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Created November 16, 2011 19:36
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Long Double
two_sum = (a, b) ->
s = a + b; d = s - a
return [s, (a - (s - d)) + (b - d)]
two_diff = (a, b) ->
s = a - b; d = s - a
return [s, (a - (s - d)) - (b + d)]
SPLITTER = 134217729.0 # = 2^27 + 1
SPLIT_THRESH = 6.69692879491417e+299 # = 2^996
split = (a) ->
a *= 3.7252902984619140625e-09 # 2^-28
temp = SPLITTER * a
hi = temp - (temp - a); lo = a - hi
hi *= 268435456.0 # 2^28
lo *= 268435456.0 # 2^28
temp = SPLITTER * a
hi = temp - (temp - a); lo = a - hi
return [hi, lo]
if (false) # Fused Multiply-Add is never implemented in JS
two_prod = (a, b) ->
p = a * b
return [p, Math.fma(a, b, -p)]
two_prod = (a, b) ->
p = a * b
[a_hi, a_lo] = split(a)
[b_hi, b_lo] = split(b)
error = ((a_hi * b_hi - p) + a_hi * b_lo + a_lo * b_hi) + a_lo * b_lo
return [p, error]
quick_two_sum = (a, b) ->
s = a + b
return [s, b - (s - a)]
quick_two_diff = (a, b) ->
s = a - b
return [s, (a - s) - b]
class CSLongDouble
constructor: (@sum, @error) ->
negate: () ->
return new CSLongDouble(-@sum, -@error)
add: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_sum(@sum, other.sum)
[t1, t2] = two_sum(@error, other.error)
s2 += t1
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
s2 += t2
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return new CSLongDouble(s1, s2);
addFast: (other) ->
[s, e] = two_sum(sum, other.sum)
e += (@error + other.error)
[s, e] = quick_two_sum(s, e)
return new CSLongDouble(s, e)
addDouble: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_sum(@sum, other)
s2 += @error
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return new CSLongDouble(s1, s2)
sub: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, other.sum)
[t1, t2] = two_diff(@error, other.error)
s2 += t1
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
s2 += t2
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return new CSLongDouble(s1, s2)
subFast: (other) ->
[s, e] = two_diff(@sum, other.sum)
e += @error; e -= other.error
[s, e] = quick_two_sum(s, e)
return new CSLongDouble(s, e)
subDouble: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, other)
s2 += @error
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return new CSLongDouble(s1, s2)
mul: (other) ->
[p1, p2] = two_prod(@sum, other.sum)
p2 += (@sum * other.error + @error * other.sum);
[p1, p2] = quick_two_sum(p1, p2)
return new CSLongDouble(p1, p2)
mulDouble: (other) ->
[p1, p2] = two_prod(@sum, other)
p2 += (@error * other)
[p1, p2] = quick_two_sum(p1, p2)
return new CSLongDouble(p1, p2)
div: (other) ->
q1 = @sum / other.sum
r = this.sub(other.mulDouble(q1))
q2 = r.sum / other.sum
q3 = r.sum / other.sum
[q1, q2] = quick_two_sum(q1, q2)
r = new CSLongDouble(q1, q2)
return r.addDouble(q3)
divFast: (other) ->
q1 = @sum / other.sum
r = other.mulDouble(q1)
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, r.sum)
s2 -= r.error
s2 += @error
q2 = (s1 + s2) / other.sum
[r.sum, r.error] = quick_two_sum(q1, q2)
return r
divDouble: (other) ->
q1 = @sum / other
[p1, p2] = two_prod(q1, other)
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, p1)
s2 += @error
s2 -= p2
q2 = (s1 + s2) / other
[q1, q2] = quick_two_sum(q1, q2)
return new CSLongDouble(q1, q2)
increment: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_sum(@sum, other.sum)
[t1, t2] = two_sum(@error, other.error)
s2 += t1
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
s2 += t2;
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return this
incrementFast: (other) ->
[s, e] = two_sum(@sum, other.sum)
e += @error; e += other.error
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s, e)
return this
incrementDouble: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_sum(@sum, other)
s2 += @error
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return this
decrement: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, other.sum)
[t1, t2] = two_diff(@error, other.error)
s2 += t1
[s1, s2] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
s2 += t2
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return this
decrementFast: (other) ->
[s, e] = two_diff(@sum, other.sum)
e += @error; e -= other.error
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s, e)
return this
decrementDouble: (other) ->
[s1, s2] = two_diff(@sum, other)
s2 += @error
[@sum, @error] = quick_two_sum(s1, s2)
return this
window.CSLongDouble = CSLongDouble
<title>Long Double</title>
<script type='application/javascript' src='longdouble.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
a = new CSLongDouble(1.0, 0.0)
b = new CSLongDouble(2.0, 0.0)
c = new CSLongDouble(3.0, 0.0)
console.log("a + b", a.add(b))
console.log("b + c", b.add(c))
console.log("a + 3", a.addDouble(3))
console.log("b + 7", b.addDouble(7))
console.log("a - b", a.sub(b))
console.log("b - c", b.sub(c))
console.log("a - 3", a.subDouble(3))
console.log("b - 7", b.subDouble(7))
console.log("a * b", a.mul(b))
console.log("b * c", b.mul(c))
console.log("a * 3", a.mulDouble(3))
console.log("b * 7", b.mulDouble(7))
console.log("a / b", a.div(b))
console.log("b / c", b.div(c))
console.log("a / 3", a.divDouble(3))
console.log("b / 7", b.divDouble(7))
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