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Last active May 26, 2020 20:54
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Racket DSL example: Tiny-HDL
#lang racket
(require "tiny-hdl-macros.rkt")
(entity half-adder ([input a] [input b] [output s] [output co]))
(entity full-adder ([input a] [input b] [input ci] [output s] [output co]))
(architecture half-adder-arch half-adder
(assign (port-ref half-adder s) (xor (port-ref half-adder a) (port-ref half-adder b)))
(assign (port-ref half-adder co) (and (port-ref half-adder a) (port-ref half-adder b))))
(architecture full-adder-arch full-adder
(instance h1 half-adder-arch)
(instance h2 half-adder-arch)
(assign (port-ref half-adder h1 a) (port-ref full-adder a))
(assign (port-ref half-adder h1 b) (port-ref full-adder b))
(assign (port-ref half-adder h2 a) (port-ref half-adder h1 s))
(assign (port-ref half-adder h2 b) (port-ref full-adder ci))
(assign (port-ref full-adder s) (port-ref half-adder h2 s))
(assign (port-ref full-adder co) (or (port-ref half-adder h1 co) (port-ref half-adder h2 co))))
(instance fa full-adder-arch)
; Simulate and print results ---------------------------------------------------
; Print a row of the truth table of the full adder.
(define-syntax-rule (print-truth-table-row xa xb xci)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa a) xa)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa b) xb)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa ci) xci)
(printf "~a ~a ~a -> ~a ~a~n" xa xb xci
(expression (port-ref full-adder fa s))
(expression (port-ref full-adder fa co)))))
; Print the truth table of the full adder.
(displayln " a b ci s co")
(print-truth-table-row #f #f #f)
(print-truth-table-row #f #f #t)
(print-truth-table-row #f #t #f)
(print-truth-table-row #f #t #t)
(print-truth-table-row #t #f #f)
(print-truth-table-row #t #f #t)
(print-truth-table-row #t #t #f)
(print-truth-table-row #t #t #t)
#lang racket
(entity half-adder ([input a] [input b] [output s] [output co]))
(entity full-adder ([input a] [input b] [input ci] [output s] [output co]))
(architecture half-adder-arch half-adder
(assign s (xor a b))
(assign co (and a b)))
(architecture full-adder-arch full-adder
(instance h1 half-adder-arch)
(instance h2 half-adder-arch)
(assign (h1 a) a)
(assign (h1 b) b)
(assign (h2 a) (h1 s))
(assign (h2 b) ci)
(assign s (h2 s))
(assign co (or (h1 co) (h2 co))))
(instance fa full-adder-arch))
; Simulate and print results ---------------------------------------------------
; Print a row of the truth table of the full adder.
(define-syntax-rule (print-truth-table-row xa xb xci)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa a) xa)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa b) xb)
(assign (port-ref full-adder fa ci) xci)
(printf "~a ~a ~a -> ~a ~a~n" xa xb xci
(expression (port-ref full-adder fa s))
(expression (port-ref full-adder fa co)))))
; Print the truth table of the full adder.
(displayln " a b ci s co")
(print-truth-table-row #f #f #f)
(print-truth-table-row #f #f #t)
(print-truth-table-row #f #t #f)
(print-truth-table-row #f #t #t)
(print-truth-table-row #t #f #f)
(print-truth-table-row #t #f #t)
(print-truth-table-row #t #t #f)
(print-truth-table-row #t #t #t)
#lang racket
(define-for-syntax (constructor-name ent-name)
(format-id ent-name "make-~a" ent-name))
; Convert an entity declaration into a struct type and a constructor function.
; The struct will contain an empty box for each port.
(define-syntax-parser entity
#:with (p:port-decl ...) #'(e.port ...)
#:with ctor-name (constructor-name (attribute
#:with (b ...) (for/list ([q (syntax->list #'(p ...))]) #'(box #f))
(struct ( ...))
(define (ctor-name)
( b ...)))])
; Inside an architecture, this-instance will contain an instance of the current entity.
(define-syntax-parameter this-instance
(λ (stx)
(raise-syntax-error (syntax-e stx) "can only be used inside an architecture")))
; Convert an architecture into a function that creates an instance of its entity,
; executes some statements and returns that instance.
(define-syntax-parser architecture
#:with ctor-name (constructor-name (attribute c.ent-name))
#'(define (
(define i (ctor-name))
(syntax-parameterize ([this-instance (make-rename-transformer #'i)])
c.body ...)
; An instantiation statement calls the function that was generated from an architecture.
; The resulting instance is stored in a variable.
(define-syntax-parser instance
#'(define (i.arch-name))])
; An assignment statement assigns an expression to a port.
; The expression will be evaluated when the port is read.
(define-syntax-parser assign
#'(set-box! (lazy-expression a.value))])
; Convert a port expression into an accessor call.
(define-syntax-parser port-ref
[(_ ent-name inst-name port-name)
#:with getter-name (format-id #'port-name "~a-~a" #'ent-name #'port-name)
#'(getter-name inst-name)]
[(_ ent-name port-name)
#'(port-ref ent-name this-instance port-name)])
; Convert an expression into a function for lazy evaluation.
(define-syntax-rule (lazy-expression e)
(λ () (expression e)))
; Convert an expression into a Racket form.
(define-syntax-parser expression
[(_ e:operation-expr)
#'(e.op (expression e.arg) ...)]
[(_ e:resolved-port-expr)
#'((unbox e))]
[(_ e)
#lang racket
(provide begin-tiny-hdl)
(define-syntax-class named-item
(pattern (~or* i:entity-decl
#:attr name #'
(define current-env (make-parameter (make-immutable-free-id-table)))
(define (extend-env items)
(for/fold ([acc (current-env)])
([it (syntax->list items)])
(syntax-parse it
[n:named-item (dict-set acc #' it)]
[_ acc])))
(define (lookup name)
(dict-ref (current-env) name))
(define (resolve stx)
(parameterize ([current-env (extend-env stx)])
(stx-map resolve-item stx)))
(define current-arch (make-parameter #f))
(define (resolve-item stx)
(syntax-parse stx
(parameterize ([current-env (extend-env #'(arch.body ...))]
[current-arch stx])
#`(architecture arch.ent-name
#,@(stx-map resolve-item #'(arch.body ...))))]
#`(assign #,(resolve-item #' #,(resolve-item #'stmt.value))]
#`(expr.op #,@(stx-map resolve-item #'(expr.arg ...)))]
#:with arch:architecture-decl (current-arch)
#'(port-ref arch.ent-name port-name)]
[(inst-name:identifier port-name:identifier)
#:with inst:instantiation-stmt (lookup #'inst-name)
#:with arch:architecture-decl (lookup #'inst.arch-name)
#'(port-ref arch.ent-name inst-name port-name)]
[_ stx])))
(define-syntax-parser begin-tiny-hdl
[(_ item ...)
#,@(resolve #'(item ...)))])
#lang racket
(require syntax/parse)
(provide (all-defined-out))
; An entity has a name and contains a list of port declarations.
(define-syntax-class entity-decl
#:datum-literals [entity]
(pattern (entity name:identifier
(port:port-decl ...))))
; A port has a name and can be an input or an output.
(define-syntax-class port-decl
#:datum-literals [input output]
(pattern (mode:input name:identifier))
(pattern (mode:output name:identifier)))
; An architecture has a name, a reference to an existing entity, and a list of statements.
(define-syntax-class architecture-decl
#:datum-literals [architecture]
(pattern (architecture name:identifier ent-name:identifier
body:statement ...)))
; A statement can be either an assignment or an instantiation.
(define-syntax-class statement
(pattern s:assignment-stmt)
(pattern s:instantiation-stmt))
; An assignment has a reference to a target port, and a source expression.
(define-syntax-class assignment-stmt
#:datum-literals [assign]
(pattern (assign target:port-expr value:expression)))
; An instantiation associates an instance name to an existing architecture name.
(define-syntax-class instantiation-stmt
#:datum-literals [instance]
(pattern (instance name:identifier arch-name:identifier)))
; An expression can be a reference to a port, an operation, or a boolean literal.
(define-syntax-class expression
(pattern e:operation-expr)
(pattern e:port-expr)
(pattern e:boolean))
; An operation applies an operator to a list of arguments.
(define-syntax-class operation-expr
#:datum-literals [or xor and]
(pattern (op:or arg:expression ...))
(pattern (op:xor arg:expression ...))
(pattern (op:and arg:expression ...)))
; A port expression can reference a port from the entity of the current architecture,
; or a port from the entity of an instance in the current architecture.
(define-syntax-class port-expr
(pattern e:resolved-port-expr)
(pattern e:unresolved-port-expr))
; Un unresolved port does not mention the name of the entity that declares that port.
(define-syntax-class unresolved-port-expr
; Look-up the port in the entity of the current architecture.
(pattern port-name:identifier)
; Look-up the port in the entity of the architecture instantiated as inst-name.
(pattern (inst-name:identifier port-name:identifier)))
; A resolved port specifies the name of the entity that declares that port.
(define-syntax-class resolved-port-expr
; ent-name is the name of the entity of the current architecture.
(pattern (port-ref ent-name:identifier port-name:identifier))
; ent-name is the name of the entity of the architecture instantiated as inst-name.
(pattern (port-ref ent-name:identifier inst-name:identifier port-name:identifier)))
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