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Last active May 13, 2024 01:48
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  • Save aurbano/7e83bef9923cd4ed800a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aurbano/7e83bef9923cd4ed800a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Display the time between two dates in a human readable format (i.e. 3 seconds, 4 days, 1 week... )
* Calculate the elapsed time between two timestamps
* and display in a pretty human way.
* @param integer $start Initial timestamp
* @param integer $end Final timestamp, set to -1 for current time.
* @return string Formatted elapsed time.
function timeBetween($start, $end=-1){
if($end < 0) $end = time();
// Adjust this definition if you want
// this assumes all months have 30 days, every year
// 365 days, and every month 4 weeks. Since it is only
// to give a very rough estimate of the time elapsed it should
// be fine though.
$SECOND = 1;
$HOUR = 60 * $MINUTE;
$DAY = 24 * $HOUR;
$WEEK = 7 * $DAY;
$MONTH = 30 * $DAY;
$YEAR = 365 * $DAY;
$increments = [
[$SECOND, 'second'],
[$MINUTE, 'minute'],
[$HOUR, 'hour'],
[$DAY, 'day'],
[$WEEK, 'week'],
[$MONTH, 'month'],
[$YEAR, 'year']
$diff = $end - $start;
$plural = '';
$units = ceil($diff/$increments[count($increments)-1][0]);
$unit = $increments[count($increments)-1][1];
for($i = 1; $i < count($increments); $i++){
if($increments[$i-1][0] <= $diff && $diff < $increments[$i][0]){
$units = ceil($diff/$increments[$i-1][0]);
$unit = $increments[$i-1][1];
if($units > 1) $plural = 's';
return sprintf("%d %s%s", $units, $unit, $plural);
// Test
echo timeBetween(time()-3600).' ago';
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