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Last active August 21, 2024 00:19
The code in this gist isn't as succinct as I'd like it to be. Please bare with me and ask plenty of questions that you may have about it.
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
import json
import requests
import hashlib as hasher
import datetime as date
node = Flask(__name__)
# Define what a Snakecoin block is
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, data, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp = data
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.hash = self.hash_block()
def hash_block(self):
sha = hasher.sha256()
sha.update(str(self.index) + str(self.timestamp) + str( + str(self.previous_hash))
return sha.hexdigest()
# Generate genesis block
def create_genesis_block():
# Manually construct a block with
# index zero and arbitrary previous hash
return Block(0,, {
"proof-of-work": 9,
"transactions": None
}, "0")
# A completely random address of the owner of this node
miner_address = "q3nf394hjg-random-miner-address-34nf3i4nflkn3oi"
# This node's blockchain copy
blockchain = []
# Store the transactions that
# this node has in a list
this_nodes_transactions = []
# Store the url data of every
# other node in the network
# so that we can communicate
# with them
peer_nodes = []
# A variable to deciding if we're mining or not
mining = True
@node.route('/txion', methods=['POST'])
def transaction():
# On each new POST request,
# we extract the transaction data
new_txion = request.get_json()
# Then we add the transaction to our list
# Because the transaction was successfully
# submitted, we log it to our console
print "New transaction"
print "FROM: {}".format(new_txion['from'].encode('ascii','replace'))
print "TO: {}".format(new_txion['to'].encode('ascii','replace'))
print "AMOUNT: {}\n".format(new_txion['amount'])
# Then we let the client know it worked out
return "Transaction submission successful\n"
@node.route('/blocks', methods=['GET'])
def get_blocks():
chain_to_send = blockchain
# Convert our blocks into dictionaries
# so we can send them as json objects later
for i in range(len(chain_to_send)):
block = chain_to_send[i]
block_index = str(block.index)
block_timestamp = str(block.timestamp)
block_data = str(
block_hash = block.hash
chain_to_send[i] = {
"index": block_index,
"timestamp": block_timestamp,
"data": block_data,
"hash": block_hash
chain_to_send = json.dumps(chain_to_send)
return chain_to_send
def find_new_chains():
# Get the blockchains of every
# other node
other_chains = []
for node_url in peer_nodes:
# Get their chains using a GET request
block = requests.get(node_url + "/blocks").content
# Convert the JSON object to a Python dictionary
block = json.loads(block)
# Add it to our list
return other_chains
def consensus():
# Get the blocks from other nodes
other_chains = find_new_chains()
# If our chain isn't longest,
# then we store the longest chain
longest_chain = blockchain
for chain in other_chains:
if len(longest_chain) < len(chain):
longest_chain = chain
# If the longest chain isn't ours,
# then we stop mining and set
# our chain to the longest one
blockchain = longest_chain
def proof_of_work(last_proof):
# Create a variable that we will use to find
# our next proof of work
incrementor = last_proof + 1
# Keep incrementing the incrementor until
# it's equal to a number divisible by 9
# and the proof of work of the previous
# block in the chain
while not (incrementor % 9 == 0 and incrementor % last_proof == 0):
incrementor += 1
# Once that number is found,
# we can return it as a proof
# of our work
return incrementor
@node.route('/mine', methods = ['GET'])
def mine():
# Get the last proof of work
last_block = blockchain[len(blockchain) - 1]
last_proof =['proof-of-work']
# Find the proof of work for
# the current block being mined
# Note: The program will hang here until a new
# proof of work is found
proof = proof_of_work(last_proof)
# Once we find a valid proof of work,
# we know we can mine a block so
# we reward the miner by adding a transaction
{ "from": "network", "to": miner_address, "amount": 1 }
# Now we can gather the data needed
# to create the new block
new_block_data = {
"proof-of-work": proof,
"transactions": list(this_nodes_transactions)
new_block_index = last_block.index + 1
new_block_timestamp = this_timestamp =
last_block_hash = last_block.hash
# Empty transaction list
this_nodes_transactions[:] = []
# Now create the
# new block!
mined_block = Block(
# Let the client know we mined a block
return json.dumps({
"index": new_block_index,
"timestamp": str(new_block_timestamp),
"data": new_block_data,
"hash": last_block_hash
}) + "\n"
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so how is the peer_nodes populated and how do we make use of the consensus function?

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iandesj commented Nov 15, 2017

Is there like a central authority that takes care of peer_nodes?

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bigjonroberts commented Dec 9, 2017

here's some information on how bitcoin bootstraps to find peers:
that seems like overkill for a small POC like this.

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I am currently work on a port of this to Groovy using the Spark web server. Most of the code is ported and should be fully functional shortly.

Groovy Version:

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cosme12 commented Jan 13, 2018

Hey @aunyks don't leave use wondering how this fantastic tutorial continues and how wallets work. Thanks again and keep it up!

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dpino commented Jan 14, 2018

The consensus function synchronizes the blockchain of the current node to the longest blockchain available across the network of peers. It should be called in '/blocks' before populating the list of blocks to be returned, thus the node makes sure its blockchain is the same as all the other peers.

About how to populate the list of peers, it would be possible to define a new REST command '/add_peer' that adds a peer address running in a host:port. It would be necessary as well to be able to pass a port number when running the server, so two or more instances in the same host don't collide. I implemented those changes in a new version of the script. Check it out here:

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Hi everyone,

Few basic questions.

If I host the above source on my machine and you host it on your machine, will this still be like we are using the same blockchain to mine SnakeCoin?

Or is there a way that nodes have to be connected before you start mining? How do we ensure that there is a limit on number of coins that can be mined? How can we increase the level of difficulty of mining as the number of coins mined gets increased?

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drewrice2 commented Jan 28, 2018

@saint1729 this implementation doesn't cover transaction broadcasting, which would allow other nodes to mine the same transactions.

additionally, a coin issuance hard cap isn't covered here.

increasing the difficulty of the mining just means increasing the difficulty of the proof of work algorithm. this implementation doesn't include a viable proof of work algo.

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@drewrice2 I see. I found a good visual explanation here below.

Are there any similar full fledged basic .java or .py implementations?

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I can't fix this error in:
line 20, in hash_block
sha.update(str(self.index) + str(self.timestamp) + str( + str(self.previous_hash))
TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing. ?

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@drewrice2 is there a possible solution to perform transactions between two computers with the above code?
If not how can we make transactions over a network? Please let me know. I am able to run the localhost:5000/blocks and locakhost:5000/mine but the curl command doesn't work - I have everything set up on a windows machine.

C:\curl "localhost:5000/txion" -H "Contect-Type: application/json" -d '{"from": "akjflw", "to":"fjlakdj", "amount": 3}'

<title>404 Not Found</title>

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: akjflw, curl: (3) Port number ended with 'f' curl: (6) Could not resolve host: amount curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched close brace/bracket in column 2

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nroble commented Feb 8, 2018

@djalmabright try sha.update(( str(self.index) + str(self.timestamp) + str( + str(self.previous_hash)).encode('utf-8') )

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spicyramen commented Feb 17, 2018

def hash_block(self):

    sha = hasher.sha256()
    return sha.hexdigest()

def attributes(self):
    return '%s%s%s%s' % (self.index, self.timestamp,, self.previous_hash)

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Any thoughts on this error?

C:\Users\HI>curl "localhost:5000/txion" \

<title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>

Method Not Allowed

The method is not allowed for the requested URL.

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: \

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DarkNTNT84 commented Feb 23, 2018

@paulvijaykumarm, @hamidabuisa

When I used the command : curl "localhost:5000/txion" -H "Contect-Type: application/json" -d '{"from": "akjflw", "to":"fjlakdj", "amount": 3}'
The error appeared.

I changed the command and it worked:


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makew0rld commented Feb 24, 2018

Where is the next_block function mentioned in part 1? is it replaced with mining?

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DarkNTNT84 commented Feb 24, 2018


When you run the command "curl localhost:5000/mine", the new block will be added. In this code, the function "mine" in charge the adding new block.

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@DarkNTNT84 thanks, I will actually not have to implement mining, which is why I was looking for the next block function. Thank you!

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This code doesn't broadcast transactions to all nodes as mentioned in the bitcoin whitepaper, so each block would only contain the transactions for the user and miner of that node, instead of combining transactions from multiple nodes. /transaction should have a GET method which would supply other nodes will all the transactions this node has, which would then be added to this_node_transactions.

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moliata commented Jun 1, 2018

To fix Internal Server Error aka "dict" object has no attribute "index", simply change chain_to_send = blockchain to chain_to_send = blockchain[:]. This will copy the blockchain array. So you wouldn't change the actual blockchain to JSON.

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mgherghi commented Jun 3, 2019

I keep getting this error when I'm using /txion

Ms-MacBook-Pro:mvb m$ curl localhost:5000/transaction

<title>405 Method Not Allowed</title>

Method Not Allowed

The method is not allowed for the requested URL.

What am I doing wrong ?

I have tried doing what DarkNTNT84 mentions, but it still won't work

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