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Last active June 19, 2023 12:23
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  • Save aurismat/335a72fbc2d4211aefc6bb7a404b66e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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luamod - list your lua module contents
if #arg ~= 1 then
io.stderr:write("usage: test_lib <lua module>\n")
local req
if pcall(require, arg[1]) then
req = require(arg[1])
io.stderr:write("No such require found\n")
if not req then os.exit(1) end
for k, v in pairs(req) do
print(k, v)
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Personally I put this script as an executable in my /usr/local/bin/ directory. Made to work for Lua 5.1, though I see no reason for it to not work with newer versions.
Usage: luamod <lua_module>, spits out all the lua modules in a list.

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