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Aurelia Moser auremoser

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auremoser /
Last active September 20, 2015 20:12
MOW: Radio Canada (fr)

traduction par l'auteur, Florent Daudens ###Map of the Week, CartoDB ####Guest author: Florent Daudens ####Link (en):

Montréal a une curieuse tradition : beaucoup de gens déménagent le 1er juillet. Ce qui provoque une chasse aux logements dans les mois précédents.

Deux journalistes de Radio-Canada, Pasquale Harrison-Julien (@pasqualehj) et Florent Daudens (@fdaudens), ont voulu savoir combien coûtent les loyers en moyenne dans la métropole et en banlieue.

Résultat : deux cartes. L’une qui permet de voir le prix moyen des loyers dans 35 zones de la ville et de sa banlieue, par nombre de chambres. L’autre qui permet de comparer ces données avec les données officielles de la Société canadienne d’hypothèques et de logement (SCHL), l’organisme gouvernemental qui surveille le marché. Explications.

auremoser /
Last active September 20, 2015 20:29
Storefront Meta Map

This map is a projection experiment with polygon fills from other CartoDB maps, a meta map of the Americas, made for the Storefront for Art and Architecture's art show (Fall 2015) 'Measure'.

CartoDB maps featured are some of the most popular maps made over the past view years, illustrating the variety of maps made possible by open source software. The following SQL changes the projection from standard mercator to azimuthal equidistant.

SELECT ST_Transform(the_geom, 102016) AS the_geom_webmercator FROM table_name

Exhibition install

auremoser / thumbnail.png
Last active September 30, 2015 23:28
Parsons: Time-Series
auremoser /
Last active December 4, 2015 19:49
Parsons: WebMaps
auremoser /
Last active October 19, 2015 16:05
Election Templates (CA)

Election Map Templates


Projections determine how your data will display and visually prioritize your view of the world. It's important to pick a projection that complements your area of geographic focus

For North American area maps our cartographer recommends the "Albers Equal Area Conic" projection, to show your map with equal area representations of Canada or the US, you can eliminate those queries if you're not interested in a new projection, but I included them in any case.

Here's an example of the SQL and resulting map pairings for multiple projections, search through the examples to find the one that suits you.

auremoser / c3.min.css
Last active October 13, 2015 03:00
Meteorites Map
.c3 svg{font:10px sans-serif}.c3 line,.c3 path{fill:none;stroke:#000}.c3 text{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none}.c3-bars path,.c3-event-rect,.c3-legend-item-tile,.c3-xgrid-focus,.c3-ygrid{shape-rendering:crispEdges}.c3-chart-arc path{stroke:#fff}.c3-chart-arc text{fill:#fff;font-size:13px}.c3-grid line{stroke:#aaa}.c3-grid text{fill:#aaa}.c3-xgrid,.c3-ygrid{stroke-dasharray:3 3}.c3-text.c3-empty{fill:gray;font-size:2em}.c3-line{stroke-width:1px}.c3-circle._expanded_{stroke-width:1px;stroke:#fff}.c3-selected-circle{fill:#fff;stroke-width:2px}.c3-bar{stroke-width:0}.c3-bar._expanded_{fill-opacity:.75}.c3-chart-arcs-title{dominant-baseline:middle;font-size:1.3em}.c3-target.c3-focused{opacity:1}.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-line,.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-step{stroke-width:2px}.c3-target.c3-defocused{opacity:.3!important}.c3-region{fill:#4682b4;fill-opacity:.1}.c3-brush .extent{fill-opacity:.1}.c3-legend-item{font-size:12px}.c3-legend-item-hidden{opacity:.15}.c3-legend-background{
auremoser / c3.min.css
Last active October 13, 2015 15:58
Tricia's Chart Sample
.c3 svg{font:10px sans-serif}.c3 line,.c3 path{fill:none;stroke:#000}.c3 text{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none}.c3-bars path,.c3-event-rect,.c3-legend-item-tile,.c3-xgrid-focus,.c3-ygrid{shape-rendering:crispEdges}.c3-chart-arc path{stroke:#fff}.c3-chart-arc text{fill:#fff;font-size:13px}.c3-grid line{stroke:#aaa}.c3-grid text{fill:#aaa}.c3-xgrid,.c3-ygrid{stroke-dasharray:3 3}.c3-text.c3-empty{fill:gray;font-size:2em}.c3-line{stroke-width:1px}.c3-circle._expanded_{stroke-width:1px;stroke:#fff}.c3-selected-circle{fill:#fff;stroke-width:2px}.c3-bar{stroke-width:0}.c3-bar._expanded_{fill-opacity:.75}.c3-chart-arcs-title{dominant-baseline:middle;font-size:1.3em}.c3-target.c3-focused{opacity:1}.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-line,.c3-target.c3-focused path.c3-step{stroke-width:2px}.c3-target.c3-defocused{opacity:.3!important}.c3-region{fill:#4682b4;fill-opacity:.1}.c3-brush .extent{fill-opacity:.1}.c3-legend-item{font-size:12px}.c3-legend-item-hidden{opacity:.15}.c3-legend-background{
auremoser / .gistup
Created October 13, 2015 16:36
Tricia's HighChart
auremoser / thumbnail.png
Last active December 28, 2015 10:35
CUNY Web-Mapping Workshop
auremoser /
Last active December 27, 2018 17:16
Parsons: Webgraphs