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Last active February 12, 2021 05:39
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Testing various methods of wrapping angles to [-pi,pi].
import math
import pytest
import wpimath
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import floats
def constrain_angle_atan(angle: float) -> float:
"""Wrap an angle to the interval [-pi,pi]."""
return math.atan2(math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle))
def constrain_angle_while(angle: float) -> float:
while angle < -math.pi:
angle += math.tau
while angle > math.pi:
angle -= math.tau
return angle
def constrain_angle_mod(angle: float) -> float:
angle %= math.tau
if angle > math.pi:
angle -= math.tau
return angle
ids=["atan", "mod", "while", "wpimath"],
def constrain_angle(request):
return request.param
@given(angle=floats(-math.pi, math.pi))
def test_happy(angle: float, constrain_angle):
"""Test the happy path: the angle is in [-pi,pi]."""
result = constrain_angle(angle)
assert -math.pi <= result <= math.pi
assert result == pytest.approx(angle)
def test_zero(benchmark, constrain_angle):
assert benchmark(constrain_angle, 0) == 0
def test_edge_pos(benchmark, constrain_angle):
result = benchmark(constrain_angle, math.pi)
assert -math.pi <= result <= math.pi
assert result == pytest.approx(math.pi)
def test_edge_neg(benchmark, constrain_angle):
result = benchmark(constrain_angle, -math.pi)
assert -math.pi <= result <= math.pi
assert result == pytest.approx(-math.pi)
def test_revolution_pos(benchmark, constrain_angle):
assert benchmark(constrain_angle, math.tau) == pytest.approx(0)
def test_revolution_neg(benchmark, constrain_angle):
assert benchmark(constrain_angle, -math.tau) == pytest.approx(0)
@given(angle=floats(-math.tau, -math.pi, exclude_max=True))
def test_one_wrap_positive_half(angle: float, constrain_angle):
result = constrain_angle(angle)
assert -math.pi <= result <= math.pi
assert result == pytest.approx(angle + math.tau)
@given(angle=floats(math.pi, math.tau, exclude_min=True))
def test_one_wrap_negative_half(angle: float, constrain_angle):
result = constrain_angle(angle)
assert -math.pi <= result <= math.pi
assert result == pytest.approx(angle - math.tau)
@given(floats(-2 * math.tau, 2 * math.tau))
def test_agreement(angle):
assert math.isclose(constrain_angle_atan(angle), constrain_angle_while(angle))
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