == .in && tpState.value) {
beaconStatus.value = .inside
if (aZoneStatus == .out) {
beaconStatus.value = .outside
func onUpdateTheftProtectionState(withMode aTPStateMode: Bool) {
log.debug("tpState: \(aTPStateMode)")
tpState.value = aTPStateMode
extension BeaconManager {
fileprivate func generateSignature(projectID: String, date: Date) -> String {
let str = "\(projectID)\(date.iso)"
let signature = DigitalSignature.signature(from: str)
return signature!
extension BeaconManager: CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
if let testInVenue = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["IN_VENUE_TEST"], Bool(testInVenue) == true {
// Pretend we have bluetooth turned on.
isBluetoothOn.value = true
} else {
isBluetoothOn.value = peripheral.state == .poweredOn
/// we need to pass venueID, device location, and one-time security token for placing a bet
struct VenueData {
let venueID : String
let date: Date
let signature: String
extension IDZoneStatus {
var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .in : return "In"
case .out: return "Out"
extension IDZoneDetectionType {
var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .initialDetection:
return "Initial"
case .unknownDetection:
return "Unkown"
case .gateDetection:
return "Gate"
case .deviceConectivetyDetection:
return "DeviceConnectivity"
case .deviceConectivetyDetectionOn:
return "DeviceConnectivityOn"
case .userDefenitionDetection:
return "User Definition"
case .loadingStateDetection:
return "Loading detection..."
case .notInRangeDetection:
return "no beacon in range"
case .bleNotAvailableDetection:
return "bluetooth is not available"
enum BeaconStatus {
case inside, outside, loading
enum SpreoKeys {
case mvp
case others
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