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Created June 11, 2010 01:00
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-include ("beehive.hrl").
-include ("http.hrl").
-compile (export_all).
% Private
convert_to_struct(RawData) ->
lists:map(fun({BinKey, BinVal}) ->
Key = misc_utils:to_atom(BinKey),
Val = misc_utils:to_list(BinVal),
{Key, Val}
end, RawData).
% jsonify the struct
jsonify(JsonifiableBody) ->
struct, [
to_json(V) -> json_encode(prepare_for_json(V)).
prepare_for_json(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> Int;
prepare_for_json(Float) when is_float(Float) -> Float;
prepare_for_json(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom;
prepare_for_json(Array) when is_list(Array) ->
case io_lib:printable_list(Array) of
true ->
erlang:list_to_binary(Array); % This is a string, not a list
false ->
list_to_json(Array, []) % This is a list, of some sort
prepare_for_json(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
tuple_to_json(Tuple, erlang:size(Tuple), []);
prepare_for_json(V) -> V.
list_to_json([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
list_to_json([{_Key, _Value}|_Rest] = List, Acc) -> {struct, proplist_to_json(List, Acc)};
list_to_json([H|Rest], Acc) -> list_to_json(Rest, [prepare_for_json(H)|Acc]).
proplist_to_json([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
proplist_to_json([{Key, Value}|Rest], Acc) ->
ValidKey = prepare_for_json(Key),
ValidValue = prepare_for_json(Value),
proplist_to_json(Rest, [{ValidKey, ValidValue}|Acc]).
tuple_to_json(_Tuple, 0, Acc) -> {struct, [erlang:list_to_tuple(Acc)]};
tuple_to_json(Tuple, CurrPos, Acc) ->
Ele = prepare_for_json(element(CurrPos, Tuple)),
tuple_to_json(Tuple, CurrPos - 1, [Ele|Acc]).
json_encode(Value) -> mochijson2:encode(Value).
% Turn query strings into proplists
% String = token=hsdhfhdf&big=bear
query_params_to_proplist(QueryString) ->
Strings = string:tokens(QueryString, "&"),
lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(Str) -> handle_single_query_key(Str, []) end, Strings)).
handle_single_query_key([$=|Rest], Acc) -> handle_single_query_value(Rest, lists:reverse(Acc), []);
handle_single_query_key([], _Acc) -> [];
handle_single_query_key([Chr|Rest], Acc) -> handle_single_query_key(Rest, [Chr|Acc]).
handle_single_query_value([], Key, Val) -> {misc_utils:to_atom(Key), misc_utils:to_list(lists:reverse(Val))};
handle_single_query_value([Chr|Rest], K, Val) -> handle_single_query_value(Rest, K, [Chr|Val]).
ip_to_list({IP, _Port}) -> ip_to_list(IP);
ip_to_list({A, B, C, D}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w.~w.~w.~w", [A, B, C, D])).
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