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Created August 13, 2016 21:55
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Angular Regression
list.of.packages <- c("ggplot2", "circular", "gridExtra", "grid",
"latex2exp", "shinydashboard", "shiny", "knitr")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,
if (length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
#' Consensus Model
#' Function that fit a consensus model for angular variables and its \code{print} method.
#' The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{pginit}}{ The approximate number of points on the grid of possible initial beta values tried when
#' \code{initbeta} is not given. The default is 1000, which runs quickly. A large value of
#' \code{pginit} makes the function slower. }
#' \item{\code{maxiter}}{ The maximum number of iterations. The default is 1000. }
#' \item{\code{mindiff}}{ The minimum difference between two max cosine to be reached. It defines the convergence criteria:
#' if the difference between the max cosine for the updated parameters values and the max
#' cosine for the parameters values at the previous iteration is below \code{mindiff}, convergence is
#' reached. The default is 0.000001. }
#' }
#' @param formula A formula with the dependent angle on the left of the ~ operator and terms specifying
#' the explanatory variables on the right. These terms must be written \code{x:z}, where
#' \code{x} is an explanatory angle which relative importance migth depend on the
#' positive variable \code{z}. It is not mandatory to specify a \code{z} variable for each
#' explanatory angle. For \code{model='simplified'}, the first explanatory angle listed is
#' the reference direction (if a \code{z} variable was specified for this angle, it is ignored).
#' @param data An optional data frame, list or environment
#' containing the variables in the model formula. If not found in data, the variables are taken from
#' \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which \code{angular} is called.
#' @param model A character string, either \code{'complete'} for the complete model with an intercept (the default)
#' or \code{'simplified'} for the simplified model without an intercept.
#' @param initparam A numerical vector, initial values for the parameters. The default is to use the best initial
#' values found among some values tried on a grid of possible values for the parameters.
#' @param control A list of control parameters. See Details.
#' @return \item{MaxLL}{ the maximum value of the log likeliohood }
#' @return \item{parameters}{ the parameter estimates and their standard errors (obtained from two definitions) }
#' @return \item{varcov1}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the first definition) }
#' @return \item{varcov2}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the second definition) }
#' @return \item{parambeta}{ the beta parameter estimates and their standard errors (obtained by linearization) }
#' @return \item{varcovbeta1}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the beta parameter estimates (obtained by linearization) }
#' @return \item{varcovbeta2}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the beta parameter estimates (Sandwhich form) }
#' @return \item{autocorr}{ the autocorrelation of the residuals \eqn{\sin(y_i-\mu_i)}{sin(yi-mui)} }
#' @return \item{iter.detail}{ the iteration details }
#' @return \item{converge}{ an indicator of convergence }
#' @return \item{call}{ the function call }
#' @author Sophie Baillargeon, Louis-Paul Rivest and Aurélien Nicosia
consensus <- function(formula, data, model = "simplified", weights = NULL,
initbeta = NULL, control = list()) {
call <- mfcall <-
model <- model[1]
### information from formula and data
mfargs <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mfcall), 0L)
mfcall <- mfcall[c(1L, mfargs)]
mfcall[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mfcall, parent.frame())
# useful objects
nobs <- nrow(mf)
nomterms <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "term.labels")
nterms <- length(nomterms)
p <- if ("simplified" == model)
nterms - 1 else nterms
nparam <- if ("simplified" == model)
p + 1 else p + 2
# paramname <- paste0('kappa', 0:p)
paramname <- nomterms
if ("complete" == model)
paramname <- c(paramname, paste0("beta", p + 1))
# first column = response variable
y <- as.vector(mf[, 1])
# explanatory variables
noms <- strsplit(nomterms, split = ":")
noms <-, noms)
if ("simplified" == model) {
x0 <- mf[, noms[1, 1]]
noms <- noms[-1, , drop = FALSE]
matx <- as.matrix(mf[, noms[, 1], drop = FALSE])
if (ncol(noms) == 1) {
matz <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(matx), nrow = nrow(matx)) # all z are 1
} else {
matz <- as.matrix(mf[, noms[, 2], drop = FALSE])
matz[, noms[, 2] == noms[, 1]] <- 1 # unspecified z are 1
weight = rep(1, nobs) * (is.null(weights)) + (!is.null(weights)) *
### log-likelihood function
LL <- function(param) {
angleref <- if ("simplified" == model)
x0 else rep(param[p + 2], nobs)
# length of the vector
sinmu <- param[1] * sin(angleref) + (matz * sin(matx)) %*%
param[2:(p + 1)]
cosmu <- param[1] * cos(angleref) + (matz * cos(matx)) %*%
param[2:(p + 1)]
long <- as.vector(sqrt(sinmu^2 + cosmu^2))
# predicted value form the model
mui <- as.vector(atan2(sinmu, cosmu))
# log likelihood
term1 <- param[1] * cos(y - angleref) + (matz * cos(y -
matx)) %*% param[2:(p + 1)]
# LL <- sum(weight*term1) - sum(weight*log(besselI(long, 0,
# expon.scaled = FALSE)))
LL <- sum(term1) - sum(log(besselI(long, 0, expon.scaled = FALSE)))
list(LL = LL, long = long, mui = mui)
# Function that update parameter of the log-likelihood
# function
paramUpdate <- function(paramk, long, mui) {
angleref <- if ("simplified" == model)
x0 else rep(paramk[p + 2], nobs)
matx0 <- cbind(angleref, matx)
matz0 <- cbind(rep(1, nobs), matz)
# score vector
Along <- as.vector(besselI(long, 1, expon.scaled = FALSE)/besselI(long,
0, expon.scaled = FALSE))
matu <- matz0 * (cos(y - matx0) - cos(matx0 - mui) *
if ("complete" == model) {
matu <- cbind(matu, paramk[1] * sin(y - angleref) -
sin(mui - angleref) * Along)
vecs <- colSums(matu)
names(vecs) <- paramname
# Fisher information matrix
Xc <- matz0 * cos(matx0 - mui)
Xs <- matz0 * sin(matx0 - mui)
if ("complete" == model) {
Xc <- cbind(Xc, paramk[1] * sin(mui - paramk[p +
Xs <- cbind(Xs, paramk[1] * cos(mui - paramk[p +
Dc <- diag(1 - Along/long - Along^2, nrow = nobs, ncol = nobs)
Ds <- diag(Along/long, nrow = nobs, ncol = nobs)
matI <- t(Xc) %*% Dc %*% Xc + t(Xs) %*% Ds %*% Xs
colnames(matI) <- rownames(matI) <- paramname
# update of parameters
dparam <- as.vector(solve(matI, vecs))
paramk1 <- paramk + dparam
list(paramk1 = paramk1, dparam = dparam, matu = matu,
matI = matI)
# initial values of parameters beta we try 10 000 differents
# possible values
if (is.null(initbeta)) {
pginit <- if (is.null(control$pginit))
1000 else control$pginit
pg <- round(pginit^(1/nparam))
possparam <- rep(list(seq(-1, 1, length.out = pg + 2)[-c(1,
pg + 2)]), p + 1)
if ("complete" == model)
possparam[[nparam]] <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = pg +
2)[-c(1, pg + 2)]
possVal <- cbind(expand.grid(possparam), NA)
colnames(possVal) <- c(paramname, "LL")
maxLL <- function(param) LL(param = param)$LL
possVal[, nparam + 1] <- apply(possVal[, 1:nparam], 1,
paramk <- unlist(possVal[which.max(possVal[, nparam +
1]), 1:nparam])
} else {
if (length(initbeta) != nparam)
stop("for the requested model, 'initparam' must be of length ",
paramk <- initbeta
# log likelihood value with respect to initial parameter
calcul <- LL(param = paramk)
maxLLk <- calcul$LL
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
# Initialization
iter <- <- 0
maxiter <- if (is.null(control$maxiter))
1000 else control$maxiter
mindiff <- if (is.null(control$mindiff))
1e-06 else control$mindiff
conv <- FALSE
# Initialisation of the matrix of informations during the
# iterations
iter.detail <- matrix(NA, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nparam +
colnames(iter.detail) <- c(paramname, "maxLL", "iter", "nitersh")
iter.detail[1, ] <- c(paramk, maxLLk, iter,
# start of the fit
while (!conv && iter <= maxiter) {
# update of the parameters
maj <- paramUpdate(paramk = paramk, long = long, mui = mui)
paramk1 <- maj$paramk1
dparam <- maj$dparam
# computation of the log-likelihood
calcul <- LL(param = paramk1)
maxLLk1 <- calcul$LL
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
# if the criteria as decrease then do step halving <- 0
while (maxLLk1 < maxLLk) { <- + 1
paramk1 <- paramk + dparam/(2^
calcul <- LL(param = paramk1)
maxLLk1 <- calcul$LL
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
if ( >= maxiter)
# Does the criteria increase more than mindiff?
if (maxLLk1 < maxLLk) {
conv <- FALSE
warning("the algorithm did no converge, it failed to maximize the log likelihood")
} else {
conv <- if (maxLLk1 - maxLLk > mindiff)
paramk <- paramk1
maxLLk <- maxLLk1
iter <- iter + 1
iter.detail[iter + 1, ] <- c(paramk, maxLLk, iter,
if (iter > maxiter + 1) {
warning("the algorithm did not converge, the maximum number of iterations was reached")
} else {
iter.detail <- iter.detail[1:(iter + 1), , drop = FALSE]
### Computation of standard errors and Fisher information
### matrix for the final parameters.
if (maxLLk == maxLLk1) {
maj <- paramUpdate(paramk = paramk, long = long, mui = mui)
matu <- maj$matu
matI <- maj$matI
# parametric estimation of the covariance matrix
v1 <- solve(matI)
# non parametric estimation
mid <- matrix(0, ncol = nparam, nrow = nparam)
for (i in 1:nobs) {
mid <- mid + t(matu[i, , drop = FALSE]) %*% matu[i, ,
drop = FALSE]
v2 <- v1 %*% mid %*% v1
### Results for the betas
paramb <- paramk[2:(p + 1)]/paramk[1]
matDeriv <- rbind(-paramk[2:(p + 1)]/paramk[1]^2, diag(1/paramk[1],
nrow = p, ncol = p))
vb <- t(matDeriv) %*% v1[1:(p + 1), 1:(p + 1)] %*% matDeriv
vb2 <- t(matDeriv) %*% v2[1:(p + 1), 1:(p + 1)] %*% matDeriv
# names(paramb) <- colnames(vb) <- rownames(vb)
# <-colnames(vb2) <- rownames(vb2)<- paste0('beta', 1:p)
names(paramb) <- colnames(vb) <- rownames(vb) <- colnames(vb2) <- rownames(vb2) <- paramname[-1]
### Output
zvalue <- abs(paramk)/sqrt(diag(v2))
p <- round(2 * pnorm(abs(paramk)/sqrt(diag(v2)), lower.tail = FALSE),
parameters <- cbind(paramk, sqrt(diag(v2)), zvalue, p)
# colnames(parameters) <- c('estimate', paste('stderr', 1:2,
# sep=''))
colnames(parameters) <- c("estimate", "stderr", "z value",
rownames(parameters) <- paramname
zvaluebeta <- abs(paramb)/sqrt(diag(vb2))
pbeta <- round(2 * pnorm(abs(paramb)/sqrt(diag(vb2)), lower.tail = FALSE),
parambeta <- cbind(paramb, sqrt(diag(vb2)), zvaluebeta, pbeta)
# colnames(parameters) <- c('estimate', paste('stderr', 1:2,
# sep=''))
colnames(parambeta) <- c("estimate", "stderr", "z value",
rownames(parambeta) <- names(paramb)
# parambeta <- cbind(paramb, sqrt(diag(vb)), sqrt(diag(vb2)))
# colnames(parambeta) <- c('estimate', paste('stderr', 1:2,
# sep = ''))
res <- sin(y - mui)
autocorr <- acf(res, plot = FALSE)
out <- list(MaxLL = maxLLk, parameters = parameters, varcov1 = v1,
varcov2 = v2, parambeta = parambeta, varcovbeta1 = vb,
varcovbeta2 = vb2, autocorr = autocorr, matx = matx,
matz = matz, y = y, long = long, mui = mui, iter.detail = iter.detail,
call = call)
class(out) <- "consensus"
#' @param x An object, produced by the \code{\link{consensus}} function, to print.
#' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to \code{print.default}.
print.consensus <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nMaximum log-likelihood :", x$MaxLL, "\n")
cat("\nKappa Parameters:\n")
print.default(x$parameters, = 2, quote = FALSE,
right = TRUE, ...)
# cat('\nBeta Parameters:\n') print.default(x$parambeta,
# = 2, quote = FALSE, right=TRUE, ...) cat('\n')
gg_qq <- function(fitted, resid, distribution = "norm", ...,
line.estimate = NULL, conf = 0.95, labels = names(x)) {
# resid = ScaledResid(object)
# fitted vs predicted
df = data.frame(predicted.mean = fitted, residual = resid)
p1 = ggplot(df, aes(x = predicted.mean, y = residual)) +
geom_point(colour = "blue") + geom_abline(intercept = 0,
slope = 0) + labs(x = "Predicted Mean", y = " Residual")
# histogram
residual = data.frame(resid = resid)
gg <- ggplot(residual, aes(x = resid))
range.residual = range(residual$resid)
gg <- gg + geom_histogram(binwidth = (range.residual[2] -
range.residual[1])/10, colour = "black", aes(y = ..density..,
fill = ..count..))
# gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradient('Count')
p2 <- gg + stat_function(fun = dnorm, color = "red", args = list(mean = mean(residual$resid),
sd = sd(residual$resid)))
# QQ-plot
x = resid
q.function <- eval(parse(text = paste0("q", distribution)))
d.function <- eval(parse(text = paste0("d", distribution)))
x <- na.omit(x)
ord <- order(x)
n <- length(x)
P <- ppoints(length(x))
df <- data.frame(ord.x = x[ord], z = q.function(P, ...))
if (is.null(line.estimate)) {
Q.x <- quantile(df$ord.x, c(0.25, 0.75))
Q.z <- q.function(c(0.25, 0.75), ...)
b <- diff(Q.x)/diff(Q.z)
coef <- c(Q.x[1] - b * Q.z[1], b)
} else {
coef <- coef(line.estimate(ord.x ~ z))
zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - conf)/2)
SE <- (coef[2]/d.function(df$z)) * sqrt(P * (1 - P)/n)
fit.value <- coef[1] + coef[2] * df$z
df$upper <- fit.value + zz * SE
df$lower <- fit.value - zz * SE
if (!is.null(labels)) {
df$label <- ifelse(df$ord.x > df$upper | df$ord.x < df$lower,
labels[ord], "")
p3 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = z, y = ord.x)) + geom_point(colour = "Blue") +
geom_abline(intercept = coef[1], slope = coef[2]) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower,
ymax = upper), alpha = 0.2) + labs(x = "Theoretical Quantiles",
y = " Residuals")
if (!is.null(labels))
p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = label))
# boxplot of residuals
residual$boxplot = as.factor(rep(1, length(residual$resid)))
p4 = ggplot(residual, aes(x = boxplot, y = resid)) + geom_boxplot(colour = "blue")
multiplot(p1, p2, p3, p4, cols = 2)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 2, nrow = 2, top = "Diagnostic plots for scaled residuals")
hist.resid <- function(resid) {
residual = data.frame(resid = resid)
gg <- ggplot(residual, aes(x = resid))
gg <- gg + geom_histogram(bins = 12, colour = "black", aes(y = ..density..,
fill = ..count..))
gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradient("Count")
gg <- gg + stat_function(fun = dnorm, color = "red", args = list(mean = mean(residual$resid),
sd = sd(residual$resid)))
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist = NULL, file, cols = 1, layout = NULL) {
# Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)
numPlots = length(plots)
# If layout is NULL, then use 'cols' to determine layout
if (is.null(layout)) {
# Make the panel ncol: Number of columns of plots nrow:
# Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
ncol = cols, nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))
if (numPlots == 1) {
} else {
# Set up the page
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout),
# Make each plot, in the correct location
for (i in 1:numPlots) {
# Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain
# this subplot
matchidx <- == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))
# Fonction pour ajuster le mod?le de r?gression angulaire
# acceptant des covariables Date de la derni?re mise ? jour :
# 27 juin 2013 Auteur: Sophie Baillargeon Nicosia Aurelien:
# Ajout de l'estimateur de variance parametrique (v_0)
# (01-05-2014) Variance comme dans l'article (04-02-2015)
# Toujours mod?le simplifi? (04-02-2015)
#' Angular Regression Model
#' Function that fit a regression model for angular variables and its \code{print} method.
#' The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{pginit}}{ The approximate number of points on the grid of possible initial beta values tried when
#' \code{initbeta} is not given. The default is 1000, which runs quickly. A large value of
#' \code{pginit} makes the function slower. }
#' \item{\code{maxiter}}{ The maximum number of iterations. The default is 1000. }
#' \item{\code{mindiff}}{ The minimum difference between two max cosine to be reached. It defines the convergence criteria:
#' if the difference between the max cosine for the updated parameters values and the max
#' cosine for the parameters values at the previous iteration is below \code{mindiff}, convergence is
#' reached. The default is 0.000001. }
#' }
#' @param formula A formula with the dependent angle on the left of the ~ operator and terms specifying
#' the explanatory variables on the right. These terms must be written \code{x:z}, where
#' \code{x} is an explanatory angle which relative importance migth depend on the
#' positive variable \code{z}. It is not mandatory to specify a \code{z} variable for each
#' explanatory angle. For \code{model='simplified'}, the first explanatory angle listed is
#' the reference direction (if a \code{z} variable was specified for this angle, it is ignored).
#' @param data An optional data frame, list or environment
#' containing the variables in the model formula. If not found in data, the variables are taken from
#' \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which \code{angular} is called.
#' @param model A character string, either \code{'complete'} for the complete model with an intercept (the default)
#' or \code{'simplified'} for the simplified model without an intercept.
#' @param initbeta A numerical vector, initial values for the beta parameters. The default is to use the best initial
#' values found among some values tried on a grid of possible values for beta.
#' @param control A list of control parameters. See Details.
#' @return \item{MaxCosine}{ the maximum value of the cosine }
#' @return \item{parameters}{ the parameter estimates and their standard errors (obtained from four definitions) }
#' @return \item{autocorr}{ the autocorrelation of the residuals \eqn{\sin(y_i-\mu_i)}{sin(yi-mui)} }
#' @return \item{varcov1}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the first definition) }
#' @return \item{varcov2}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the second definition) }
#' @return \item{varcov3}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the third definition) }
#' @return \item{varcov4}{ the estimated variance covariance matrix for the parameter estimates (obtained from the fourth definition) }
#' @return \item{mui}{ the vector of the predicted mean angles }
#' @return \item{long}{ the vector of the predicted concentrations }
#' @return \item{iter.detail}{ the iteration details }
#' @return \item{converge}{ an indicator of convergence }
#' @return \item{call}{ the function call }
#' @author Sophie Baillargeon, Louis-Paul Rivest and Aurelien Nicosia
#' @references L.-P. Rivest, T. Duchesne, A. Nicosia & D. Fortin. A general angular regression model for the analysis of data on animal movement in ecology. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series C, to appear
#' @examples
#' library(circular)
#' data(wind) # example on wind directions
#' n=length(wind)
#' dat.hom=data.frame(wind.t=wind[-c(1,2)],wind.t_1=wind[-c(1,n)],wind.t_2=wind[-c(n-1,n)])
#' an=angular(wind.t~wind.t_1+wind.t_2,data=dat.hom)
#' an
angular <- function(formula, data, model = "simplified", initbeta = NULL,
control = list()) {
# library(circular)
call <- mfcall <-
model <- model[1]
# browser() # pendant le d?veloppement seulement
### Afin de tirer les info des arguments formula et data
mfargs <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mfcall), 0L)
mfcall <- mfcall[c(1L, mfargs)]
mfcall[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mfcall, parent.frame())
# Quelques objets utiles
nobs <- nrow(mf)
nomterms <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "term.labels")
paramname <- nomterms
nterms <- length(nomterms)
p <- if ("simplified" == model)
nterms - 1 else nterms
nparam <- if ("simplified" == model)
p else p + 1
# betaname <- paste('beta', 1:nparam, sep='')
betaname <- paramname[-1]
# Premi?re colonne = variable r?ponse
y <- mf[, 1]
# Objets relatifs aux variables explicatives
noms <- strsplit(nomterms, split = ":")
noms <-, noms)
if ("simplified" == model) {
x0 <- mf[, noms[1, 1]]
noms <- noms[-1, , drop = FALSE]
matx <- as.matrix(mf[, noms[, 1], drop = FALSE])
if (ncol(noms) == 1) {
matz <- matrix(1, ncol = ncol(matx), nrow = nrow(matx)) # tous les z sont des colonnes de uns
} else {
matz <- as.matrix(mf[, noms[, 2], drop = FALSE])
matz[, noms[, 2] == noms[, 1]] <- 1 # les z non sp?cifi?s sont des colonnes de uns
### Ajustement du mod?le Fonction pour le calcul du crit?re
### max-cosine ? maximiser pas en argument car ne change pas :
### y, x0, matx, p, model
maxcos <- function(beta) {
sinmu <- sin(if ("simplified" == model) x0 else beta[p +
1]) + as.vector((matz * sin(matx)) %*% beta[1:p]) # ?quation 1, 1e ?l?ment du vecteur
cosmu <- cos(if ("simplified" == model) x0 else beta[p +
1]) + as.vector((matz * cos(matx)) %*% beta[1:p]) # ?quation 1, 2e ?l?ment du vecteur
long <- sqrt(sinmu^2 + cosmu^2) # ?quation 2
mui <- atan2(sinmu, cosmu) # ?quation 3
maxcos <- mean(cos(y - mui)) # indice ? maximiser
list(maxcos = maxcos, long = long, mui = mui)
# Fonction pour la mise ? jour des beta pas en argument car
# ne change pas : y, matx, p, model
betaUpdate <- function(betak, long, mui) {
matd <- cbind(matz * sin(matx - mui), if ("simplified" ==
NULL else cos(betak[p + 1] - mui))/long # Matrice Xi de l'?quation 11
res <- sin(y - mui) # sin des r?sidus dans l'?quation 11, not? d
dbeta <- as.vector(solve(t(matd) %*% matd, t(matd) %*%
# Probleme inversion matrice: on utilise l<inverse generalise
# dbeta<-as.vector(ginv(t(matd)%*%matd)%*%t(matd)%*%res)
betak1 <- betak + dbeta
list(betak1 = betak1, dbeta = dbeta, matd = matd, res = res)
# Valeurs initiales des param?tres beta Quelques valeurs
# possibles sur une grille sont essay?es Objectif : essayer
# environ 10000 vecteurs beta (c'est trop long d'en essayer
# plus)
if (is.null(initbeta)) {
pginit <- if (is.null(control$pginit))
1000 else control$pginit
pg <- round(pginit^(1/nparam))
possbeta <- rep(list(seq(-1, 1, length.out = pg + 2)[-c(1,
pg + 2)]), p)
if ("complete" == model)
possbeta[[p + 1]] <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = pg +
2)[-c(1, pg + 2)]
possVal <- cbind(expand.grid(possbeta), NA)
colnames(possVal) <- c(betaname, "maxcosine")
# for (i in 1:nrow(possVal)) { # la boucle est un peu plus
# lente que le apply possVal[i,nparam+1] <-
# maxcos(beta=unlist(possVal[i, 1:nparam]))$maxcos }
maxcos1 <- function(beta) maxcos(beta = beta)$maxcos
possVal[, nparam + 1] <- apply(possVal[, 1:nparam, drop = FALSE],
1, maxcos1)
betak <- unlist(possVal[which.max(possVal[, nparam +
1]), 1:nparam])
} else {
if (length(initbeta) != nparam)
stop("for the requested model, 'initparam' must be of length ",
betak <- initbeta
# Calcul du max-cosine pour le beta initial
calcul <- maxcos(beta = betak)
maxcosk <- calcul$maxcos
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
# Initialisation de variables pour la boucle
iter <- <- 0
maxiter <- if (is.null(control$maxiter))
1000 else control$maxiter
mindiff <- if (is.null(control$mindiff))
1e-06 else control$mindiff
conv <- FALSE
# Initialisation de la matrice des d?tails des it?rations
iter.detail <- matrix(NA, nrow = maxiter + 1, ncol = nparam +
colnames(iter.detail) <- c(betaname, "maxcosine", "iter",
iter.detail[1, ] <- c(betak, maxcosk, iter,
# D?but de la boucle d'ajustement du mod?le
while (!conv && iter <= maxiter) {
# Mise ? jour de beta
maj <- betaUpdate(betak = betak, long = long, mui = mui)
betak1 <- maj$betak1
dbeta <- maj$dbeta
# Calcul du crit?re ? optimiser pour beta mis ? jour (betak1)
calcul <- maxcos(beta = betak1)
maxcosk1 <- calcul$maxcos
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
# Si le crit?re a diminu?, faire du step halving <- 0
while (maxcosk1 < maxcosk) { <- + 1
betak1 <- betak + dbeta/(2^
calcul <- maxcos(beta = betak1)
maxcosk1 <- calcul$maxcos
long <- calcul$long
mui <- calcul$mui
if ( >= maxiter)
# Est-ce que le crit?re a augment? de plus de mindiff?
if (maxcosk1 < maxcosk) {
conv <- FALSE
warning("the algorithm did no converge, it failed to maximize the max-cosine")
} else {
conv <- if (maxcosk1 - maxcosk > mindiff)
betak <- betak1
maxcosk <- maxcosk1
iter <- iter + 1
iter.detail[iter + 1, ] <- c(betak, maxcosk, iter,
if (iter > maxiter + 1) {
warning("the algorithm did not converge, the maximum number of iterations was reached")
} else {
iter.detail <- iter.detail[1:(iter + 1), , drop = FALSE]
### Calcul d'erreurs type pour les param?tres Calcul de matd
### (matrice Xi) et res (sin(y-mui)) pour les param?tres finaux
### Si non convergence parce que max-cosine diminue, on a d?j?
### tout. mais si convergence ou non converge car maxiter
### atteint, on n'a pas matd et res pour la toute derni?re mise
### ? jour de beta.
if (maxcosk == maxcosk1) {
maj <- betaUpdate(betak = betak, long = long, mui = mui)
matd <- maj$matd
res <- maj$res
Akappa <- mean(maxcosk)
kappahat <- circular::A1inv(Akappa)
# Calcul des matrices de variance-covariance
dlong <- cbind(cos(matx - mui), if ("simplified" == model)
NULL else -sin(betak[p + 1] - mui)) # chaque ligne de cette matrice est un dlongi transpos?
DDX <- t(dlong) %*% diag(res/long) %*% matd
A <- (-1/nobs) * (t(matd) %*% diag(cos(y - mui)) %*% matd +
DDX + t(DDX))
Ainv <- solve(A)
v0 <- solve(t(matd) %*% matd)/(Akappa * kappahat)
v1 <- (1/(nobs * (nobs - 1))) * (Ainv %*% (t(matd) %*% diag(res^2) %*%
matd) %*% Ainv)
A1 <- (-1/nobs) * (t(matd) %*% diag(cos(y - mui)) %*% matd)
A1inv <- solve(A1)
# A1inv<-ginv(A1)
v2 <- (1/(nobs * (nobs - 1))) * (A1inv %*% (t(matd) %*% diag(res^2) %*%
matd) %*% A1inv)
Mautocorr <- t(matd[-nobs, ]) %*% diag(res[-nobs] * sin(y[-1] -
mui[-nobs])) %*% matd[-1, ]
v3 <- (1/(nobs * (nobs - 1))) * (Ainv %*% ((t(matd) %*% diag(res^2) %*%
matd) + Mautocorr + t(Mautocorr)) %*% Ainv)
v4 <- solve(t(matd) %*% matd) * mean(res^2)/(maxcosk^2)
# v4 <- ginv(t(matd) %*% matd)*mean(res^2)/(maxcosk^2)
### Sortie des r?sultats parameters <-
### cbind(betak,sqrt(diag(v0)), sqrt(diag(v1)), sqrt(diag(v2)),
### sqrt(diag(v3)), sqrt(diag(v4))) parameters <-
### cbind(betak,sqrt(diag(v0)), sqrt(diag(v1)))
zvalue <- abs(betak)/sqrt(diag(v0))
p <- round(2 * pnorm(abs(betak)/sqrt(diag(v0)), lower.tail = FALSE),
parameters <- cbind(betak, sqrt(diag(v0)), zvalue, p)
# colnames(parameters) <- c('estimate', paste('stderr', 1:2,
# sep=''))
colnames(parameters) <- c("estimate", "stderr", "z value",
rownames(parameters) <- paramname[-1]
# colnames(parameters) <- c('estimate', paste('stderr', 0:1,
# sep=''))
rownames(parameters) <- betaname
autocorr <- acf(res, plot = FALSE)
# out <- list(MaxCosine=maxcosk,
# parameters=parameters,varcov0=v0, varcov1=v1, varcov2=v2,
# varcov3=v3, varcov4=v4, autocorr=autocorr,
# iter.detail=iter.detail, call=call)
out <- list(MaxCosine = maxcosk, parameters = parameters,
varcov0 = v0, varcov1 = v1, autocorr = autocorr, long = long,
mui = mui, y = y, iter.detail = iter.detail, call = call)
class(out) <- "angular"
#' @rdname angular
#' @method print angular
#' @param x An object, produced by the \code{\link{angular}} function, to print.
#' @param \dots Further arguments to be passed to \code{print.default}.
print.angular <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nMaximum cosine:", x$MaxCosine, "\n")
print.default(x$parameters, = 2, quote = FALSE,
right = TRUE, ...)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
### Argument names:
ArgNames <- reactive({
Names <- names(formals(input$readFunction)[-1])
Names <- Names[Names!="..."]
# Argument selector:
output$ArgSelect <- renderUI({
if (length(ArgNames())==0) return(NULL)
## Arg text field:
output$ArgText <- renderUI({
fun__arg <- paste0(input$readFunction,"__",input$arg)
if (is.null(input$arg)) return(NULL)
Defaults <- formals(input$readFunction)
if (is.null(input[[fun__arg]]))
textInput(fun__arg, label = "Enter value:", value = deparse(Defaults[[input$arg]]))
} else {
textInput(fun__arg, label = "Enter value:", value = input[[fun__arg]])
### Data import:
Dataset <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$file)) {
# User has not uploaded a file yet
args <- grep(paste0("^",input$readFunction,"__"), names(input), value = TRUE)
argList <- list()
for (i in seq_along(args))
argList[[i]] <- eval(parse(text=input[[args[i]]]))
names(argList) <- gsub(paste0("^",input$readFunction,"__"),"",args)
argList <- argList[names(argList) %in% ArgNames()]
Dataset <-$readFunction,c(list(input$file$datapath),argList)))
fitCons <- reactive({
ifelse( (is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 ),
return(consensus(input$formula.reg, data = Dataset())))
fitAng <- reactive({
ifelse( (is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 ),
return(angular(input$formula.reg, data = Dataset())))
trajectoire <- reactive({
if( (is.null(input$file) || is.null(input$varsDir) ||is.null(input$varsDist))){
y <- Dataset()[,input$varsDir]
d <- Dataset()[,input$varsDist]
n <- length(y)
position <- matrix(0,n+1,2)
position[1,] <- c(0,0)
for (i in (1:n)){
position[i+1,] <- position[i,] +d[i]*c(cos(y[i]),sin(y[i]))
# Select variables:
output$plotTrajectoire <- renderPlot({
if((is.null(input$varsDir) || is.null(input$varsDist) ||
length(input$varsDir) !=1 ||length(input$varsDist) !=1)){ return(NULL)}
traj <-
colnames(traj) <- c("Xpos","Ypos")
p <- ggplot(data= traj, aes(x=Xpos, y = Ypos)) + geom_path()
output$varselect <- renderUI({
if (identical(Dataset(), '') || identical(Dataset(),data.frame())) return(NULL)
# Variable selection:
selectInput("vars", "Variables to use:",
names(Dataset()), names(Dataset()), multiple =TRUE)
output$varselectDirection <- renderUI({
if (identical(Dataset(), '') || identical(Dataset(),data.frame())) return(NULL)
# Variable selection:
selectInput("varsDir", "Direction:",
names(Dataset()), names(Dataset()), multiple =TRUE)
output$varselectDistance <- renderUI({
if (identical(Dataset(), '') || identical(Dataset(),data.frame())) return(NULL)
# Variable selection:
selectInput("varsDist", "Distance:",
names(Dataset()), names(Dataset()), multiple =TRUE)
# Summary statistic
output$polarTable <- renderDataTable({
if( (is.null(input$file) || is.null(input$varsDir) ||is.null(input$varsDist))){
y <- Dataset()[,input$varsDir]
d <- Dataset()[,input$varsDist]
n <- length(y)
position <- matrix(0,n+1,2)
position[1,] <- c(0,0)
for (i in (1:n)){
position[i+1,] <- position[i,] +d[i]*c(cos(y[i]),sin(y[i]))
# Show table:
output$table <- renderTable({
if (is.null(input$file) ) return(NULL)
output$regressionCons <- renderPrint({
if(is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 )
cat("\nBeta parameters:\n")
output$goodnessOfFitCons <- renderPlot({
if(is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 )
gg_qq(fitted = fitCons()$mui, resid = sqrt(fitCons()$long)*(fitCons()$y - fitCons()$mui))
output$regressionAng <- renderPrint({
if(is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 )
output$goodnessOfFitAng <- renderPlot({
if(is.null(input$file) ||is.null(input$formula.reg) || length(input$formula.reg)==0 )
gg_qq(fitted = fitAng()$mui, resid =(fitAng()$y - fitAng()$mui))
### Download dump:
output$downloadDump <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Rdata.R",
content = function(con) {
assign(input$name, Dataset()[,input$vars,drop=FALSE])
dump(input$name, con)
### Download save:
output$downloadSave <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Rdata.RData",
content = function(con) {
assign(input$name, Dataset()[,input$vars,drop=FALSE])
save(list=input$name, file=con)
#### Download report
output$downloadReport <- downloadHandler(
filename = 'myreport.pdf',
content = function(file) {
out = knit2pdf('input.Rnw', clean = TRUE)
file.rename(out, file) # move pdf to file for downloading
contentType = 'application/pdf'
# Header:
headerPanel("Angular regression model"),
# Input in sidepanel:
tags$style(type='text/css', ".well { max-width: 20em; }"),
# Tags:
tags$style(type="text/css", "select[multiple] { width: 100%; height:10em}"),
tags$style(type="text/css", "select { width: 100%}"),
tags$style(type="text/css", "input { width: 19em; max-width:100%}")
# Select filetype:
selectInput("readFunction", "Function to read data:", c(
# Base R:
# # foreign functions:
# "read.spss",
# "read.arff",
# "read.dbf",
# "read.dta",
# "read.epiiinfo",
# "read.mtp",
# "read.octave",
# "read.ssd",
# "read.systat",
# "read.xport",
# # Advanced functions:
# "scan",
# "readLines"
# Argument selecter:
# Argument field:
# Upload data:
fileInput("file", "Upload data-file:"),
# Variable selection:
# Only show this panel if the plot type is a histogram
textInput("formula.reg","Formula:","y~.") #,
#radioButtons('format', 'Document format', c('PDF', 'HTML', 'Word'),
# inline = TRUE),
# Main:
tabPanel("Data and trajectory",tableOutput("table"),
tabPanel("Angular regression model",
tabPanel("Consensus regression model",
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