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Last active August 4, 2019 00:22
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Social Media Navigation Walker
* Custom Social Media Nav Walker by Aurooba Ahmed
* This uses Font Awesome and adds in the correct icon by detecting the URL of the menu item.
* You can use this by doing a custom wp_nav_menu query:
* wp_nav_menu(array('items_wrap'=> '%3$s', 'walker' => new WO_Nav_Social_Walker(), 'container'=>false, 'menu_class' => '', 'theme_location'=>'social', 'fallback_cb'=>false ));
class WO_Nav_Social_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
$output .= "\n$indent\n";
function end_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth);
$output .= "$indent\n";
function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
$indent = ( $depth ) ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '';
$class_names = $value = '';
$classes = empty( $item->classes ) ? array() : (array) $item->classes;
$classes[] = 'menu-item-' . $item->ID;
$class_names = join( ' ', apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', array_filter( $classes ), $item, $args ) );
$class_names = $class_names ? ' class="' . esc_attr( $class_names ) . '"' : '';
$id = apply_filters( 'nav_menu_item_id', 'menu-item-'. $item->ID, $item, $args );
$id = $id ? ' id="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"' : '';
$output .= $indent . '';
$attributes = ! empty( $item->attr_title ) ? ' title="' . esc_attr( $item->attr_title ) .'"' : '';
$attributes .= ! empty( $item->target ) ? ' target="' . esc_attr( $item->target ) .'"' : '';
$attributes .= ! empty( $item->xfn ) ? ' rel="' . esc_attr( $item->xfn ) .'"' : '';
$attributes .= ! empty( $item->url ) ? ' href="' . esc_attr( $item->url ) .'"' : '';
$item_output = $args->before;
if (strpos($item->url, 'facebook') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>';
$item_output .= '</a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
} elseif (strpos($item->url, 'twitter') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-twitter">';
$item_output .= '</i></a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
} elseif (strpos($item->url, 'instagram') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-instagram">';
$item_output .= '</i></a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
} elseif (strpos($item->url, 'youtube') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-youtube-play">';
$item_output .= '</i></a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
} elseif (strpos($item->url, 'snapchat') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-snapchat">';
$item_output .= '</i></a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
} elseif (strpos($item->url, 'vimeo') !== false) {
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'><i class="fab fa-vimeo-v">';
$item_output .= '</i></a>';
$item_output .= $args->after;
$output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );
function end_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$output .= "\n";
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