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Last active May 26, 2021 19:03
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ScriptCache + React + Google Api

The 3 scripts in here are separated for clarity. They are:

  • ScriptCache.js - The backbone of this method which asynchronously loads JavaScript <script> tags on a page. It will only load a single <script> tag on a page per-script tag declaration. If it's already loaded on a page, it calls the callback from the onLoad event immediately.

Sample usage:

this.scriptCache = cache({
  google: ''
  • GoogleApi.js is a script tag compiler. Essentially, this utility module builds a Google Script tag link allowing us to describe the pieces of the Google API we want to load inusing a JS object and letting it build the endpoint string.

Sample usage:

  apiKey: apiKey,
  libraries: ['places']
  • GoogleApiComponent.js - The React wrapper which is responsible for loading a component and passing through the object after it's loaded on the page.

Sample usage:

const Container = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return <div>Google</div>;
export default GoogleApiComponent({
  apiKey: __GAPI_KEY__
export const GoogleApi = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {}
const apiKey = opts.apiKey;
const libraries = opts.libraries || [];
const client = opts.client;
const URL = '';
const googleVersion = '3.22';
let script = null;
let google = = null;
let loading = false;
let channel = null;
let language = null;
let region = null;
let onLoadEvents = [];
const url = () => {
let url = URL;
let params = {
key: apiKey,
callback: 'CALLBACK_NAME',
libraries: libraries.join(','),
client: client,
v: googleVersion,
channel: channel,
language: language,
region: region
let paramStr = Object.keys(params)
.filter(k => !!params[k])
.map(k => `${k}=${params[k]}`).join('&');
return `${url}?${paramStr}`;
return url();
export default GoogleApi
import React, { PropTypes as T } from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import cache from 'utils/cache'
import GoogleApi from 'utils/GoogleApi'
const defaultMapConfig = {}
export const wrapper = (options) => (WrappedComponent) => {
const apiKey = options.apiKey;
const libraries = options.libraries || ['places'];
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
this.state = {
loaded: false,
map: null,
google: null
componentDidMount() {
const refs = this.refs;, tag) => {
const maps =;
const props = Object.assign({}, this.props, {
loaded: this.state.loaded
const mapRef =;
const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);
let center = new maps.LatLng(, this.props.lng)
let mapConfig = Object.assign({}, defaultMapConfig, {
center, zoom: this.props.zoom
}) = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig);
loaded: true,
componentWillMount() {
this.scriptCache = cache({
google: GoogleApi({
apiKey: apiKey,
libraries: libraries
render() {
const props = Object.assign({}, this.props, {
loaded: this.state.loaded,
return (
<WrappedComponent {...props} />
<div ref='map' />
return Wrapper;
export default wrapper;
let counter = 0;
let scriptMap = new Map();
export const ScriptCache = (function(global) {
return function ScriptCache (scripts) {
const Cache = {}
Cache._onLoad = function (key) {
return (cb) => {
let stored = scriptMap.get(key);
if (stored) {
stored.promise.then(() => {
stored.error ? cb(stored.error) : cb(null, stored)
} else {
// TODO:
Cache._scriptTag = (key, src) => {
if (!scriptMap.has(key)) {
let tag = document.createElement('script');
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let resolved = false,
errored = false,
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
tag.type = 'text/javascript';
tag.async = false; // Load in order
const cbName = `loaderCB${counter++}${}`;
let cb;
let handleResult = (state) => {
return (evt) => {
let stored = scriptMap.get(key);
if (state === 'loaded') {
stored.resolved = true;
// stored.handlers.forEach(h =>, stored))
// stored.handlers = []
} else if (state === 'error') {
stored.errored = true;
// stored.handlers.forEach(h =>, stored))
// stored.handlers = [];
const cleanup = () => {
if (global[cbName] && typeof global[cbName] === 'function') {
global[cbName] = null;
tag.onload = handleResult('loaded');
tag.onerror = handleResult('error')
tag.onreadystatechange = () => {
// Pick off callback, if there is one
if (src.match(/callback=CALLBACK_NAME/)) {
src = src.replace(/(callback=)[^\&]+/, `$1${cbName}`)
cb = window[cbName] = tag.onload;
} else {
tag.addEventListener('load', tag.onload)
tag.addEventListener('error', tag.onerror);
tag.src = src;
return tag;
let initialState = {
loaded: false,
error: false,
promise: promise,
scriptMap.set(key, initialState);
return scriptMap.get(key);
Object.keys(scripts).forEach(function(key) {
const script = scripts[key];
Cache[key] = {
tag: Cache._scriptTag(key, script),
onLoad: Cache._onLoad(key)
return Cache;
export default ScriptCache;
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Could this be used in react-native?

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Limpuls commented Mar 11, 2020

Not really sure why do you need a callback handler if we are loading this dynamically, so we can just write our own callback straight in the onload handler, which will run the code only when script is loaded, instead of passing a callback in the src of the script and catching it with regex.

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