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Spatial intersection of an xarray defined grid and a shapely polygon, using pyproj to convert to an equal earth projection for more accuracy. With tools to get the grid corners and rotated_pole projections.
# Spatial intersection and average
# Compute weights corresponding to the intersection between grid cells and a polygon.
# Pascal bourgault, Sept 2020
from cartopy import crs
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import transform
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
import pyproj
def add_bounds(da, xdim='lon', ydim='lat', edge='reflect'):
"""Add bounds coordinates to a dataset. Only regular grid supported (1D coordinates).
da : xr.Dataset
Xarray dataset defining grid centers
xdim, ydim : str
Name of the two coordinates.
edge : {'reflect', 'mean', float}
How the points at the edge are extrapolated.
If 'reflect', the boundary grid steps are the same as their immediate neighbors.
if 'mean', the boundary grid steps are the mean of all grid steps.
if a number, it is used as the boundary grid step.
A copy of da with new grid corners coordinates, they have the same name as the center
coordinates with a '_b' suffix. Ex: lat_b and lon_b.
x = da[xdim]
dx = x.diff(xdim, label='lower')
if edge == 'reflect':
dx_left = dx[0]
dx_right = dx[-1]
elif edge == 'mean':
dx_left = dx_right = dx.mean()
dx_left = dx_right = edge
Xs = np.concatenate(([x[0] - dx_left / 2], x + dx / 2, [x[-1] + dx_right]))
y = da[ydim]
dy = y.diff(ydim, label='lower')
if edge == 'reflect':
dy_left = dy[0]
dy_right = dy[-1]
elif edge == 'mean':
dy_left = dy_right = dy.mean()
dy_left = dy_right = edge
Ys = np.concatenate(([y[0] - dy_left / 2], y + dy / 2, [y[-1] + dy_right]))
xdimb = xdim + '_b'
ydimb = ydim + '_b'
return da.assign(**{xdimb: ((xdimb,), Xs), ydimb: ((ydimb,), Ys)})
def get_proj_rotated_pole(da):
"""Parses the `rotated_pole` variable attributes of a dataset to generate the proper
pyproj projection object with the help of cartopy.
return pyproj.Proj(
def subset_box(da, poly, pad=1):
"""Subset an xarray object to the smallest box including the polygon.
Assuming the polygon is defined as lon/lat and that those are variables in da.
A mask if first constructed for all grid centers falling within the bounds of the polygon,
then a padding of {pad} cells is added around it to be sure all points are included.
dims = da.lon.dims
if len(dims) == 1:
dims = ['lon', 'lat']
if hasattr(poly, 'total_bounds'):
min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = poly.total_bounds
min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = poly.bounds
mask = (da.lon >= min_lon) & (da.lon <= max_lon) & ( >= min_lat) & ( <= max_lat)
if mask.sum() == 0:
raise ValueError(('The returned mask is empty. Either the polygons do not overlap with '
'the grid or they are too small. In the latter case, try adding a '
'buffer: subset_box(da, poly.buffer(0.5)).'))
for dim in dims:
mask = mask.rolling(**{dim: 2 * pad + 1}, min_periods=1, center=True).max()
return da.where(mask, drop=True)
def compute_area_weights(da, polys, dims=['lon', 'lat'], grid_crs=None, mode='fracpoly', cartesian=True):
"""Compute the area weights of each polygon on each gridcell
da : xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset
A xarray object defining the centers (and optionally the corners) of a grid.
polys : geopandas.GeoSeries or geopandas.GeoDataframe
A Series of Polygons, with a defined crs
dims : Sequence of str
The names of the two coordinates defining the grid corners in da. Both must be 1D in da.
If 4 names are passed, the last two are used as the grid corners
grid_crs : pyproj.Proj
The projection of the grid in da. Defaults to "epsg:4326"
mode : {fracpoly, fracgrid, area}
The type of output.
fracpoly returns the fraction of polygon covered by each grid cell,
fraccell returns the fraction of each grid cell covered by the polygon,
area returns the area of the intersection between the grid cell and the polygon.
cartesian : bool
If true, the areas are computed in 'm' using the Equal Earth Greenwich projection,
if false the crs of the grid is used. Output will be attributed units=''.
The weights defined along dims[0] and dims[1], according to method mode, for each polygon.
The first dimension is the same index as in polys.
if len(dims) == 2:
xdim, ydim = dims
xdimb, ydimb = xdim + '_b', ydim + '_b'
da = add_bounds(da, xdim=xdim, ydim=ydim, edge='reflect')
xdim, ydim, xdimb, ydimb = dims
weights = np.empty((polys.shape[0], da[xdim].size, da[ydim].size), dtype=float)
if cartesian:
proj = partial(
grid_crs or pyproj.Proj(4326), # source coordinate system
pyproj.Proj(8857), # destination coordinate system Equal Earth Greenwich
always_xy=True # Proj 4326 is lat, lon
polys = polys.to_crs(epsg=8857)
polys = polys.to_crs(grid_crs or pyproj.Proj(4326))
for k, poly in enumerate(polys.geometry):
poly_area = poly.area
Xs = da[xdimb].values
Ys = da[ydimb].values
for i in range(da[xdim].size):
for j in range(da[ydim].size):
grid = Polygon(
[(Xs[i], Ys[j]),
(Xs[i], Ys[j + 1]),
(Xs[i + 1], Ys[j + 1]),
(Xs[i + 1], Ys[j]),
(Xs[i], Ys[j])]
if cartesian:
grid = transform(proj, grid)
intersect = grid.intersection(poly)
if mode == 'fracpoly':
weights[k, i, j] = intersect.area / poly_area
elif mode == 'fraccell':
weights[k, i, j] = intersect.area / grid.area
elif mode == 'area':
weights[k, i, j] = intersect.area
raise ValueError(f'mode must be one of fracpoly, fraccell or area, got {mode}.')
desc = {
'fracpoly': 'The fraction of the polygon that is covered by each grid cell.',
'fraccell': 'The fraction of the gridcell that covers the polygon.',
'area': 'The area of intersection between the gridcell and the polygon.'
coords = {crd: crdda
for crd, crdda in da.coords.items()
if all([dim in [xdim, ydim] for dim in crdda.dims])}
coords['poly'] = polys.index
return xr.DataArray(
dims=('poly', xdim, ydim),
attrs={'units': 'm^2' if mode == 'area' and cartesian else '',
'description': desc}
if __name__ == '__main__':
# usage example
import geopandas as gpd
ds = xr.open_dataset('a dataset defining a grid')
df = gpd.read_file('a list of polygons')
# simple case: Large grid, polygons concentrated on a region smaller than whole dataset
ds_sub = subset_box(ds, df.to_crs(epsg=4326)) # Accelerates the computation
w = compute_area_weights(ds_sub, df, dims=['lon', 'lat'], cartesian=True)
# Rotated pole case : ds is in rlon, rlat and has a "rotated_pole" variable
rp_crs = get_proj_rotated_pole(da)
w = compute_area_weights(ds_sub, df, dims=['rlon', 'rlat'], grid_crs=rp_crs, cartesian=True)
# Small poly case, polygons are too small, they all fall in one grid cell. Regulat plate carre dataset.
ds_sub = subset_box(ds, df.to_crs(epsg=4326).buffer(1)) # Add buffer to subset a larger box
w = compute_area_weights(ds_sub, df, dims=['lon', 'lat'], cartesian=True)
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